Kathy Griffin is Beneath Contempt! She Should Apologize to the Trump Family in Person!

“Flanked by lawyer and Trump-critic Lisa Bloom, Kathy Griffin has accused the president and his family of bullying her in the wake of the massive controversy sparked by a photo of her holding a fake severed head of President Donald Trump.

`The death threats are constant and detailed and serious and specific,` Griffin told reporters at a press conference on Friday.

She reiterated her apology for the photo and admitted once again that the gory, bloody image crossed a line, but also called Trump`s reaction and behavior `unpresidential` and accused him of sparking the backlash against her.”


I am hardly a Donald Trump supporter as evidenced by the almost 100 anti-Trump articles I`ve written in the last couple of years.

But in this incident Trump and his family are the victims, and Kathy Griffin is the calculating and cynical bitch who is trying to milk her demented and cruel publicity stunt for all it`s worth.

The Tyler Shields photo shoot that featured the D-list celeb in a pussy-bow blouse and raising a bloodied imitation severed head of Trump crossed every conceivable line.

I believe that Griffin planned to apologize before the photo was published; she knew she would take a hit, but figured that the controversy would spark her moribund career.

Griffin was justly condemned by the left and the right, her craven stunt infuriated Americans of every political orientation.

Now this witch is trying to make herself the victim, flat-out lying about Trump`s reaction.

On Wednesday Trump tweeted:

Kathy Griffin should be ashamed of herself. My children, especially my 11 year old son, Barron, are having a hard time with this. Sick.

Trump can be crude and vulgar, especially when he`s personally attacked, but his tweet was restrained.

In a statement also released on Wednesday this is what Melania had to say:

As a mother, a wife, and a human being, that photo is very disturbing.

Griffin claims that she`s received many death threats, she has only herself to blame for the hatred she incited, not Trump.

If God forbid Griffin`s head was blown away it would be poetic justice and a teaching moment for our children:

This is what happens when you cross the line with a violence-inciting publicity stunt.

Follow Robert Paul Reyes on Twitter: http://twitter.com/robertpaulreyes

Hillary Clinton Blames Media and DNC for Her Crushing Defeat!

“Hillary Clinton`s list of who`s to blame for her 2016 election loss gets longer with every passing day.

On Wednesday, in an interview with Recode`s Walt Mossberg and Kara Swisher, Clinton added a few more names to her list: The New York Times and the Democratic National Committee. That`s in addition to the media, James Comey, Donald Trump, the Russians and her supporters` assumptions that she would win the race.

The one person missing from that list? Hillary Rodham Clinton.”


Donald Trump is the worst president in history, and he`s already committed enough crimes to merit impeachment. But every time Hillary Clinton opens her mouth it confirms my belief that he beat the only politician who would have done a worse job than him.

Hillary Clinton is an awful candidate, and she would been a god-awful president. Trump`s willful ignorance, ineptitude and arrogance will lead to his downfall, but Hillary`s pride, feeling of entitlement and superiority would have led to a similarly quick ruination.

Hillary can`t admit to herself, and certainly not to others, that she lost to a buffoon who just winged it all the way to the White House. In the days following her humiliation she blamed FBI Director James Comey, and the Russians for her loss. Now she`s blaming the media and the Democratic National Committee (DNC).

I will concede that Comey`s letter to Congress on October 28, 2016 and Russia`s meddling in the election played a part in Hillary`s loss, but she has only herself to blame for setting up a private server in her home, ignoring Wisconsin and Michigan, and failing to campaign as diligently as her opponent.

But placing the blame for losing the election on the media is patently ridiculous. The cable news networks provided saturation coverage of Trump, only because the reality star boosted their ratings. But they mocked and criticized him mercilessly, they didn`t take his campaign seriously. Hillary was endorsed by almost every major newspaper, and they treated her like a president-elect, even though she didn`t give the media the time of day. Hillary was too good to grant interviews to the press or to mingle with the voters, she spent an inordinate amount of time at fundraisers and giving speeches to the likes of Goldman Sachs.

To blame the DNC for her loss is the most ridiculous thing Hillary has ever said. This is the same DNC that was led by her BFF
Wasserman Schultz. This is the same DNC that rigged the primaries in her favor. This is the same DNC that did everything possible to undermine the campaign of Sen. Bernie Sanders, perhaps the only Democrat who could have beat Trump.

Hillary claims that the DNC was bankrupt, and its data was mediocre to poor. Maybe so, but the DNC did everything possible to help her win.

Hillary should do herself and the Democratic Party a favor and shut the hell up. Every campaign has bad breaks, bottom line she has only herself to blame.

The New York Times and the DNC are to blame for Hillary`s crushing defeat? I have only two words in reply: BITCH PLEASE!

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Follow Robert Paul Reyes on Twitter: http://twitter.com/robertpaulreyes

The Definitive Article on Donald Trump’s ‘Covfefe’ Tweet

On May 31, 2017 at 12:06 at night Donald Trump posted a tweet that will be analyzed for generations to come:

Despite the negative press covfefe

This mysterious tweet remained on Trump`s Twitter feed for six hours before it was deleted.

