Trump’s Twitter Feed is a Window to His Mind

“Trump has been climbing the Twitter charts recently, thanks in part to his frequent use of the social networking site. Sometime on Monday he surpassed the 20 million mark.

According to the measuring tool TwitterCounter, Trump is the 68th-most-followed user on the site, just behind Canadian singer Avril Lavigne and right ahead of Indian actor Aamir Khan.

Trump`s aides had been keeping a close eye on the follower number, waiting for the account to reach 20 million.”


We don`t filter our thoughts, sometimes they emerge from the darkest part of our soul, and our thoughts don`t accurately reflect our personality or character. The id initiates instinctive impulses than often run contrary to our religious and political beliefs.

The most loathsome words and concepts lurk in our minds, but as civilized and educated people we seldom let them escape from our lips.

Think of Donald Trump`s Twitter feed as a digital manifestation of his mind, his tweets provide us with a real-time representation of what`s going on in his mind. Of course Trump`s tweets are disjointed, confusing and frequently odious, none of us carries on a coherent politically-correct conversation in our mind.

Trump`s spokespersons and surrogates have the impossible job of deciphering his tweets, hell even Trump has a hard time explaining his tweets.

Trump would be better off if he had only 20 Twitter followers instead of 20 million, but he`s addicted to the social media platform and his stubby little fingers will continue to expose what`s going on in his little mind.

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Democrat Lawmaker Wants to Build ‘Almost Presidential Hillary Clinton Museum’


“An `almost presidential` museum should be built in Westchester County to recognize Hillary Clinton and other presidential candidates who won the popular vote but lost, Greenburgh`s town supervisor says.

Paul Feiner, a Democrat, said he isn`t suggesting using town or government funding for a museum or library, but wants a local college to take on the project, which he says would boost tourism in the area.”


I can understand Paul Feiner`s desire to erect an “Almost Presidential Museum” in Westchester County to commemorate Hillary Clinton almost breaking the ultimate glass ceiling, such a curiosity would bring in a lot of revenue to his county.

An “Almost Presidential Hillary Clinton Museum” would quickly become a shrine that would attract millions of pantsuit-clad lesbians and feminists from all over the world.

But Feiner is a perfect example of the liberal who can`t accept the reality that against all odds Donald Trump became the President of the United States.

Almost only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades; Hillary`s popular vote victory and her senior citizen discount won`t get her a cup of coffee for less than $2 at Starbucks.

Like it or not, blowhard billionaire Donald Trump is the legitimate freely elected president, we should accept this reality and move on.

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New Yorker Magazine Cover Captures the Essence of Donald Trump

“With just one week until President-elect Donald Trump`s inauguration, The New Yorker used its cover to imagine what his presidency will be like.

The cover features Trump trying to fit into an amusement ride meant for children.”

Huffington Post

The cover depicts Trump “driving” a stationary car meant for a child.

This New Yorker cover perfectly captures the essence of Donald Trump. The blowhard billionaire rants, raves and tweets, but he`s not moving himself or the country forward. All of his histrionics and diatribes are nothing but hot air, and they quickly dissipate, although they do leave a foul odor that lingers.

A toy car would be ideally suited for Trump, I imagine it`s difficult for the short-fingered vulgarian to handle a normal-sized steering wheel.

The New Yorker is taking the proper approach in handling Trump, that is don`t try to delegitimize his presidency, he won fair and square, but by all means ridicule him.

I used to think a clown car perfectly captured the spirit of Trump, but I must admit that a toy car ride is even better.

Fasten your seat belts, we`re in for a rough ride, a colicky man-baby is behind the wheel.

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Obama’s Anti-white Bias is Responsible for the Rise of Donald Trump

November 2008 flush with hope and change I cast my ballot for Barack Hussein Obama, and I rejoice with unspeakable joy when he wins.

I`m proud that I participated in history; Obama`s victory instills me with hope that one day a Latino will sit in the Oval Office.

Obama`s vision of a post-racial America has come to fruition, and I look forward to four or eight years of hopes realized and change codified into just laws.

But my hopes and dreams are soon dashed to smithereens! Like almost all biracial individuals Obama identifies as black, and he seems to have a self-loathing of his white nature which manifests itself in a prejudice towards white people in general, and white police officers in particular.

Whenever there was an interaction between a black criminal and a white police officer that resulted in violence, Obama instinctively took the side of the black lawbreaker. Not only did Obama take the side of petty black criminals, but he also disparaged the police.

