Donald Trump Should Attempt Pussy Diplomacy With Putin

“Although Russia and the West have differences, one thing that unites the two is a feline obsession. The achievement by a cat has been posted by the social media accounts of the Russian ministry of defense, reported.

A ginger cat was reportedly the first to travel on a long range voyage of Russian naval vessels to the Syrian coast. This cat has a more perilous job than the moggies the British have in Westminster, who chiefly meet foreign ambassadors and catch mice, report added.

Cats have had a place on board Russian ships for many years, and now appear to serve the purpose of making their military operations look more cute and cuddly. An article in Russian media had claimed that cats on ships serve an important purpose – their purring helps soothe humans onboard.”

Deccan Chronicle

The cats serve multiple purposes: They kill rats, soothe the nerves of the sailors operating in a war zone, and humanize the Russian sailors.

If a Russian spy ship was spotted of the east coast of the United States, we wouldn`t be so alarmed if we knew that the crew included kittens. A warship where the sailors pet and play with cats wouldn`t be perceived as much of a threat.

I hope that the American aircraft carrier deployed in the Korean peninsula doesn`t have any kitties onboard, if the North Koreans see cats frolicking on the deck of our mighty vessel they won`t take us seriously, and might even attempt to sink it with a torpedo.

Instead of groping pussies, Trump should try pussy diplomacy, and send a fat and fluffy pussycat to Putin. The Russian president is confident in his own masculinity and wouldn`t perceive the gift cat as an insult and he would reciprocate by sending Trump a pussy cat or a bunch of pussies (whores). In any even relations between the two nuclear superpowers would be bound to improve.

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Roy Moore: God Put Donald Trump in the White House! Bullcrap!

“Seated beneath the Ten Commandments plaque that first made him a conservative icon in the culture wars, U.S. Senate candidate and former Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore invokes President Donald Trump`s campaign slogan — but with his own twist.

`I support President Trump`s agenda of making America great again. But I submit to you that we can only make America great again if we make America good,” Moore said in his downtown Montgomery office a day after announcing his bid for the Senate seat previously held by U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

Moore`s campaign theme puts a values-driven spin on the president`s populist slogan, `Make America Great Again,` and Moore`s campaign announcement spelled out what he believes isn`t good: divorce, abortion and same-sex marriage.”


I have friends and family members who are evangelicals, and they are diehard supporters of President Donald Trump — the same Donald Trump who embodies the secular values and human vices that are antithetical to fundamentalist Christianity.

This dichotomy leads me to conclude that many evangelicals prize Republican values like small government, gun rights, and an unrestrained free market, more than they do their religious beliefs.

That`s why I`m not surprised that former Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore, who makes a fetish out of family values, fervently supports the thrice-married serial pussy grabber.

Moore goes further than endorsing Trump, he stated that God Almighty Himself elevated him to his supreme position as Leader of the Free World. The obvious implication is that if we oppose Trump, we oppose God.

I oppose sanctimonious windbags like Roy Moore, and lying politicians like Trump who will say anything to pander to their base, and I doubt that God is going to smite me with a thunderbolt, although many Trump supporters wouldn`t hesitate to knock me out.

I oppose everything that Trump stands for, and that doesn`t make me an enemy of God, it means I oppose tyranny and corruption and value democracy and liberty.

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Donald Trump Has a Big Red Button in the Oval Office That He Uses To …

President Trump has a button on his desk in the Oval Office that summons a butler to bring him a Coke.

In two recent interviews, Trump showed off the button.

`Sitting across from Donald Trump in the Oval Office, my eyes are drawn to a little red button on a box that sits on his desk,` The Financial Times` Demetri Sevastopulo writes. Sevastopulo jokingly asked Trump if this was the nuclear button.

`No no, everyone thinks it is,` Sevastopulo says Trump responds, and then uses the button to order a Diet Coke.”


If I was interviewing the commander-in-chief in the Oval Office, and he pushed a big red button, without explaining what it was for, I would wet my drawers, fearing that he just started World War III.

It wasn`t the Staples Easy Button, although Trump needs it more than anybody else. Trump doesn`t know jack about foreign policy, domestic issues or anything else for that matter, and he needs the Easy button to summon a pack of policy wonks to explain to him how to respond to pressing issues of the day.

The button isn`t for ordering coke as in cocaine; fortunately Trump doesn`t drink or do drugs. Can you imagine Trump tweaking on cocaine?