Then on May 31, 2017 at 6:09 AM the putative Leader of the Free World posted this tweet:

Who can figure out the meaning of “covfefe”??? Enjoy!

Trump`s original tweet is a sentence fragment without a period or question mark at the end. This tweet interruptus has already spawned tens of thousands of editorials, blogs and tweets, allow me add my two cents` worth.

Trump is the most inarticulate president in history, nevertheless he has managed to add two words to the American lexicon: “Bigly” and now “Covfefe.”

What does the word “covfefe” mean? Trump probably meant to type “coverage,” but who the hell really knows. Our Fearless Leader has the intellectual depth of a baby, and when a baby utters a nonsense word, especially when he`s just learning to speak, the parents will debate endlessly what word he attempted to say.

Mom: Little Tommy said “mommy”! I think I`m going to cry!

Dad: You must be going deaf, he clearly said “dada”!

Mom: My little angel was looking at me when he spoke! Stop being an idiot! Tommy said “mommy”!

Dad: If he was looking at you, my bad he didn`t say “dada.” He must have said “puta”!

A baby should never be left unsupervised and unmonitored for six hours, why was Trump`s nonsense tweet allowed to stay online for so long? Isn`t anybody monitoring what tomfoolery that infantile moron is posting online?

Finally let`s ponder what or who interrupted Trump from finishing his tweet. We all know that Trump has the attention span of a flea, maybe he saw a pussy on the Playboy Channel that he wanted to reach out and grab. Or maybe he felt a sudden impulse to call Sean Spicer and berate him failing to make sense of his incoherent presidential pronouncements. It could also be that he interrupted his tweet, because he needed to go to the bathroom before he soiled his diapers.

I feel guilty for having wasted time writing this essay. Who cares what “covfefe” means, Trump is a freaking idiot, and nothing he writes merits analysis.

Follow Robert Paul Reyes on Twitter: http://twitter.com/robertpaulreyes

Donald Trump’s Tweets May be Vetted by a Team of Lawyers

“The White House is considering having a team of lawyers approve Donald Trump`s tweets, The Wall Street Journal reported on Friday, citing an advisor to the president.

Although the idea is under consideration, Trump aides told the Journal that such a procedure would be hard to put in place.

If implemented, the move would certainly lift a burden on the White House press office, which often finds itself trying to explain why Trump`s tweets diverge so sharply from the tightly crafted official statements.”


President Donald Trump finally realized that the shit has hit the fan, and it`s dripping all over him and his staff. Therefore he hired a New York-based lawyer Marc Kasowitz to represent him in the Justice Department Russiagate investigation.

Kasowitz has a reputation for being a tenacious litigator and he will fight the opposition tooth and nail, and he`s not going to put up with any tomfoolery from his client, Donald Trump.

It takes a team of attorneys to vett Trump`s tweets to protect him from slandering his enemies, but most importantly from incriminating himself.

Trump would be well-advised to also hire a grammatican to spellcheck and correct his grammatical mistakes. How can we convince our children that grammar matters when Trump`s tweets seem to be the handiwork of a monkey tapping at a keyboard.

Come to think of it, he should also hire a psychiatrist to look over his tweets. The shrink would be busy deleting all tweets that smack of paranoia and delusion.

Or Trump could just hire Mr. T as his social media guru, and if Trump so much as opens Twitter on his phone he would break his stubby little fingers.

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Follow Robert Paul Reyes on Twitter: http://twitter.com/robertpaulreyes

Donald Trump is Rapidly Deteriorating! He Must be Impeached!

“The way Donald Trumps speaking style has changed over the decades could point to a deterioration in the health of his brain, it has been claimed.

Researchers from the medical science website Stat analysed interviews the US President has given spanning decades, and then asked psychologists, psychiatrists and experts in cognitive assessment and neurolinguistics to assess the results.

In interviews in the 1980s, Mr Trump was noted as using sophisticated vocabulary and speaking articulately.

More recently, the President`s vocabulary is simpler, he repeats himself often and tends to jump from one subject to another.”


The dramatic decline in grammar and syntax can be due to a number of factors including:

Alcohol or drugs




Mental issues


Trump is a teetotaler and he doesn`t have a history of using controlled substances. During debates and interviews he sometimes sniffles as if he was tweaking, but that`s evidence of lying not cocaine use.

The Orange Menace is a workaholic and he gets by on four hours of sleep, fatigue won`t catch up with him until the Grim Reaper drags him to hell.

Trump thrives on stress and chaos, he doesn`t get stress, he stresses out everybody with the misfortune of having to business with him.

Donald Trump is 70-freaking-years-old, and nobody expects a septuagenarian to be as mentally agile as a middle-aged president like Barack Obama or George Bush. Trump`s grammar-impaired tweets and his bellicose and incoherent speeches would be enough to have him committed if he wasn`t so wealthy and powerful.

But age alone can`t explain the rapid deterioration of Trump`s speaking abilities, he has mental issues, or in Trumpspeak he`s freaking bonkers!

Frustration is also a factor in Trump`s declining speaking abilities, by his own admission he thought being president would be easier than running a financial empire or being a reality TV entertainer. Trump is incredibly frustrated that the courts are overturning his executive orders, and that he can`t get any major legislation through the Republican-controlled Congress. He is totally pissed off that the media are reporting the objective truth: That he`s an incompetent clown who is totally screwing everything up.