As a biracial person who was raised in the Muslim faith, and later converted to Christianity, Obama was ideally suited to lead our diverse nation, but his bias against white people only served to widen the chasm that separates us.

So long Obama! Good bye Obama Phones and Obamacare! Adios leading from behind! Hasta la vista pandering to Muslim despots! Bye “if I had a son he would look like Trayvon Martin.” Goodbye identity politics.

Obama planted the toxic seed that led to the rise of Donald Trump, proving the maxim that he that sows the wind will reap the whirlwind.

Thanks to Obama instead of living in a post-racial America we are awaking to a nightmare.

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Rep. John Lewis Declares Donald Trump Isn’t a Legitimate President

“For the first time, a leading Democrat has called into question Donald Trump`s legitimacy as president.

Rep. John Lewis, a Democratic congressman from Georgia and civil-rights icon, told NBC`s Chuck Todd in an interview for Sunday`s `Meet the Press` that he believes Russia`s alleged hacking aimed at helping Trump in the 2016 race makes Trump an illegitimate president.

Asked whether he would forge a relationship with President-elect Trump, Lewis said: It`s going to be very difficult. I don`t see this president-elect as a legitimate president.”

The Washington Post

The Democrats and Republican Never Trumpers have done everything possible to prevent Donald Trump from assuming office: Recounts fizzled, inciting an Electoral College revolt failed. Their only remaining hope is to convince Obama to declare martial law before Trump is inaugurated, but that ain`t going to happen.

Failing miserably to overturn the results of a free and fair election, they are now resigned to delegitimizing Trump.

I respect and admire Rep. John Lewis, he is a successful congressman, a civil rights hero, and a living legend, but he is tarnishing his legacy with is ridiculous assertion that Trump is an illegitimate president.

It`s impossible to prove that Russia`s alleged hacking tipped the election in favor of Trump, Hillary has only herself to blame for her humiliating defeat. The Russians didn`t coerce Hillary to set up a server in her basement, they didn`t convince her to ignore the crucial battleground states of Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, and they didn`t drug her to induce her to feint on her feet at the 9/11 event.

Trump is supremely unqualified to serve as commander-in-chief, but voters preferred a know-nothing blowhard over a conniving and corrupt witch. Trump is a clown, vulgarian, serial pussy grabber, egomaniac, and the LEGITIMATE President of the United States.

Lewis needs to move on, accept the legitimacy of the Trump administration and focus on turning the Democratic Party into an effective opposition.

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Bill and Hillary Clinton Will Attend Donald Trump’s Inauguration

“Bill and Hillary Clinton have decided to attend the inauguration of Donald Trump as the 45th President of the United States, according to two sources with knowledge of their plans. The Clintons will join former Presidents George W. Bush and Jimmy Carter, who have also announced that they will attend.”


I commend the Clintons for their decision to attend Trump`s inauguration out of a sense of respect for the American tradition of peaceful transfer of power.

As a nod that under Trump things will be different, if not necessarily better, Clinton should wear a frilly dress instead of one of her trademark power pantsuits.

It will be an outrage and an affront to decency if the Clintons attend Trump`s inauguration as a couple, Hillary was humiliated by Trump and she will never run for political office again. There is no need for the Clintons to maintain the charade that they are a conventional married couple. Hillary should watch the inauguration while holding hands with Huma Abdein, and Bill should have a bimbo perched on his lap.

Watching her bitter rival being sworn in from up close will be a bitter pill for Hillary to swallow, but it couldn`t happen to a nicer person.

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Sen. Bernie Sanders Praises Donald Trump

“Sen. Bernie Sanders once called Donald Trump a `pathological liar,` but at a forum at George Washington University in Washington, DC, the self-described socialist praised the president-elect`s extraordinary accomplishment in winning the White House.

`Trump took on the Republican establishment, he took on the Democratic establishment, took on the media establishment and he ended up winning the election to become president of the United States. And that is an extraordinary accomplishment. And it talks about perseverance, it talks about very strong political instincts, it talks about a way to connect with people,` Sanders said.

`So I give Donald Trump his due,` he said.”

The New York Post

I echo Sen. Sanders` sentiments, Trump deserves our grudging admiration for taking on the Democratic establishment and the Republican establishment, and destroying the Clinton and Bush dynasties in the process.

In prevailing over the establishment of both major parties, and exposing the mainstream media as stooges of the Democratic party, Trump advanced the cause of liberty, freedom and democracy.