When Trump hits the button it summons a butler with a glass of Diet Coke.

Can you imagine if Hillary had won, she would have installed a red button that would have summoned a doctor with medication for any of her myriad life-threatening illnesses.

Trump is a disaster, but I`m glad it`s him in the Oval Office enjoying a Diet Coke and not Hillary drinking whiskey, with her feet up on the presidential desk, scheming how she can enact her feminist agenda, find an excuse to dump Bill and marry Huma, and rob Americans of our freedom and liberty.

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Donald Trump’s Base Remains Loyal

“President Donald Trump is running into political trouble on a variety of fronts, but the overwhelming majority of his core supporters remain loyal to him and give him high approval ratings.

The latest poll conducted by ABC News and the Washington Post finds that, as he approaches his 100th day in office Saturday – a traditional milestone for assessing new presidents – 96 percent of those who supported him in last November`s election say they would do it again today. His approval rating among those who voted for him is 94 percent. This is a positive development for Trump just when he needs it most. It could embolden him to confront his adversaries in Congress on a variety of fronts as a possible government shutdown looms at the end of this week.”

US News & World Report

By any objective standard the Donald Trump administration has been an unmitigated disaster. Trump failed miserably in his signature campaign promise to repeal and replace Obamacare, there is no more talk of Mexico paying for the wall, and not a single major piece of legislation has been implemented. Keep in mind that Republicans control the executive branch and both houses of Congress, if Trump had a modicum of political skill he`d be signing bills left and right in the Oval Office.

You`d think that Trump`s ineptitude and outright failure would have humbled him a little bit, and that he`d be spending time in quiet retrospection, but he`s still ranting and raving on Twitter.

At least you`d think that Trump would redouble his efforts to get some victories under his belt during his first 100 days in office, but he`s spending almost every weekend golfing in his resorts.

A flurry of executive orders is no substitute for seeking bipartisan consensus and getting his policies enacted through the legislative process.

The American public isn`t fooled, as the polls show, we realize that Trump is one of the worst presidents in history. However the overwhelming majority of his supporters remain loyal to him.

During the campaign Trump famously boasted that he could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and he wouldn`t lose voters. Trump could shoot Nancy Pelosi in the Rose Garden and take a dump on her, and he wouldn`t lose any of his supporters.

Trump doesn`t learn from his mistakes, in fact he doesn`t even acknowledge his mistakes, it`s inevitable that he will continue to make huge blunders. Let`s hope that enough Republicans, who care more about our country than their party, will join Democrats in impeaching him.

The first 100 days of the Trump administration seem like an eternity, our democracy simply can`t survive four years of epic tomfoolery, ineptitude, corruption and buffoonery.

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Donald Trump’s Terrific ‘Earth Day’ Statement

“Rigorous science is critical to my administration`s efforts to achieve the twin goals of economic growth and environmental protection.

My administration is committed to advancing scientific research that leads to a better understanding of our environment and of environmental risks. As we do so, we should remember that rigorous science depends not on ideology, but on a spirit of honest inquiry and robust debate.

This April 22nd, as we observe Earth Day, I hope that our nation can come together to give thanks for the land we all love and call home.”

Donald Trump`s exemplary Earth Day statement

Economic growth and environmental protection must always go hand in hand; we can`t allow climate change cultists to grind our nation`s powerful economic engine to a screeching halt.

The Trump administration is committed to advancing scientific research that leads to cleaner air and fresher water, but to their credit they haven`t swallowed the climate change hoax.

Rigorous science depends not on ideology or political-correctness, but on empirical evidence.

An intelligent rational individual can be environmentally-minded and be against the religion of global warming.

I applaud Trump for his terrific Earth Day comments, but he should keep true to his campaign promise and withdraw the United States from the 2015 Paris Climate Accord.

Happy Earth Day President Trump, you are wrong most of the time, but I applaud you when you are right, and boy are you right about climate change.

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Dozens of Shrinks Claim Donald Trump Has Dangerous Mental Illness

“Amid backlash, a group of psychiatrists claimed on Thursday at a conference at Yale University that President Donald Trump has a `dangerous mental illness` and is not fit to be president of the United States.