I pray that his resignation speech will be written by a professional speechwriter, so that at least his last speech as president will be coherent and worth preserving for future generations.

Read More: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/donald-trump-speaking-style-brain-health-questions-mental-research-a7756946.html

Follow Robert Paul Reyes on Twitter: http://twitter.com/robertpaulreyes

What’s the One App Donald Trump Should Have on His Phone?

“One fun thing: POTUS` current device is an iPhone with ONE app: Twitter.”


The average millennial has dozens of apps on his phone, it`s not surprising that a septuagenarian has only one. Considering how much trouble Trump has got into on Twitter, imagine the chaos if he learns about other apps like Tinder. The short-fingered vulgarian would be swiping right like crazy and hooking up with all sorts of skanks.

What is the one indispensable app that Trump should have on his iPhone:


This would be perfect for the grammar-challenged moron.


The principal feature of Snapchat is that pictures and messages are only available for a short time before they become inaccessible. If Trump communicated only via Snapchat it would be less likely that his inane thoughts would go viral.


I would recommend that Trump subscribe to channels featuring makeup tutorials. What`s up with the orange complexion?


If I hear Trump mispronounce “China” one more time, I`m going bonkers!


This fart sound app would provide countless hours of entertainment for Trump, he could drive Mike Pence to loss his salvation by blaming him for farting. If Trump spent his time farting around with this app he would have less time to destroy our country.

Dear loyal readers what`s the one app that you think Trump should have on his phone?

Follow Robert Paul Reyes on Twitter: http://twitter.com/robertpaulreyes

Pope Francis Looks Mortified to be Taking Photo With Donald Trump

“All eyes were on the Vatican on Wednesday when Trump, along with members of his family and political inner circle, shared a private audience with the pontiff. Trump had a half hour of the pope`s time for a discussion; they also exchanged gifts and posed for pictures. One image in particular, of a grinning Trump next to a stone-faced Pope Francis, has gone viral.”

Time Magazine

Donald Trump`s daughter, Ivanka, and his wife Melania, are standing immediately to his right, dressed in black with their heads covered in black veils, they look like the most beautiful witches this side of hell.

On the other side of Trump, with a foot of separation,stands a stone-faced Pope Francis, looking dignified and resplendent in his white papal vestments and his white skullcap.

The pope was wearing a cross as big as Mack truck, let`s hope and pray that it provided him enough protection from the likes of the Trumps.

It looks like they posed for a photograph before they split ways, the Trumps to attend a Black Mass, and the pontiff to hear confession.

To show you the depravity of the human heart, I`d rather join a séance with the beautiful but evil Trump ladies than have an audience with Pope Francis.

Link to photo:


Follow Robert Paul Reyes on Twitter: http://twitter.com/robertpaulreyes



What’s Going to Happen When Antichrist Donald Trump Meets Pope Francis?

American evangelical leaders heartily embraced Donald Trump, and white evangelicals voters provided the impetus to push Trump over the top in a few critical states. We have evangelicals to thank for the most stupid, ignorant, vulgar, crude and egotistical president in history.

Evangelicals will never admit their mistake, even when their Messiah is eventually (God Willing) impeached, for them loyalty to Trump is as much a tenet of their faith as believing in the Virgin Birth of Jesus Christ.

Evangelicals have done serious and irreparable harm to their reputation, how the hell can anyone take these Trump lovers seriously when they preach their message of redemption and renewal in the name of Christ?

Not content with having destroyed the evangelical faith in America, Trump is now set to meet the Pope in the Vatican. On Wednesday one of the most credible and respected religious leaders of our generation will meet one of the least credible and most vilified politicians of our day.

In order to survive this meeting with his reputation intact the Vicar of Christ must refrain from diplomatic niceties and religious platitudes, and treat Trump with respect but not utter a single word of praise. Trump has destroyed evangelicalism in America, he must not be allowed to destroy Catholicism.

Trump isn`t going to experience an epiphany at 70-freaking years old, and I`m sure the Pontiff isn`t going to try to convert the old reprobate. The Pope would be better off taking Trump to the bowels of the Vatican, and having a team of exorcists attempt to drive the demons from the vulgar bastard.

When antimatter meets matter annihilation occurs, when the Antichrist Trump meets Pope Francis let`s pray that the Pontiff survives the meeting, and that Trump will be so unnerved that he will go nuts and act crazy, and be committed. Wishful thinking, Trump is already nuts, and he is already acting crazy and Republicans act as if he`s the Second Coming of Ronald Reagan.

Follow Robert Paul Reyes on Twitter: http://twitter.com/robertpaulreyes

What a Farce! Saudi Arabia Opens Global Center for Combating Extremist Ideology

President DonaldTrump on Sunday participated in the opening of the Global Center for Combating Extremist Ideology in the Mecca for extremist ideology, Saudi Arabia. The kingdom`s major export after oil is radical Wahhabism, Saudi Arabia funds madrassas (religious schools that teach hatred toward Israel and the United States) in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and even in the United States.