Trump`s populist appeal transcended party labels, and we can only hope and pray that he won`t forget the dreams and aspirations of ordinary working people now that he`s President of the United States. We must hold Trump`s tiny hands to the fire to ensure that he fulfills the promises he made to the working class.

Trump is an ignorant clown, and if he doesn`t blow up the world, I will at least give him credit for blowing up the establishment — for that I will be eternally grateful.

Even though Trump and Sanders are on opposite ends of the political spectrum they have a lot in common, they are both populist leaders who fought the establishment. I supported Sanders in the Democratic primaries, and he would have won the Democratic nomination if he fought the Democratic establishment with as much vigor as Trump fought the Republican establishment.

When it became crystal clear that the DNC was 100% behind Hillary Clinton, Sanders failed to denounce the corrupt organization in no uncertain terms. It also boggles the mind why Sanders gave Hillary a pass on her email scandal.

Trump is president in large part because Sanders failed to live up to his reputation as a revolutionary. Some revolutionary, in the end he enthusiastically supported the corrupt Hillary.

I`m not surprised to see Sanders give props to a fellow revolutionary for winning the election by blowing up the system.

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Meryl Streep’s Golden Globes Speech Exemplifies Why Donald Trump Won

By now everyone has heard about, if not seen live on NBC or on YouTube, Meryl Streep`s speech at the Golden Globes where she railed against Donald Trump, and specifically criticized him for allegedly mocking a disabled reporter.

Streep who is as renowned for her leftist politics as she is for her acting acumen was bathed with praise and adoration by the audience at the Golden Globes event. It`s not surprising that the Hollywood crowd, which was probably 99.99% liberal, experienced a collective orgasm during her speech, but now everybody from all ends of the political spectrum is weighing in.

Donald Trump of course reacted almost immediately on Twitter describing Streep as “one of the most over-rated actresses in Hollywood,” and “a Hillary flunky.” He also denied for the hundredth time that he mocked New York Times reporter Serge F. Kovaleski`s disability.

Streep is one of the most acclaimed actresses in Hollywood, she` been nominated for 19 Academy Awards, won three Oscars, and a truckload of other awards. But it`s also true that she`s the most overrated actress in Hollywood, if she defecated on film, critics would praise her form and technique, and give her a special Academy Award for the best bowel movement in the history of cinema.

Streep is a Hillary Flunky, she heaped praise on Hillary at the Democratic convention, and she most likely delivered an Oscar-worthy crying performance when Hillary lost.

Streep is the reason why a know-nothing clown won the presidency — regular Americans are sick and tired of elitist privileged celebs who live in an insular world looking down on us for not embracing their liberal Gospel.

I will join Meryl Streep, Hillary Clinton, Elizabeth Warren and Rosie O`Donnell in a circle jerk, before I take Streep`s blathering seriously.

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We Got the President We Deserve: A Reality TV Show Clown! Hail Trump!

“The best preview of the Donald Trump presidency was the orange billionaire rolling around on the ground with Vince McMahon, owner and operator of World Wrestling Entertainment, while thousands of frenzied fans screamed in approval. An underrated development in American life is that the Trump administration will become the first to feature not one, but two members of the WWE Hall of Fame – Linda McMahon, Vince`s wife, as director of the Small Business Administration, and the president himself. Trump`s brief foray in pro wrestling ended with `Stone Cold` Steve Austin performing his finishing maneuver, the `Stone Cold Stunner,` on Trump, rendering him incapacitated in the middle of the ring. If only the political process were so just.


During the Republican primaries and the general election Donald Trump`s advisors repeatedly promised a pivot, a pivot from Trump the clownish vulgarian into a semblance of a statesman.

But here we are two weeks from Trump`s inauguration and he`s still tweeting incoherent, grammatically-challenged provocative messages that roil the stock market, infuriate foreign leaders and disparage his political opponents.

Most of us thrive and accomplish our best work when we are tranquil and serene; I can`t write an essay unless I turn off the TV and mute all other distractions.

Trump thrives on controversy and chaos, and he`s not going to stop engaging in Tweeter wars with celebs or insulting political enemies by christening them with monikers like “Crooked Hillary” or “Schumer the Clown.” Trump accomplishes his best (which is the worst for ordinary Americans) when he`s embroiled in controversy.

A reality TV show electorate elected a reality TV show politician, and Trump will keep us entertained while America goes to hell in a handbasket.