According to The Independent, over thirty mental health experts, all of whom have never personally examined President Trump, say they have an `ethical responsibility to warn the public about Donald Trump`s dangerous mental illness.`”


According to the American Psychiatric Association no mental health professional should attempt to diagnose or give professional opinions on a person without having examined them. But these shrinks shouldn`t be criticized, their ethical duty to warn the public about Trump`s madness supersedes any bylaws of the American Psychiatric Association.

I`m not a psychiatrist or a psychologist, and I don`t play one on TV or in my bedroom, but my clinical diagnosis is that Donald Trump is stark raving bonkers. All any rational person has to do is watch the Orange Menace on TV for a couple of minutes, and they will arrive at the same conclusion.

My essays will have zero impression on mental health professionals, but they will influence my friends in the real world and online. We must all do our due diligence, and warn everyone that Trump is freaking nuts.

We elected Trump Leader of the Free World, so it`s incumbent upon us to make restitution by sounding the alarm. We must demonstrate to the world that although our leader may be nuts, we aren`t.

There`s an online petition calling for mental health professionals to “declare Trump is mentally ill and must be removed.” The petition currently has over 8,000 signatures.

People get with the damn program: Sign the Petition! Write your congressperson and senator demanding that they impeach the lunatic!

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Sarah Palin, Kid Rock and Ted Nugent Meet With Donald Trump in White House

“Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin and hard-rocking Michigan musicians Ted Nugent and Kid Rock met with President Trump at the White House Wednesday evening, and the photos have created the perfect internet firestorm.

`A great night at the White House! Thank you to President Trump for the invite!` Palin wrote on Facebook and Twitter. The trio of vocal Trump supporters appeared in one photo to be reviewing documents in the president`s hands and in another mockingly posed with a portrait of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.”


Former beauty queen Sarah Palin, and ageing rockers Ted Nugent and Kid Rock are very polarizing and controversial celebrities. They are probably the only celebs in the world who don`t mind being photographed in the White House with Donald Trump.

It was a nice touch for them to mockingly pose with a portrait of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, she must be ridiculed mercilessly until she finally gives up hope of running for president again.

Imagine if Hillary had won, she would have invited equally obnoxious celebrities like Ashley Judd and Meryl Streep and a vomit-inducing politician like Nancy Pelosi or Maxine Waters. And as soon as the photo-op was over Slick Willy would be hitting on Ashely Judd and Meryl Streep, and if those two ladies turned him down, he would be looking to get freaky with Maxine and her James Brown wig.

As bad as things are under a Trump administration, things would have been exponentially worse with Hillary sitting in the Oval Office. Thank heaven for small mercies …

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A Trump Property Will Be Bombed By Terrorists, That’s Reality!

“MSNBC terrorism analyst Malcolm Nance has deleted a tweet that appeared to call for a terrorist attack against Trump Towers in Istanbul.
`This is my nominee for the first ISIS suicide bombing of a Trump property,` the former intelligence officer tweeted Tuesday afternoon, according to a screenshot circulated online and highlighted by the Washington Free Beacon.

Mr. Nance was responding to a tweet by writer Dustin Giebel, claiming that Mr. Trump`s congratulatory call to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan for winning Sunday`s referendum was motivated by reasons tied to the property.

Mr. Nance has since deleted the tweet but has yet to apologize.”

Washington Times

You don`t have to be an intelligence officer, a psychic or a political pundit to discern that it`s inevitable that a Trump-branded property will be targeted by terrorists. There are hotels, office buildings and casinos that bear Trump`s name all over the world, and I predict that before the year is over a Trump building will be destroyed by terrorists.

Trump`s congratulatory call to Erdogan after the referendum passed that gave him dictatorial powers was an affront to our democratic principles, but that`s no excuse for nominating the Trump Towers in Istanbul as the first ISIS suicide bombing of a Trump property.

I urge everyone who believes that Trump is profiting financially from the presidency not to stay at a Trump hotel, but for God`s sake don`t encourage terrorists to blow up his buildings. I encourage everyone who believes that Trump`s gaudy buildings are an aesthetic nightmare to adorn them with graffiti, but don`t encourage jihadists to blow them up. I plead with everyone who believes that it`s an outrage that taxpayers are paying millions to protect Trump Tower in New York City, and Mar-a-Lago in Florida to picket outside these buildings, but don`t encourage ISIS to bomb them.

I`m not going to feel guilty when a Trump building gets blown to smithereens, I`m only predicting the inevitable and not enticing terrorists to do what comes naturally to them.