Donald Trump, Egypt`s president Abdel al-Sisi, and Saudi Arabia`s Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud hovered over a glowing orb. When the men placed their hands on the mysterious orb, a runway lit up, revealing men (women may be allowed to polish the glowing orb but they aren`t allowed to work in the Center) and computers in cubicles.

The center will monitor extremist activity online, and the men in the cubicles will probably encourage radial Islamic propaganda online, while Saudi leaders publicly denounce ISIS.

You don`t need a glowing crystal ball to foretell that the Saudis will continue to finance international terrorism. Shame on Trump for participating in this farce.

Follow Robert Paul Reyes on Twitter: http://twitter.com/robertpaulreyes

Melania Trump Slaps at Donald Trump When He Tries to Hold Her Hand: Video

“Melania Trump appeared to want nothing to do with President Donald Trumps hand on Monday.

After FLOTUS and POTUS arrived at Ben Gurion International Airport in Lod, near Tel Aviv, Israel, for Day 3 of the administration`s first international trip, Trump reached one hand backwards toward his wife – but she quickly rebuffed the gesture with a flick of her wrist. At the time, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was holding hands with wife, Sara, beside the Trumps.”

Huffington Post

We recently learned that Hillary Clinton`s debate preparation included practicing how to avoid shaking hands with Donald Trump. Nobody, friend or foe, wants to touch Trump`s hands, God only knows what that pussy-grabbing freak`s hands have touched.

Even Melania Trump doesn`t want to be anywhere near her toxic husband, she`s been safely ensconced in Trump Tower the last four months — far away from the reach of his tiny hands.

When the Trumps arrived at Ben Gurion International Airport, knowing that millions were watching on TV, Melania Trump flicked away his hand when he attempted to hold her hand.

Only diehard Trump supporters can tolerate him, it`s time to impeach him.

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Follow Robert Paul Reyes on Twitter: http://twitter.com/robertpaulreyes


Hillary Clinton Practiced Avoiding Donald Trump’s Hug

“Hillary Clinton`s presidential debate preparation included practicing – unsuccessfully – avoiding getting hugged by a grabby Donald Trump stand-in, a video posted Friday reveals.

The video shows Clinton on Sept. 24 walking out on a mock stage to greet a man playing the Republican nominee Trump for the prep session for the debate, which was being held two days later at Hofstra University on Long Island, New York.”


Donald Trump compensates for his diminutive hands by turning every handshake into a power play, legion are the foreign leaders who have fallen victim to Trump`s death grip.

Hillary Clinton debate preparation included practicing avoiding Trump`s embrace and handshake. If only the Democratic Party had avoided fixing the election in favor of Hillary, Bernie Sanders would have crushed Trump in the general election.

Hillary was such an ineffectual candidate that Trump got the best of her in every way possible, including devising a winning strategy for the electoral college.

One day there will be a female presidential candidate who is equal, and even superior, to every male in the field, and who will go on to be elected President of the United States. But it won`t be Hillary.

Read More: http://www.cnbc.com/2017/05/19/watch-hillary-clinton-try-to-duck-a-hug-from-donald-trump.html


Donald Trump Should be Impeached Sooner Rather Than Later

The Trump administration is mired in scandal, the Republican legislative agenda is in paralysis, while the president`s surrogates try to manage the chaos by issuing statements that are contradicted by the Twitterer-in-chief in the same news cycle.

The Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, the Majority Leader of the Senate Mitch McConnell, and the rest of the GOP leaders are in a perpetual state of anguish over the pandemonium swirling around the White House, but Trump who thrives in turmoil calmly tweets in the Oval Office, creating even more trouble for his handlers and advisers.

Trump could very well survive four or even eight years of scandals and controversy without suffering a heart attack or a mental breakdown, but the Republican Party, our democracy and the American people can`t endure this madness for much longer.

Trump has been in office for only four months, but the evidence is already overwhelming that he is temperamentally unfit, and intellectually incapable of being president. Trump has relied on his intuition in his career as a businessman, he has basically “winged it,” and that has led to as many bankruptcies as great deals.

But you can`t “wing it” as commander-in-chief of the greatest military in the world, without risking Armageddon. Many Democrats are praying and hoping that next year they will regain control of Congress, and be in position to impeach Trump.

But we simply can`t wait that long, it`s incumbent upon Republicans to value our country over party and begin impeachment proceedings. The bombshell news that Trump asked then FBI Director James Comey to drop his investigation of former national security adviser Michael Flynn may finally motivate them to do the right thing.

The longer Trump remains in power the more irreparable harm he will inflict on the GOP and our country, it`s in the best interests of Republicans, Democrats and our democracy for Trump to be impeached sooner rather than later.

Follow Robert Paul Reyes on Twitter: http://twitter.com/robertpaulreyes

Donald Trump Impeachment Talk 24/7

When discussing Donald Trump and the Russia investigation the “I” word is now in play. I`m not talking about the word “idiot,” even most Republicans would agree that the way Trump has handled the presidency in general, and the Russia controversy in specific is idiotic.

I`m talking about the word “Impeachment,” it`s not just Democratic nutjobs like Rep. Maxine Waters who are calling for Trump`s impeachment, even level-headed Republicans are bandying about the weighty word.

