What Do You Think Mike Pence Does With All His Free Time?

John Nance Garner the 32nd Vice President of the United States, famously opined that the office of the vice presidency isn`t worth a bucket of warm piss.

This is especially true in the case of Mike Pence, his boss goes apoplectic if any of his underlings steals the spotlight. Pence is usually seen in public only when Trump wants him to stand by his side and gaze adorningly at him when he makes a major announcement.

Pence certainly has the time to screw Mother seven ways from Sunday every day of the week and twice on Sunday, but I would bet my Bible that the only sex he has it with Trump, facilitated with a jar of Vaseline.

The white evangelical scum could corral the Cabinet members into a daily Bible study, but I bet even they are tired of the self-righteous prude. Most likely he has Bible study with the mice who have grown fat and too lazy to run way from Pence, eating the cheese puffs that Trump drops all over the White House.

The evangelical zealot could be spending all his free time plagiarizing the Book of Solomon to write love sonnets for Mother.

The hot pile of evangelical crap is probably making a list of all the fellow white evangelicals he will appoint to his administration once Trump is impeached and gets to sit in the Big Chair.

I really don`t give a flying fig what Pence does with all his free time, I only wish I could tell you what I would do to him if I could spend one minute alone with him in his prayer closet.

Follow Robert Paul Reyes on Twitter: http://twitter.com/robertpaulreyes

Donald Trump is the Favorite President of Nazis, Racists and White Evangelical Scum

“When asked to name the greatest president of their lifetimes, more Americans named Barack Obama than any other president in a recent Pew Research Center poll.

Thirty-one percent named Obama the best, while another 13 percent named him second best.”

New Jersey 101.5

“Twitter users pounced on President Donald Trump early Saturday after he boasted about being `your favorite President.`

Trump attempted to dismiss a Friday report in the New York Times that his former personal lawyer Michael Cohen had before the 2016 election secretly taped him discussing a payment to former Playboy model Karen McDougal (with whom Trump is alleged to have had an affair) with the following tweet:

Inconceivable that the government would break into a lawyer`s office (early in the morning) – almost unheard of. Even more inconceivable that a lawyer would tape a client – totally unheard of & perhaps illegal. The good news is that your favorite President did nothing wrong!”

Huffington Post

This is that rare Trump tweet that isn`t total bullshit, the orange clown is correct when he says that our favorite president has done nothing wrong.

Of course Trump has done virtually nothing right and everything wrong since assuming the presidency, and historians will conclude that he`s the worst president in history.

President Obama is living rent-free in Trump`s brain, and given that his noggin is virtually empty, the former president has plenty of room and may never leave.

From the Iran deal to TPP to climate change to Obamacare, Trump is singularly focused on destroying his predecessor`s legacy.

The Pew Research Center presidential popularity poll was released a few days ago, and it was on Trump`s mind when he tweeted that he was America`s favorite president.

Trump needs to wake up and smell the coffee, most Americans hate him and they have made #Notmypresident one of the most popular hashtags of the last couple of years.

Trump is the favorite president of Nazis, racists and white evangelical scum, but mainstream America considers him an abomination.

Follow Robert Paul Reyes on Twitter: http://twitter.com/robertpaulreyes



Karen Pence Wears Slutty Dress Even Nicky Minaj Would be Embarrassed to Wear

“Second-lady Karen Pence is getting dragged for wearing a mall-bought dress that was too short and tight while meeting the King and Queen of Jordan this week.

To receive King Abdullah II bin Al-Hussein and Queen Rania on Monday, Karen, the wife of VP Mike Pence, wore a pink-and-black dress with a halter-and-tank style top, and pink, strappy shoes.”


Mike and Karen Pence are devout evangelical Christians, and they are circumspect in speech, demeanor and dress, in other words they are so ramrod straight that it would take pliers to remove the sticks from their arseholes.

Karen, 61, known as Mother to her hubby and close friends, wore a slutty dress while meeting with the King and Queen of Jordan that even Nicky Minaj would have second thoughts about wearing.