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George Takei: Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un Two Sides of Same Coin

“Liberal actor and activist George Takei believes that President Donald Trump and North Korean Dictator Kim Jong-un are two sides of the same coin.

`Understand that the rest of the world puts both Kim Jong-un and Donald J. Trump into the same unbalanced, nuclear-armed state leader basket,` Takei wrote Friday.”

Western Journalism

Physically and temperamentally American President Donald Trump and North Korean Dictator Kim Jong-un are very similar.

Physically Jong-un and Trump both have distinctive hairstyles, and they both weigh as much as a baby hippo.

They share the same personality traits: Arrogance, a short-temper, and a penchant for exaggeration. They both compensate for their physical shortcomings by engaging in saber rattling.

Granted Trump doesn`t shoot his political enemies with an anti-aircraft gun or send them to prison, but that`s only because Trump is constrained by our democratic system.

If America was a dictatorship instead of a republic Trump would cut off the hands of comics who mocked his tiny hands, and he would jail his political opponents.

Takei is spot on, the international community puts the Orange Menace and Lil` Kim in the same deplorable basket.

Who knows which egomaniac will trigger World War III, Trump or Jong-un.

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Man Dies Peacefully After Being Told Donald Trump Had Been Impeached

“An Oregon man died peacefully after being told – falsely – that President Donald Trump had been impeached, according to his obituary.

Michael Garland Elliott, 75, died April 6 after suffering from declining health. His ex-wife, Teresa Elliott, who is described in the obituary as his best friend and only surviving relative, was the last voice he heard before he passed away, according to the obituary published in the Oregonian.

She told him the president had been impeached from office.
`And the last thing she said to him was `Donald Trump has been impeached,` the obituary reads. `Upon hearing that he took his final, gentle breath, his earthly work concluded.`”


Elliot`s wife may not have been speaking truthfully, but she was speaking prophetically. You don`t have to be a psychologist or a political science major to discern that Trump`s ignorance, ineptitude, arrogance and corruption will inevitably lead to his impeachment.

I have written dozens of articles denouncing fake news, but this is one instance where it`s morally and ethically correct to ease a loved one`s passage into the great beyond with the comforting faux news that Trump has been impeached.

I`m too much of a cynic, I wouldn`t believe it if a loved one told me that Trump had been impeached to soothe my soul as I lay on my death bed. I would demand that she would bring me Trump`s shrived up little pecker or the New York Times obituary as proof.

Let`s hope and pray that in two years the Democrats will gain control of both houses of Congress, and that they will indeed impeach the Orange Menace. Trump`s impeachment would invigorate me, and add a good ten years to my life.

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Melania Trump Nudges Donald Trump to Remind Him to Put His Tiny Hand Over His Shriveled Heart

“President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump welcomed an estimated 21,000 guests for the 139th Easter Egg Roll at the White House Monday. But, while addressing the crowd from the Truman Balcony, Melania subtly nudged Donald, reminding him to put his hand over his heart for the National Anthem-a small moment that turned into a bigger discussion on social media. The couple`s son Barron Trump, however, did not require any prompting from his mom.

(The U.S. Flag Code calls for anyone addressing the flag, either during the Pledge of Allegiance or the national anthem, to put their right hands over their hearts.)”

Melania was born in Slovenia, and she didn`t move to New York City until 1996, but even this lovely immigrant knows that when the National Anthem is played, a red-blooded American puts his hand over his heart.

Barron, Donald`s 11-year-old son, didn`t need any prompting from his mother to do his patriotic duty, hopefully unlike his dad he will grow up to be a scholar, gentleman and a patriot.

Even the Easter Bunny had his hand over his heart, only the “America First” president required a nudge from his better part to remind him of his civic duty.

At least we were spared the spectacle of the Easter Bunny humping Trump to remind him to put his demonic little hand over his tiny heart.

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Functionally Illiterate Donald Trump Endorses Book With No Words

“President Donald Trump, a man of many words, tweeted his admiration Monday for a book with almost none.

In the middle of a Monday morning Tweetstorm, the President gave an endorsement to a 266 page tome called Reasons To Vote For Democrats: A Comprehensive Guide.

But most of those 266 pages, it turns out, are entirely blank.

Remarkably, even though the one-note gag is revealed in the sample pages included by Amazon and other retailers, the book still checks in at No. 4 on Amazon`s Political Humor bestseller list.”