Impeachment is now in the national zeitgeist, there`s a Web site with almost a million signed onto a petition imploring the Senate to impeach Trump. There`s an “Impeach Trump” Twitter account and late night comics make jokes about Trump being impeached almost every night.

Donald Trump isn`t going to be impeached as long as Republicans control both chambers of Congress, but the impeachment talk is an albatross around Trump`s neck that ensures that his agenda is dead in the water.

Impeachment talk has now hit a fever pitch with the revelation James Comey penned a memo after a Valentine`s Day meeting with Trump in which Comey associates say the president asked him to end the investigation into former national security adviser and noted Russophile Michael Flynn.

Can you say “obstruction of justice”? Can you say “Watergate all over again”? Cay you say “failed presidency”?

I`m praying that Democrats will take control of the Senate in the mid-term elections and impeach the bastard.

Follow Robert Paul Reyes on Twitter: http://twitter.com/robertpaulreyes

Should Donald Trump Be Impeached or Executed?

Edward J. Snowden, a former National Security Agency contractor, is a hero who leaked troves of top-secret NSA documents on vast surveillance programs. Pre-Snowden most of us were under the impression that only terrorists, spies and criminals were under the systemic surveillance of Big Brother. It turns out that the feds are interested in the emails, blogs, and telephone conversation of everybody, including your fat mother.

In my humble opinion Snowden should be awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom, but Donald Trump isn`t likely to award him any medals. In the summer of 2013, Trump tweeted that Snowden was a traitor who gave serious information to China and Russia and should be executed.

Trump`s primary responsibility is to protect American citizens, and he betrayed that trust by providing the Russians with highly classified information that was given to us by Israel with the understanding that it shouldn`t be shared with Russia or any other entity. Trump betrayed his presidential duty, Israel and America, and if I was as intemperate as he is, I would be calling for his execution.

It`s illegal and unethical to call for the execution of the President of the United States, although God knows we would be better off if he was dead. I `m not calling for Trump to be executed, but can we at least agree that he needs to be impeached?

Follow Robert Paul Reyes on Twitter: http://twitter.com/robertpaulreyes

Does Donald Trump Really Want to be President? Will He Resign?

It`s axiomatic that Donald Trump is the least qualified president ever to sit in the Oval Office, he has the attention span of a colicky toddler, the vocabulary of a 5th grader, the diplomatic skills of a bouncer, the charisma of prosperity gospel televangelist, and the intellectual curiosity of a wilted head of cabbage.

Most Democrats and an increasing number of Republicans are fervently hoping and praying that he will either resign or be impeached before the end of his term.

Regardless how egregiously Trump tramples all over the Constitution, as long as the Republicans control both chambers of Congress he won`t be impeached.

But there`s always the possibility that the unpredictable Trump will simply quit, and devote the rest of his life to what he loves best: Golfing, grabbing pussy, and engaging in Twitter wars with the likes of Rosie O`Donnell.

Trump`s weird behavior certainly lends credence to the theory that he doesn`t want to be president. First Trump unceremoniously fires FBI Director James Comey, and then to add insult to injury he threatens him, implying that he may have secretly recorded their conversations.

In the midst of the Comey controversy he bans America news media from his Oval Office conversation with Russia`s foreign minister while allowing a TASS photographer to record the event.

Then to put the cherry on top of the cake, he invites Henry Kissinger to the Oval Office, not seeming to care a whit that this conjures up memories of Watergate.

How long can the administration last of a president who rules by executive orders, communicates with his enemies and the American public via incoherent Tweets, and insults judges, the press and political leaders of both major parties?

It may be wishful thinking on my part, but I think there`s a chance Trump may resign before his term expires. Especially if a liberal Supreme Court Justice dies or resigns, andTrump successfully replaces him or her with a conservative, he may decide to leave office on a high note.

We can dream …

Follow Robert Paul Reyes on Twitter: http://twitter.com/robertpaulreyes

Evangelical Supporters of Donald Trump Would Deny Jesus Before They Would Forsake Trump

“Republican strategist and CNN commentator Ana Navarro slammed GOP leaders for acting like members `of the Donald Trump cult,` saying they must `step up and condemn` President Trump when circumstances demand it.

Navarro criticized House Speaker Paul Ryan for refusing to comment this week on the President`s tweet suggesting he had tapes of conversations with fired FBI Director James Comey — a statement many interpreted as a threat.

When asked about the tweet on Friday, Ryan told reporters that he was `focusing on what`s in my control, and that is what is Congress doing to solve people`s problems.`”


Kim Jong-un, the Dear Leader of North Korea, and Donald Trump the Leader of the Free World have a lot in common.

North Koreans are brainwashed since birth to believe that Kim Jong-un is a God-like, and if they fail to bestow upon him proper reverence they are killed or thrown into a concentration camp.

Trump supporters have brainwashed themselves into believing that the corrupt, vulgar, petty, and narcissistic Trump has been chosen by God to make America great again. If anyone speaks out against Trump`s inept and tyrannical rule, his supporters brand these patriots as ungodly traitors.

People who voted for Trump have made Trumpism into a religion, and they will defend their Messiah come hell or high water. I don`t know what would be more difficult, convincing an evangelical who voted for Trump to deny Jesus or to forsake Trump.