Trump rolling around on the ground with fellow billionaire Vince McMahon is indeed the best preview of the Trump administration. Trump and McMahon benefited to the tune of millions from the WWE pay-per-view event, while suckers paid handsomely for the privilege of watching the spectacle.

Trump and Democrats the likes of Schumer and Warren will exchange barbs and insults, but the end result will be that the poor get poorer and the rich get richer.

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Clown Donald Trump Attacks Clown Chuck Schumer

“President-elect Donald Trump dismissed his rivals as clowns – but he still hasn`t figured out proper grammar.

In yet another series of typo-filled tweets Thursday, Trump blasted the Affordable Care Act and the Democrats` promise to salvage the healthcare plan, which the Republican businessman has vowed to repeal. He also bullied soon-to-be Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer with name-calling taunts.

`The Democrats, lead by head clown Chuck Schumer, know how bad ObamaCare is and what a mess they are in,` he tweeted early Thursday, likely meaning to write `led` instead of `lead.`”

New York Daily News

This is a classic case of the pot calling the kettle black. (For my politically-correct readers, let me stress that I don`t mean to imply that there`s anything wrong with being black.)

Senator Schumer and President-elect Trump are known more for their vanity about their physical appearance, than they are for their policy positions.

Schumer`s hairline is hair-plugged to perfection, and his countenance is relatively wrinkle-free thanks to Botox, and Donald Trump`s uses two cans of hair spray to keep his comb over in place, and his face is orange thanks to spray-on tan.

Trump and Schumer are addicted to the spotlight, they start experiencing withdrawal symptoms when they are away from the cameras for more than a few minutes.

Only a clown would repeal Obamacare without replacing it, and only a clown would defend Obama`s disastrous health care plan.

Schumer may not be as grammar-challenged as Trump, but a clown is a clown is a clown.

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Donald Trump: ‘No Computer is Safe’

In remarks to reporters at his New Year`s Eve party in Florida, Donald Trump stated:

“You know, if you have something really important, write it out and have it delivered by courier, the old-fashioned way. Because I`ll tell you what: No computer is safe.”

This coming from a man who is an inveterate Twitterer (is that a word?); doesn`t he know that a 400-pound kid with a modicum of computer expertise can hack a Twitter account?

Trump rarely communicates via email, and that`s a good thing, but it`s easier to hack a social media account than it is to hack an email account.

Instead of railing against computers (you can`t turn back the hands of time), Trump should have declared on his New Year`s Eve party that his No. #1 resolution was to stop tweeting.

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The Naked Truth About Donald Trump

It`s axiomatic that Donald Trump has diminutive hands and by extension a tiny penis.

The Donald brags that he`s well-endowed, but is there anyone who doubts that he would have pulled out his penis during the primary debate when Little Marco implied that he had a tiny pecker, if he was telling the truth?

But enough discussion about Trump`s micro-penis, it turns out that he`s also been lying about his stature. Trump claims he`s 6`3,” but his driver`s license lists him at 6`2.”

Pinocchio`s nose grew whenever he told a lie; if Trump`s Johnson grew an inch every time he fibbed he would be the biggest dick in the world – literally, not just figuratively.

Trump likes to boast about his high IQ, and his staffers have said that he has an IQ of 156. But his grammatically-challenged tweets and his speeches which are written at a 6th grade level suggest otherwise. Snopes.Com labels the claim that Trump has an IQ of 156 as FALSE.

In summary Trump has a short attention span, short temper, dull mind, and a tiny worm. Let`s hope and pray that Trump doesn`t get into a pissing contest with world leaders, and that his fingers will be too tiny to dial the red phone.

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Donald Trump Selects Dr. Ben Carson as Secretary of Housing and Urban Development


“On Monday, President-elect Donald Trump announced the long-rumored selection of former pediatric neurosurgeon and presidential candidate Ben Carson as secretary of Housing and Urban Development.

Curious as it may sound, Carson accepted the offer from his former rival less than a month after his spokesman told reporters that Carson was not qualified for a position in the incoming administration because he ‘has no government experience‘ and has ‘never run a federal agency.’ The same spokesperson made clear that Carson would not want to take a position that could cripple the presidency.”


In this presidential election the electorate made it abundantly clear that they wanted change above everything else.

The socialist revolutionary, Sen. Bernie Sanders, would have defeated the establishment favorite Hillary Clinton, if the DNC hadn’t rigged the game in her favor.