Donald Trump has acknowledged that he hasn`t read any biographies of presidents, in fact he doesn`t have the focus and discipline to read anything lengthier than a 140-character tweet.

The only book I can image Trump endorsing would be a graphic novel, erotic literature or a book with no words, and that`s exactly what he did: Endorse a gag book with no words.

Trump doesn`t have the intellectual curiosity to read, and that`s a crying shame. Kids don`t be like Trump, expand your mind and your horizons by reading.

I`m tempted to write a book called “Reasons to reelect Donald Trump,” all of the pages would be blank.

Trump doesn`t like reading books, but maybe he will read this Web site: Easy Peasy: Learn to Read Online:

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What Pet Should Donald Trump Get?

“Of all the stains besmirching the Trump presidency – the ethical lacunae, the spasmodic “policy” fits, the Golf Digest aesthetic – none looms so large as the absence of a White House pet. Breathes there a man with a soul so dead that he doesn`t want a loyal dog or faithful feline trotting beside him when he mounts that lonely staircase to the venerable Master Bedroom?

Apparently, yes.

It seems emblematic of President Trump`s blaring tone-deafness for the office that he doesn`t even feign interest in recruiting a furry, fowlish or finny friend. Pets reap vast, humanizing rewards for presidents, as almost every one of his predecessors has discovered.”

New York Times

Even Hitler had a pet, Blondi, a German Shepherd that was given to him as gift when it was a puppy. Hitler and his pooch were inseparable, Blondi stayed with her master to the bitter end, she was there with him when he finally died in his bunker.

I`m not comparing Trump to Hitler, the first rule of politics and political commentary is never compare anyone to Hitler. But Trump desperately needs a pet to soften his image.

What pet would be ideal for Trump?


Trump`s wispy hair would make an ideal nest for any bird.


Maybe not, we all know how Trump loves to grab pussy. Trump might grope a pussy cat to death.


Perfect choice! A snake is a universal symbol of evil, I can picture the evil bastard snuggling to sleep with a serpent.


Maybe not, it would be almost impossible to tell the rat apart from Trump`s aides.


It`s hard not to trust a person who loves dogs, if Trump can convince us that he loves his pooch, we might learn to tolerate him.

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Donald Trump Plays Golf With the World at the Edge of Armageddon

This Saturday marks the 105th anniversary of the birth of Kim Il-sung, `eternal president` of North Korea, and grandfather of Kim Jong-un. The more ineffectual the dictator the more grandiose his title, the Dear Leader just might ignite World War III.

The portly dictator has promised a big surprise for the “Day of the Sun,” which will most likely be another nuclear denotation. The chubby tyrant doesn`t have many tricks up his sleeves; it`s either firing a missile or detonating a nuclear bomb.

President Trump responded by dispatching the fearsome strike group led by the flagship U.S.S. Carl Vinson to North Korea.

Kim Jong-un in his usual inflammatory language is warning of thermonuclear conflagration, and China has positioned millions of troops near the border with North Korea.

With the world at the edge of Armageddon, Trump arrived for another weekend at his Florida resort on Thursday, sans the usual entourage of top aides who have accompanied him in the past.

Nero played the fiddle while Rome burned, and evidently Trump will play golf while the world burns.

Aides from the National Security Council may be accompanying Trump to his resort, but the image of Trump golfing during his crisis makes him look feckless and out of touch.

I wish Jong-un would drop the Mother of All Bombs on Mar a Lago, Trump`s vacations at his Southern White House are costing the American taxpayers a fortune.

At this critical juncture Trump needs to be at the Situation Room in the White House, where his aides can tell the neophyte politician how to properly and cautiously respond to North Korea`s provocations.

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How Should Donald Trump Relieve Stress?

Donald Trump is the Leader of the Free World, the President of the United States, the Commander-in-Chief of the mightiest army in history, but he`s the most insecure man in the world.

The Trump administration is embroiled in scandals (most self-inflicted), devastated by leaks from his own staff, and under constant attack by the press and Democrats — Trump perceives himself being under constant siege.

Instead of seeking solace reading a book, attending a play or commensurating with a friend, Trump feeds his feeling of inadequacy by watching the MSNBC and CNN anchors and commentators criticize and ridicule his administration.