Republican senators and congressmen and congresswomen aren`t deluded by Trump, they know full well that he is ignorant, egotistical and dangerous. Ana Navarro is spot on, they should stop acting like they are members of the Donald Trump cult, and condemn his unconstitutional and un-American actions.

When Trump fired FBI Director James Comey, by his own admission because of the FBI`s Russia investigation, and then threatened him, they should have spoken out forcefully against the leader of their party.

It is incumbent upon Republican leaders to demonstrate to the American public that they are Americans before they are Republicans.

It`s a Watergate-style scandal and Republican leaders need to decide, right now, if they will be on the right side of history.

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Follow Robert Paul Reyes on Twitter: http://twitter.com/robertpaulreyes

Donald Trump Tweets “We” and Twitter Goes Nuts

“Something amazing happened on Twitter on Saturday. The President of the United States, arguably one of the most controversial people on the platform, tweeted one word with two letters and so much power.

Donald Trump, or a White House staffer representing Trump, typed `We,` then hit the tweet button, sending the word to the president`s 29 million followers.”

Huffington Post

Trump deleted his “we” tweet a couple of minutes after posting it.

It`s obvious that Trump was starting to type a sentence when he hit the “send” button by mistake, it`s perplexing that a man with such dainty and tiny hands would hit the wrong button.

Trump wasn`t starting a declarative sentence using the royal we such as: We are going to fire Sean Spicer. Trump never employs the royal we, he likes to take sole credit for his actions, and he doesn`t want to give the impression that he is speaking on behalf of his staff.

Trump wasn`t making a minimalist philosophical statement. We, as in we are in this existential nightmare together, and we must find meaning in life as a team.

I`m not going to waste another second wondering what Trump intended to write, Shakespeare he`s not.

The moron was going to type some sort of malarkey, and dissertations won`t be written contemplating what he meant to write.

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Follow Robert Paul Reyes on Twitter: http://twitter.com/robertpaulreyes

A Lynchburg Resident’s Take on Donald Trump’s Commencement Address at Liberty University

President Donald Trump delivered the commencement address at Liberty University which is located about three miles from my home. I wouldn`t drive three yards to hear Trump speak, but I did watch the spectacle on TV.

Before his big speech Trump was presented with an honorary degree from Liberty University, which carries as much weight as a degree from Trump University.

The president opened his first commencement speech at the evangelical university on Saturday by talking about the size of penis.

Just kidding, Trump managed to refrain from making any vulgar comments lest he offend the sensibilities of the conservative Christian school. Funny how evangelicals aren`t offended by Trump`s health plan that renders health care unaffordable for the elderly and the poor, and his economic policies that punish the poor and give tax breaks to the filthy rich, but they pitch a fit when comedians use obscenities to describe Trump. But I digress …

Trump did start his speech by bragging about the size of the crowd:

“I`m thrilled to be back at Liberty University. I`ve been here, this is now my third time, and we love setting records, right? We always set records. We have to set records, we have no choice.”

He again referred to the size of the crowd later in his speech, saying: “This is a beautiful stadium, and it`s packed. I`m so happy about that.”

Trump`s speech was unremarkable: Some platitudes, a few Trumpisms, and a compliment or two for Liberty University President Jerry Falwell Jr. as a reward for his early endorsement.

I could have delivered a speech of equal style and substance – when I was in elementary school. Damn Falwell for shaming Lynchburg, and damn Trump for shaming our country.

Follow Robert Paul Reyes on Twitter: http://twitter.com/robertpaulreyes

CNN and Ice Cream-gate

“Is this why voters have lost faith in the American news media?

In what some are now calling `Ice Cream-gate`, CNN`s coverage of Donald Trump`s interview with Time Magazine highlights an apparent scoop: the president is said to receive extra ice cream with his chocolate cream pie.

`Trump takes two scoops of ice cream with his chocolate cream pie, TIME reported, while everyone else around the table gets just one,` CNN trumpeted.

Media Equalizer

The revelation that Donald Trump receives an extra scoop of ice cream with his chocolate cream pie isn`t exactly breaking news. Trump resembles a baby hippo; I`m surprised he doesn`t eat two cartons of ice cream with his damn pie.

If the Food Channel gave the breaking news treatment to the discovery that Trump usually gets two scoops of ice cream while everyone else around the table gets just one, it might be understandable. But for a cable news network to give so much play to such an insignificant story is unforgivable.

We already know that Trump is a greedy pig who thinks he deserves special treatment, if he ate two scoops of ice cream served on Sarah Huckabee Sanders` naked butt that would be a big story, but I hope to God there wouldn`t be any video.

I realize that we need a little bit of comic relief from the disastrous Trump administration, but CNN played it straight.

I`m glad I`m an unknown blogger, because if Trump read my article he would tweet: No soup and certainly no ice cream for Robert Paul Reyes! He is pathetic. SAD!!!

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Donald Trump Made One of His Own Tweets into a Twitter Header

“President Donald Trump`s Twitter strategy has never been subtle, but his decision Monday to top his header with one of his own tweets was bold even by his standards.

Trump briefly topped @realDonaldTrump with a note he sent at 6:41 p.m. ET after former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper testified before a Senate Judiciary subcommittee hearing and said he was not aware of evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.”