Donald Trump beat 17 heavyweight Republican rivals even though everybody (RNC, media, intelligentsia, Wall Street, donor class) was vehemently against him.

In this season of disenchantment with the establishment, when the electorate eschewed political hacks in favor of change agents, even a renowned brain surgeon, Dr. Ben Carson, with absolutely no political experience was the Republican frontrunner for a short spell in the fall of 2015.

That is until Donald Trump brutally crushed Carson’s nascent bid by comparing him to a child molester. On March 4, 2016, Carson ended his campaign, and shortly thereafter he became one of Trump’s most loyal surrogates.

The primaries, especially the debates, exposed Dr. Carson as an idiot savant, he’s a genius when it comes to medicine, but he’s mentally-retarded when it comes  to economics, foreign policy, education, or housing and urban development.

I can understand Trump’s desire to reward Dr. Carson for his loyalty, but his tenure as Secretary of Housing and Urban development is destined to be an unqualified disaster.

Carson’s supporters point to his childhood living in poverty in the mean streets of Detroit as his most impressive qualification. Really? I attended a  high school in the poor side of town, but that doesn’t qualify me to be Secretary of Education.

It’s incumbent upon the Senate to give Mr. Carson a thorough examination, and ultimately reject him for being woefully unqualified.

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Bill Maher on Donald Trump: It’s Like Watching a Toddler Playing With a Gun


“Its been almost a month, will I ever get used to Trump? Fuck no. Its like watching a toddler playing with a gun – you’re always nervous”

Bill Maher

Donald Trump is a racist clown who doesn’t have the temperament, experience, knowledge or wisdom to be president of the United States, however I don’t subscribe to the #notmypresident sentiment. Trump won, fair and square, and he’s the president of all Americans: Republicans, Democrats and Independents.

However,I share Maher’s apprehensions about Trump being the leader of the Free World. I don’t have a lot of faith that we will survive his administration without America plunging into a financial meltdown or a nuclear winter.

Witnessing Trump playing president is like watching a toddler playing with a gun — you’re praying that it’s not loaded, and that his tiny hands will be unable to pull the trigger.

Actually I’m more afraid of Trump playing with his smartphone: Will he tweet that Israel needs to go Medieval on Iran or will he call the tinpot dictator of North Korea and tell him that he loves his hairdo? Both of those actions could lead to World War III!

President Donald Trump? Sad.

Donald Trump is Right! Ohio State University Terrorist Shouldn’t Have Been in America


“President-elect Donald Trump tweeted early Wednesday to report that ISIS was taking credit for the attack at Ohio State University by student Abdul Razak Ali Artan, and that Artan, who was a refugee from Somalia, `should not have been in our country.`

Artan allegedly drove a vehicle into a crowd of pedestrians and attacked others with a butcher knife, injuring 11. He was fatally shot by an campus police officer.

Artan was a legal permanent resident of the United States with no history of violence or allegiance to terrorist organizations. Artan and his family fled Somalia for Pakistan in 2007 and came to the U.S. in 2014.”


Almost immediately after the Islamist terrorist attack on the Ohio State University campus Monday the attacker was identified as Abdul Razak Ali Artan, a refugee from Somalia.

The Ohio State University attack followed the modus operandi of dozens of ISIS terrorists and lone wolf ISIS sympathizers who have carried out attacks in Europe and the United States.

Within a couple of hours of the cowardly attack it was learned that Artan posted this message on his Facebook page:

America! Stop interfering with other countries, especially the Muslim Ummah. If you want us Muslims to stop carrying out lone wolf attacks, then make peace with `dawla in al sham.` Make a pact or a treaty with them where you promise to leave them alone.
Artan also informed his Facebook friends that he had reached a “boiling point.” You didn`t have to be a rocket scientist or an expert in Islamic terrorism to  immediately deduce that Artan was an Islamic terrorist or a lone wolf sympathizer.

But the mainstream media kept describing the cowardly scum as a “young man”, and they cautioned us not to draw any conclusions from the facts that had already been uncovered. To this day most reporters are still repeating the damnable lie that we don`t know what motivated Artan to attempt to kill innocent civilians.

No wonder Trump won the election even though he`s a racist ignoramus — at least he tells it like it is, and doesn`t bow down before the God of political correctness.

Trump is spot on, Artan should never have been in America! We shouldn`t accept any refugees or immigrants from terrorist hellholes like Somalia.