At night Trump can`t find comfort in the arms of his wife, she`s living in the Trump Tower in NYC, so he relieves tension by firing nasty and incoherent tweets.

God only knows to what extent Trump takes his frustrations off on his hapless staff, he is in desperate need of something to relieve his stress.

How should Trump relieve his existential angst?

Teddy Bear?




What do you think, dear friends and readers?

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Donald Trump Shouldn’t Intervene Militarily in Syria

“President Donald Trump is condemning the chemical attack in Syria that left 72 people dead as an `affront to humanity` that `cannot be tolerated.`”

CBS News

I agree with Donald Trump`s former part of his statement, but not the latter. A chemical attack that targets innocent civilians, including children, is an affront to humanity. But in the Muslim world affronts to humanity occur on a daily basis, and the United States doesn`t have the financial or military resources to intervene every time a massacre occurs in that part of the world where the Religion of Peace reigns supreme.

In Syria there are many competing factions, and each one commits atrocities on a regular basis to achieve their objectives. What difference does it make if civilians are butchered by chemical attacks, bombs dropped by fighter jets or car bombs?

Why do Americans automatically demand that the president take military action when chemical weapons are used? Trump was elected, in large part, because he preached a non-interventionist foreign policy. Trump`s supporters are trusting that he won`t lead America into another Iraq or Afghanistan.

To declare that the chemical attack cannot be tolerated implies that Trump intends to take military action against the regime of Syrian President Bashar Hafez al-Assad. Syria`s president is supported by Russia, Iran and Hezbollah, any American military action against al-Assad can quickly escalate into a world war.

Unfortunately, the Syrian government`s attack against its own civilian population must be tolerated, there`s nothing we can or should do to try to bring reason into a region of the world where people are blinded by their fanatical devotion to a blood-soaked religion.

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White House Releases First Official Portrait of Melania Trump

“It is perhaps no surprise that first lady Melania Trump`s first official portrait is a glamour shot. The former model`s bio page on the White House website goes into great detail about her career in the field. The White House released the photo on Monday, with a simple press release stating that the photo was taken in the residence at the White House.”


Since Donald Trump assumed office Melania Trump has kept a very low profile, perhaps the White House released her first official portrait to remind us that she`s still the First Lady.

It`s not surprising that the former model has an affinity for soft lighting and airbrushing, there will never be an official photograph of the First Lady that hasn`t been airbrushed to death.

The official photograph features a giant diamond on her ring finger, most of the gazillion and one images of Melania online feature her impressive rack.

Melania`s story is America`s story, any humble immigrant with a photogenic face and an ample bosom can climb from the seedy world of soft core pornography to the corrupt White House.

God bless America and God bless Melania Trump.

Melania`s Official Portrait:

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Donald Trump Still Tweeting About Hillary Clinton! Get Over It! You Won!

“President Donald Trump will meet this week meet with Egypt`s President Abel Fattah el-Sisi, Jordan`s King Abdullah, and China`s President Xi Jinping. This morning, Trump did not kick off the week with tweets about any of these meetings. Nor did Trump tweet about this week`s confirmation hearing for his Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch.”


The Leader of the Free World has three critical meetings with foreign leaders this week. Trump is scheduled to meet with our two most reliable Arab allies in the Middle East, we need the assistance of the Egyptian president and the Jordanian king in dealing with the intractable issues of the Palestinian/Israeli conflict and ISIS.

China is the only country in the world that has leverage over North Korea, it`s imperative that our commander-in-chief cultivate a relationship with China`s President Xi Jinping.

If the world plunges into a Nuclear Armageddon, the conflagration is going to start in the Middle East or the Korean peninsula, this week Trump should focus on these two international hot spots.

Instead of posting statements about his forthcoming meetings with these world leaders, Trump posted this tweet about Hillary Clinton:

Did Hillary Clinton ever apologize for receiving the answers to the debate? Just asking!

Nobody else is asking. You won the election, it`s high time to move on and start acting like a president.

Hillary is the worst presidential candidate in history and Trump is the worst president in history. The only way that Trump can even dream of achieving mediocrity president is by forgetting Hillary, and focusing on the job at hand.

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Donald Trump Mocks Chuck Todd’s ‘Sleepy Eyes’

“President Donald Trump went after Chuck Todd and NBC News on Saturday morning, asking when they will stop reporting on `the fake Trump/Russia story.`

`When will Sleepy Eyes Chuck Todd and @NBCNews start talking about the Obama SURVEILLANCE SCANDAL and stop with the Fake Trump/Russia story,` the president tweeted.