I`ve been accused of being a shameless self-promoter, but even I have never considered using one of my own tweets as the header for my Twitter page.

What Donald Trump lacks in intellectual curiosity and intelligence he more than makes up for in chutzpah, he had no reservations about ordering one of his lackeys to Photoshop his tweet denying collusion with Russia into his banner image.

If Trump cares so much about optics, why doesn`t he appoint a staffer to spell-check his tweets before he posts them online?

I implore a white hat hacker to hack Trump`s Twitter feed, and replace his header image with monkeys and clowns.

What a narcissist, I will allow a decent amount of time to transpire before I copy his trick.


Follow Robert Paul Reyes on Twitter: http://twitter.com/robertpaulreyes

Rose Garden Photo of Trump and White Congressmen Gloating Will Come Back to Bite Them

Donald Trump didn`t have any major legislative victories during his first 100 days in office; his first attempt to repeal and replace Obamacare was a dismal failure. This was a major embarrassment considering that the Republican Party controlled both chambers of Congress.

Desperate for a victory the Republicans cobbled together a misogynist bill that makes it easier for insurance companies to charge women more if their medical histories include pre-existing conditions, including a rape or a Caesarian section.

Rep. Chris Collins (R-NY) didn`t even bother reading the legislation that dismantles Obamacare that will result in millions of people losing access to affordable insurance, before House Republicans voted to pass it on Thursday.

Collins was the only congressperson who admitted publicly that he didn`t read the bill, I`m sure he wasn`t the only one.

TrumpCare also allows insurance companies to gauge the elderly and anyone with a pre-existing condition. Trump`s plan screws women, the elderly and the chronically ill, although it does include generous tax benefits for the wealthy.

When this abomination of a health plan passed the House by the slimmest of margins, Donald Trump, the Speaker of the House Paul Ryan and every congressman and congresswoman who voted for it should have hung their heads in shame.

Instead they assembled for a photo-op in the White House Rose Garden, the first time that a president celebrated when a bill passed only one chamber of Congress. That`s like football team guzzling champagne because they`re ahead at halftime.

It will be much tougher sledding in the Senate; we only need three Republican senators who care more about the health and well-being of their constituents than political victories to kill this wretched bill.

Look at the photograph, Trump the billionaire is gloating in front of millionaire congresspersons. There`s only one woman in the group, the rest are white, middle-aged men.

These one-percenters are celebrating a political victory, certainly not a legislation that ensures that the poor and the disabled will finally have accessible and affordable health care.

When the mid-term elections roll around, I hope that every person of color who voted for Trump will take a good look at this photograph of these politicians with shit-eating grins on their fat faces.



Follow Robert Paul Reyes on Twitter: http://twitter.com/robertpaulreyes

Caitlyn Jenner Bio a Bust! ‘Keeping Up with the Kardashians’ Ratings Tanking! There’s Hope for America!

“Is our long national nightmare over? The saga of the hideous Kardashian-Jenners is losing steam at last. People may finally be wearying of people who are famous for no reason.

First: Caitlyn Jenner`s book about going from Bruce Jenner, Olympic athlete to Caitlyn Jenner, trans heroine, has not rung up big sales in book stores. On amazon, `The Secrets of My Life` is stalled at number 296. The Kindle version is at 487.

More worrying for the Ks are the ratings for their mothership TV show. `Keeping Up with the Kardashians` finished at number 17 this past Sunday for total viewers out of the top 25 cable shows.”

Showbiz 411

With the long-running success of “Keeping Up with the Kardashians” and all their spin-off reality series, and with the election of Donald Trump, I thought that the dumbing down of America had reached a point of no return, and that the Zombie Apocalypse was right around the corner.

But the steadily declining ratings of “Keeping Up with the Kardashians” and the failure of Bruce Jenner`s book to crack the bestseller lists gives me a glimmer of hope that there`s hope for America.

An emasculated reality show star reclaims his manhood by becoming a woman, this biography had sex, celebrity, and a freakness factor up the wazoo but it was a bust. There`s hope for America!

“Keeping Up with the Kardashians” has surgically-enhanced butts and boobs, and sex and selfies galore, but its ratings are tanking. There`s hope for America!

“Keeping Up with the Kardashians” is such an execrable mess that I could only endure watching about a couple minutes of one episode, had I continued watching it would have led to suicide or homicide.

If “Keeping Up with the Kardashians” is canceled maybe there`s hope that the Orange Menace will be impeached, or at least that he won`t be reelected.

Follow Robert Paul Reyes on Twitter: http://twitter.com/robertpaulreyes

Stephen Colbert’s Execrable Anti-Trump Monologue Inspires #firecolbert Hashtag

“Stephen Colbert`s monologue on Monday, in which he dragged the president for his treatment of Face the Nation host John Dickerson, had some on Twitter making allegations of homophobia.

In the opening that has already amassed more than 2.5 million views on YouTube and sparked the hashtag #FireColbert on Twitter, the Late Show host unapologetically took several shots at Trump because, as he explained it, `When you insult one member of the CBS family, you insult us all.`”

USA Today

Stephen Colbert resurrected the ratings of his show by becoming the resister-in-chief, every night he piles on Donald Trump. The president deserves to be criticized and ridiculed, he`s an embarrassment to our democracy.