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Donald Trump’s Hissy Fit Over Unflattering Photos


“President-elect Donald Trump has a particularly fragile and easily bruised ego. He doesn`t like it when you make fun of his teeny-weenie hands, and now The Donald wants the media to stop publishing unflattering photos of him. Well, we have some good news for the president-elect! The people are spreading the word about how much Trump hates those pics on social media!”


We know two things about Donald Trump: He has an enormous ego and tiny hands, ergo a minuscule penis. When a pundit, comic or Twitter troll makes fun of the Donald`s physical appearance he goes ballistic.

During an off the record meeting with TV anchors and executives, the blowhard billionaire berated NBC executives for using unflattering photographs of him.

You`d think that a man who has billions in the bank, a hot wife, worldwide celebrity and has been elected Leader of the Free World, wouldn`t care if the media used unflattering photos, but it really bugs him.

If Trump loses sleep over a television network using less than flattering photos, imagine his dismay if a homemade sex tape featuring Trump`s tiny pecker was posted online.

I figure there`s got to be a Trump sex tape, it goes without saying that a man as egotistical as Trump has filmed himself having sex with a model or actress.

Trump could be blackmailed into doing anything, he would betray his country to prevent the world from seeing his micropenis.

For the sake of our national security I hope and pray that I`m wrong, and that there is no Donald Trump sex tape.

America Has Elected a Racist Moron: Get Used To It!


On Monday Michigan is expected to certify its presidential election results that will officially give Donald Trump well over 300 electoral votes, by any measure an Electoral College landslide.

Meanwhile the votes are still being tallied in California, and Hillary Clinton has now expanded her popular-vote lead to more than two million (64.4 million to 62.3 million.)

Hillary`s popular-vote victory and her senior citizen`s discount card might get her a cup of coffee for less than $2 at Starbucks, but it won`t change the outcome of the election.

This had led some disappointed and disgruntled Democrats to call for the Electoral College system to be revised or abolished, but that`s not going to happen. The Senate will unanimously pass a declaration stating that Donald Trump is a scholar, gentleman and a gifted statesman with the most beautiful and impressive penis in the universe, before the Electoral College is abolished.

Abolishing the Electoral College would require an amendment to the United States Constitution — which would need a two-thirds majority in both the House and the Senate, and then it would have to be ratified by 38 states. You don`t have to be a political science major or a rocket scientist to deduce that`s impossible in today`s partisan political climate.

Our presidential election system is what it is, and hard as it may be, we must resign ourselves to the reality that we have elected a know-nothing racist egomaniac as President of the United States.

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Donald Trump Needs to Adopt a Pet to Soften His Image


“Election Day 2016 brought surprises and firsts. Donald Trump will be the only president in U.S. history with no military or political experience and the oldest and richest president ever sworn into office. Melania Trump might be the first of all the first ladies to telecommute.

“But one first has seldom been mentioned: Barring a new addition to his household between now and Jan. 20, Donald Trump will be the first president in 150 years who does not have a pet.

If horses are included, every president except James K. Polk and Andrew Johnson has owned a pet for at least part of his term in office, and with these furry first friends have come a host of political benefits. Aside from the possible physical and psychological benefits they`ve bestowed on first families, presidential pets have for decades served to soften the president`s image and garnered positive White House news coverage.”

The Washington Post

There isn`t exactly a wave of euphoria and optimism at the prospect of Donald J. Trump`s inauguration as the 45th President of the United States. Even Trump`s most fervent supporters are anxious and apprehensive about how he will perform in office.

When millions of American`s think of Trump these are the words and phrases that come to mind: Racist, clueless, Oompa Loompa, divisive, disgusting tiny hands, blowhard billionaire, farting machine, liar, crazy wig, fascist, pussy grabbing misogynist  …

If anybody needs an intervention from a team of public relations experts, hair stylists and fashionistas it`s Trump. His bellicose image desperately needs to be softened, and nothing humanizes a controversial person quite like a pet.

When I saw images of President Obama frolicking with Bo, his Portuguese Water Dog, it made me forget for a moment that he was a Kenyan-born usurper who was systematically destroying our democracy.

If Trump tweeted a pic cuddling with a cat or walking a dog, his approval ratings would skyrocket, but I wouldn`t wish that fate on any animal. Trump would be the worst pet owner in history, he would forget to feed them, he would kick his dog if Rosie O`Donnell blasted him on Twitter, and he would strangle his cat if it scratched his tiny hands.

As a pet owner and animal lover I hope and pray that Trump doesn`t adopt a pet!

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