When you have a mouth that resembles a sphincter, hair that looks like cotton candy that`s been dipped in urine, a facial complexion that an Ooompa Loompa would envy, Lilliputian hands, and the physique of a fat pig, it behooves you not to ridicule anyone`s physical appearance.

But Trump, like most bullies, doesn`t possess the intellect to criticize the ideas of his critics, so he attacks their physical appearance.

During the 2016 presidential campaign Trump famously mocked the disability of New York Times reporter Serge F. Kovaleski.

If Trump mocked a reporter`s disability, you know he wouldn`t be able to resist making fun of Chuck Todd`s sleepy eyes.

If Todd`s eyes appeared sleepy because he was high on crack, and drunk on cheap booze he would still be able to get the best of Trump in a battle of wits.

Trump would be well-advised to start Twitter feuds only with reprehensible creatures like Rosie O`Donnell.

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April Fools’ Day Every Day: Donald Trump is President of the United States

“Swedish and Norwegian newspapers announced on Friday that they would refrain from the tradition of publishing April Fools` Day jokes this year over fears that it might spread `fake news`.”

The Local SE

“Fake news is a type of hoax or deliberate spread of misinformation, be it via the traditional news media or via social media, with the intent to mislead in order to gain financially or politically.”


On April Fools` Day respected publications have a tradition of publishing obviously fake news as an April Fools` Day joke.

But in an age when social media is saturated with fake news, reputable newspapers are refraining from their traditional April Fool`s Day tomfoolery.

November 8, 2016 when newspapers declared that Donald Trump won the election was the death of the tradition of newspapers publishing faux news on April Fools` Day. Real life has become more absurd than any April Fools` Day joke.

Today for April Fools` Day I could post an article alleging that Trump pulled out his tiny penis and challenged Chinese President Xi Jinping to do the same, confident that even he would be more well-endowed than any Asian. Tomorrow a video of Trump and Jinping comparing their tiny pricks might be the most popular video on YouTube.

Every day is April Fools` Day people, deal with it!

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1 in 3 Voters Give President Trump an ‘F’

“After more than two months in office, America`s new president, Republican Donald Trump, got a grade of F from 1 in 3 voters, according to a new McClatchy-Marist Poll.

By contrast, the same number graded predecessor Democrat Barack Obama`s performance a B as he approached his 100th day in office.”


Donald Trump is the class clown who inexplicably became the President of the United States, grading on a curve, or by any other method, I would give him a big fat “F.”

Usually a president enjoys a honeymoon period that lasts at least through his first 100 days in office. But to keep the honeymoon analogy going, if a virgin bride discovers that her husband has a micropenis, she`s going to immediately annul her marriage.

It didn`t take the electorate more than a New York Minute to realize that Trump is an ineffectual, incompetent, orange-complexioned piece of garbage.

Trump lost the popular vote by almost three million votes, he doesn`t have any political capital, he`s been a dead man walking since day one.

Only Trump diehards who voted for him in order to send a big “Fuc* You” message to the political establishment would give him a passing grade.

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Donald Trump Lays an Egg: Commemorative Gold Easter Egg $14.95

“The White House released images of the commemorative eggs that will be available for purchase to celebrate the annual White House Easter Egg roll.

Pastel versions of the official egg are $8.50. A gold version is $14.95.

The eggs will feature the signature of President Trump and First lady Melania Trump.”

The American Mirror

Donald Trump really laid an egg with his commemorative Easter eggs …

I`m surprised the White House is selling pastel commemorative Easter eggs, I would expect anything associated with Trump to be as loud and garish as his pumpkin face. A neon orange Easter egg branded with Donald Trump`s name, including a trademark symbol, that`s what I was expecting.

The gold egg isn`t real gold, Trump`s bathroom fixtures may be made out of pure gold, but he dishes out trinkets of faux gold to the peasants.

I would buy a gold Humpty Dumpty egg, that would be a perfect representation of Donald Trump.

Pics of presidential eggs:

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Robot Prints and Burns Donald Trump’s Tweets, Sends Him Video! I Love Robots!

“A robot quickly growing a viral following on Twitter is dedicated to one job: Printing President Donald Trump`s tweets, burning them, and tweeting video of the process back to the president.

