A Cat’s Purr is the Cat’s Meow

A cat`s meow can be irritating, my felines can drive me bonkers when they meow when I`m concentrating on writing an article or watching an exciting movie.

But when a kitty purrs it`s always soothing, even when I`m in a foul mood, the sound of my cats purring can lift my spirits.

When my pets meow I don`t know if they are happy, hungry, bored or mad, but when they purr I know they`re happy.

I wish women would purr instead of moan when they are sexually satisfied, then we would know that aren`t faking it.

In the cacophony of modern life, thank goodness for a cat`s purr. Cats begin purring when they are a few days old, and thank God most of them never stop purring.

Purr on kitties, purr on!