Mother`s belt was only an inch below her ample bosom, old men are known to hike up their pants up to their chests, but I`ve never seen an old hag favor such a look.

What a shameless hussy, I doubt she would don such a ratchet ensemble if she was meeting the Pope or Jerry Falwell Jr instead of Muslim royalty.

Mother must have got her hubby all hot and bothered by wearing such a scandalous dress in public, I bet he gave her the Mother of all holy poundings that night.

I never thought in a million years that I would be slut-shaming Karen Pence of all people, but girlfriend gave me a Mother of a sexual migraine.

I apologize if my essay induced anyone to vomit or to get shit-faced drunk.

Link to pic of slutty dress:


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Who Is More Reprehensible Donald Trump or Mike Pence?

“Conservatives in and out of Washington were alarmed by President Trump`s joint press conference with Russian President Vladimir Putin on Monday, where the American leader refused to affirm the conclusions of U.S. intelligence agencies that Putin`s Russia meddled in the 2016 presidential election.

`But where some national security experts saw a president who appears to be `wholly in the pocket of Putin,` Vice President Mike Pence saw quite the opposite. `What the world saw, what the American people saw, is that President Donald Trump will always put the prosperity and security of America first,` Pence said, per NBC News` Peter Alexander.”

The Week

What most Americans witnessed in Helsinki was the most obsequious and treasonous display by an American president on the world stage. Even Trump`s most delusional supporters spoke out in outrage against his betrayal of our democracy.

Trump behaved like a fanboy invited on stage to meet Harry Styles, your guess is as good as mine why the Orange Buffoon walked bowlegged off the stage.

Mike Pence declared “What the world saw, what the American people saw, is that President Donald Trump will always put the prosperity and security of America first.”

Pence`s statement would be correct only if he substituted the word “America” with “Russia.”

Never mind alternative facts, Pence is living in an alternative reality. Pence has his head so far up Trump`s ass, and Trump has his head so far up Putin`s ass that you can smell these arseholes from a mile away.

Pence`s incredible statement only proves that we must get rid of Trump and Pence by any means necessary.

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Next Air Force One Will be Red, White and Blue (Same Colors as Russian Flag)

“The next generation of Air Force One will abandon the planes` traditional color scheme in favor of red, white and blue, President Donald Trump told CBS News, confirming reports about changes to the planes` iconic look.”

USA Today

Trump eagerly discussed the new color scheme with reporters, perhaps he wanted to take his mind off another flying machine that`s been in the news lately, the Baby Trump blimp.

The traditional color of scheme of light blue and white is soothing and understated, appropriate for a superpower confident in its own power.

The new color scheme will be red, white and blue, the same colors as the American flag and the Russian flag. I wouldn`t be surprised if the plane`s paint job resembles the Russian flag more than it does Old Glory.

The planes aren`t expected to be completed until January 2025 after Trump leaves office, so maybe he will restrain himself from going overboard with the new paint scheme.

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The Day After Helsinki Donald Trump Attempts Cleanup

Shameful! Disgraceful! A bad day for the United States! The most serious mistake of his presidency! That wasn`t how the usual suspects at CNN and MSNBC characterized the joint press conference Monday by American President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin in Helsinki at the end of their summit. That was the assessment of senior Republicans, even Fox News anchors condemned Trump`s buffoonery.

Trump`s statements at Helsinki were embarrassing, and dare I say it treasonous! Upon his return to America he should have been tarred, feathered and ridden out of town on a rail, or at least censured by the Senate.

When even ” Fox and Friends” anchor Brian Kilmeade panned Trump`s performance he knew he had to do or say something, immediately. And so a day after his much-maligned news conference with his BFF Putin, Trump attempted some damage control saying “I accept the findings of the U.S. intelligence community that Russia interfered in the 2016 presidential campaign.” But then he veered off the script that was written for him and suggested that others may have interfered in the election. I guess we`re back to that 400-pound hacker meddling in our elections from his basement.

Nothing`s changed, Trump has claimed to accept the conclusion of our intelligence agencies before, only to almost immediately cast doubts on their loyalty and professionalism.