The Twitter account, @burnedyourtweet, stars a robot programmed to print out tweets from the president`s @realdonaldtrump account, burn them in an ashtray, film the process, and then tweets the videos to Trump with the message: I burned your tweet.”


If only Trump`s tweets existed only in printed form, and they could be destroyed in a bonfire. Unfortunately, Trump tweets exist in a digital format, and they are indestructible. His odious tweets will live forever, causing discord and division for generations to come.

Who is the mystery engineer behind this project?

I first thought “it must be a Trump critic seeking to discredit and embarrass his administration,” but maybe it`s a Trump supporter desperately attempting to shame the president from tweeting. After all, it may very well be a tweet that leads to Trump`s downfall. The “I” word has already been mentioned in the press after Trump posted a tweet falsely accusing Barack Obama of committing a felony by wiretapping Trump Tower.

The best case scenario is that Trump will post a tweet that`s so incendiary that it will lead to his impeachment, but it`s also possible that one of his inflammatory tweets will trigger nuclear Armageddon.

I wish a patriot would break into the White House (How difficult can that be considering the Secret Service resembles the Keystone Kops?), and breaks Trump`s tiny hands with a ruler when he attempts to tweet.

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Donald Trump Sits at Child-Size Desk, Internet Goes Bonkers!

“Prime meme material! President Donald Trump signed bills while sitting at a child-size desk Monday, March 27, and Twitter had so many jokes about the situation.

The POTUS, 70, was signing four new pieces of legislation in the Roosevelt Room of the White House when he remarked that the desk wasn`t quite up to his standards. `This looks like a child`s desk! But that`s OK,` he told the crowd of people towering over him.

Although the desk has been used by presidents before him, Trump, who is 6-foot-2, joked that the small wooden table with a full-size presidential seal on the front wasn`t big enough.

Us Magazine

Pic of Trump`s tiny desk:

Trump may have mocked the tiny desk, but he would be well-advised to use it regularly, it makes his diminutive hands look normal.

In a perfect world the septuagenarian president would be safely ensconced in a nursing home, where the nursing staff would provide him with a small desk with a presidential seal affixed to it so he could play at being president.

Unfortunately, in our far from perfect world Trump is the Leader of the Free World and he is busying himself signing executive orders with his tiny hands at his tiny desk, that are having a hugely adverse impact on our democracy.

We can only hope and pray that we live in a simulated reality, and that our alien programmers will introduce a Deus ex machina plot device whereby Trump finds himself in permanent time-out in the White House basement sitting at his tiny desk, and Mike Pence is sworn in as the new president.

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Mexicans Who Help Build Donald Trump’s Wall Are Traitors, Mexican Archdiocese Says

“Mexicans who help build President Donald Trumps planned border wall would be acting immorally and should be deemed traitors, the Catholic Archdiocese of Mexico said on Sunday, turning up the heat on a simmering dispute over the project.

In a provocative editorial, the country`s biggest Archdiocese sought to increase pressure on the government to take a tougher line on companies aiming to profit from the wall, which has strained relations between Trump and the Mexican government.

`Any company intending to invest in the wall of the fanatic Trump would be immoral, but above all, its shareholders and owners should be considered traitors to the homeland,` said the editorial in Desde la fe, the Archdiocese`s weekly publication.”

Huffington Post

Donald Trump has defamed Mexico frequently since his first day on the campaign trail. In his announcement speech he called Mexican immigrants rapists and criminals, and throughout his campaign he rallied his supporters by demonizing Mexicans.

Trump`s hatred of Mexicans is so deep that he even has animus towards Americans of Mexican descent. Trump called U. S. District Judge Gonzalo Curiel a “Mexican” who may be biased against him because of his ethnicity. Judge Curiel was born in the United States, and alleging that a citizen is incapable of performing his job because of his racial background is the very definition of racism.

The Catholic Archdiocese of Mexico is spot on, any Mexican who helps build the wall separating the United States from Mexico is a traitor to his homeland.

I would argue that any Mexican-American who supports Trump`s wall is a traitor to his racial heritage, and to the democratic principles of our great democracy.

We are a nation of immigrants, and I implore my fellow Americans of all ethnicities to join their Hispanic brothers and sisters in opposing Trump`s proposed wall.

The wall is an affront to the Almighty and to our democracy, and it`s incumbent upon all of us to fight against this abomination.

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