Colbert`s Monday night monologue was Trumpian in its vulgarity and coarseness, it infuriated viewers so much that it inspired the hashtag #firecolbert.

Ostensibly Colbert launched into his diatribe in defense of his colleague John Dickerson, whom he alleges was dissed by the president. Dickerson is a big boy and he can defend himself, and anyway he wasn`t insulted by Trump.

Here`s the joke that was over-the-top: In fact, the only thing your mouth is good for is being Vladimir Putin`s cock holster.

Colbert shouldn`t get a pass from the gay and lesbian community because he`s a liberal, they should condemn homophobic comments regardless if they emanate from a conservative or a progressive.

Trump`s vulgar speech has inspired politicians, pundits and late night comics to mimic him, but Colbert`s monologue was inappropriate for a network program, and indefensibly homophobic.

Since everybody is waxing obscene, let me close my stating: Mr. Colbert the only thing your mouth is good for is eating shit, so eat shit and die.

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Donald Trump and Andrew Jackson: Evil Twins From the Pit of Hell

Donald Trump is destined to go down in history as the worst president, after only three months in office his administration is in chaos, Congress is deadlocked (not so much between the Democrats and the Republicans, but between the moderate Republicans and the far-right Republicans), and the nation is bitterly divided.

It`s no surprise that Donald Trump`s favorite president is the man who previously held the title as the worst president in history, Andrew Jackson. Trump frequently lavishes praise on Jackson in prepared remarks as well as on Twitter. Trump placed a portrait of Jackson in the Oval Office and made a pilgrimage to racist`s tomb in Nashville shortly after being sworn in.

I seriously doubt that Trump even knew who Jackson was a year ago, his alt-right buddy and adviser, Steve Bannon, is the one who introduced the wretched historical figure to Trump. Jackson was a slave owner with a volcanic temper, and his biggest crime was committing genocide against Native Americans:

“In 1830, a year after he became president, Jackson signed a law that he had proposed – the Indian Removal Act – which legalized ethnic cleansing. Within seven years 46,000 indigenous people were removed from their homelands east of the Mississippi. Their removal gave 25 million acres of land “to white settlement and to slavery,” according to PBS. The area was home to the Cherokee, Creek, Choctaw, Chickasaw and Seminole nations. In the Trail of Tears alone, 4,000 Cherokee people died of cold, hunger, and disease on their way to the western lands.”

Read More: https://indiancountrymedianetwork.com/history/people/indian-killer-andrew-jackson-deserves-top-spot-on-list-of-worst-us-presidents/

Trump`s infatuation with Jackson didn`t really get the attention it deserved until an interview on May 1, 2017 when he dropped this gem:

“I mean, had Andrew Jackson been a little bit later you wouldn`t have had the Civil War. He was a very tough person, but he had a big heart. He was really angry that he saw what was happening with regard to the Civil War, he said, `There`s no reason.”

Jackson never expressed any remorse for owning slaves, and this man with a “big heart” drove Native Americans from their lands, killing tens of thousand in the process. To say that Jackson would have ended the Civil War is akin to declaring that Hitler would have wiped out racism if only Germany had won.

Trump`s bromances with dictators and despots is very troubling, this sick bastard can`t even choose one of our best presidents (John F. Kennedy or Franklin Roosevelt) as a role model, instead he venerates a scum of the Earth.

Follow Robert Paul Reyes on Twitter: http://twitter.com/robertpaulreyes

Donald Trump Should Attempt Pussy Diplomacy With Putin

“Although Russia and the West have differences, one thing that unites the two is a feline obsession. The achievement by a cat has been posted by the social media accounts of the Russian ministry of defense, www.telegraph.co.uk reported.

A ginger cat was reportedly the first to travel on a long range voyage of Russian naval vessels to the Syrian coast. This cat has a more perilous job than the moggies the British have in Westminster, who chiefly meet foreign ambassadors and catch mice, report added.

Cats have had a place on board Russian ships for many years, and now appear to serve the purpose of making their military operations look more cute and cuddly. An article in Russian media had claimed that cats on ships serve an important purpose – their purring helps soothe humans onboard.”

Deccan Chronicle

The cats serve multiple purposes: They kill rats, soothe the nerves of the sailors operating in a war zone, and humanize the Russian sailors.

If a Russian spy ship was spotted of the east coast of the United States, we wouldn`t be so alarmed if we knew that the crew included kittens. A warship where the sailors pet and play with cats wouldn`t be perceived as much of a threat.

I hope that the American aircraft carrier deployed in the Korean peninsula doesn`t have any kitties onboard, if the North Koreans see cats frolicking on the deck of our mighty vessel they won`t take us seriously, and might even attempt to sink it with a torpedo.

Instead of groping pussies, Trump should try pussy diplomacy, and send a fat and fluffy pussycat to Putin. The Russian president is confident in his own masculinity and wouldn`t perceive the gift cat as an insult and he would reciprocate by sending Trump a pussy cat or a bunch of pussies (whores). In any even relations between the two nuclear superpowers would be bound to improve.

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