Damn Jill Biden for Propping Up Senile & Decrepit Joe Biden

“Rep. Mike Quigley (D-Ill.) suggested that the ‘only thing’ that could adjust President Biden’s decision about staying in the race post-debate is poll numbers.

Quigley emphasized during an interview Tuesday on CNN that Biden’s decision to continue is his alone, following a rocky debate performance last week against former President Trump. The Illinois Democrat suggested that weak polling in the wake of the event is the only thing that could sway the incumbent.”

The Hill

Quigley is dead wrong on his analysis of what metrics may cause President Joe Biden to step down.

Quigley emphasized that Biden’s decision to stay in office is his alone, but that implies that the octogenarian possesses the cognitive ability to weigh the pros and cons of his actions. Biden does not have the mental acuity to determine if the best salve to apply to his irritated incontinent rectum is Vaseline or strawberry jam.

At this late stage of his cognitive decline Biden has a tough time adding 2 + 2, never mind trying to decipher polling results.

You do not have to be a rocket scientist, neurologist or a political pundit to discern that Biden’s debate debacle means that he should immediately step down and allow Kamala Harris to finish the remainder of his term.

The few polls that have been released after the debate debacle reflect a slight surge in favor of Trump:

“Republican Donald Trump has edged ahead of Democrat Joe Biden, 41% to 38%, in the aftermath of the candidates’ rancorous debate last week, according to an exclusive USA TODAY/Suffolk University Poll.

That narrow advantage has opened since the previous survey in May showed the two contenders tied, 37% to 37%.”

USA Today

But it is not polls that will determine Biden’s course of action, it’s up to Jill Biden. Joe does not have a mind, it’s his wife, guilty of elder abuse, who will make the ultimate decision.

She is the real power behind the throne, and she is loath to relinquish her power. She will continue to prop up the doddering and decrepit Biden, even if it means that the amoral, vindictive, racist piece of shit Trump wins.