One of Trump`s most damaging statements at Helsinki was when he said he saw no reason why it WOULD be Russia that interfered. In his ridiculous attempt to clean up his mess he said he meant to say he saw no reason why it WOULDN`T be Russia.

Unfortunately for Trump it wasn`t just one line that ruined an otherwise masterful performance, his entire performance was a travesty. Trump was offered multiple opportunities to speak truth to power, or semi-power, and strongly denounce Russia`s actions, but instead he placed blame on the FBI and said that he had confidence in both parties – the U.S. intelligence community and Russia.

He went so far as to say that Putin`s denial of having been involved in the election was extremely strong and powerful.

Trump`s Helsinki fiasco will live in infamy, his patented strategy of making Americans forget about a colossal blunder by pointing to a shiny object won`t work, he is permanently weakened on the world stage and in the homeland.

Follow Robert Paul Reyes on Twitter: http://twitter.com/robertpaulreyes

Donald Trump’s European Visit Was an Unmitigated Disaster

Category 5 Hurricane Donald Trump has wreaked devastation on Europe, and on Monday he will arrive in Helsinki, Finland for a summit with Russian Federation president-for-life Vladimir Putin.

Putin will welcome his American comrade with open arms, Trump has done more to achieve Russian objectives than all of the Russian intelligence agencies combined. Helping Trump win the election is the most successful intelligence operation in world history. When Trump dies his final resting place should be in a mausoleum right next to Lenin`s in Red Square.

Trump`s European visit was an unmitigated disaster for America`s reputation and for our relationships with our most valued and trusted allies.

Trump`s first stop was in Brussels, Belgium for the NATO alliance summit. Trump treated the 70-year-old alliance that prevented the Soviet Union from devouring Europe, and has been a bulwark against international terrorism with contempt and disdain. Trump presided over the gathering as if he was a Mafia Godfather lambasting his underbosses for failing to give him his proper share.

At the NATO summit Trump accused Germany of being captive to Russia; German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who grew up in East Berlin under Russian occupation, vigorously defended herself against Trump`s false charges.

It took a lot of chutzpah for Trump to accuse Germany of being captive to Russia considering he owes his election victory to Putin. If anyone is captive to Putin it`s Trump, he has failed to speak out against Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election, and he hasn`t criticized Putin for his intervention in Syria or for capturing Ukrainian territory by military force.

Trump`s next stop was England where he ridiculed UK Prime Minister Theresa May`s Brexit strategy and praised Boris Johnson was had just resigned from her cabinet over Brexit. With a friend like Trump, who stabs May in the back when she`s at her most vulnerable, who needs enemies?

Imagine the Sex Pistols in the late 70`s playing a gig at the Salt Lake Temple, that`s how much devastation Trump`s European visit caused.

I`m sure Trump will enjoy his bonding session with fellow autocrat Putin, their plan of destroying America`s international reputation, weakening the European Union and diminishing NATO`s effectiveness is working to perfection.

Follow Robert Paul Reyes on Twitter: http://twitter.com/robertpaulreyes

Donald Trump Is Not My President!

The phrase “President Donald Trump” is an oxymoron, and many journalists, commentators and bloggers refuse to describe him in such terms. In fact, a substantial number of Americans don`t consider Trump their president, and they refuse to legitimize his administration in any way.

This is not simply a case of sour grapes over losing the election, Trump is uniquely unqualified, morally, ethically and intellectually to be president of the greatest democracy in history. Expecting patriotic Americans to accept the legitimacy of the Trump administration is akin to expecting Roman Catholics to accept Richard Dawkins as the Pope or Iranians to recognize Cardi B as their new Supreme Leader.

Something went horribly wrong on November 8, 2016, in a multiverse with an infinite number of universes ours is the only world where Trump won the presidential election. Even if you don`t believe in the multiverse theory of quantum physics or a sadistic deity who delights in playing practical jokes, you know there`s something rotten in Denmark.

So what does it mean in practical terms for a journalist or blogger not to accept the validity of the Trump administration? It means that we shouldn`t treat Trump as if he were an Abraham Lincoln, John F. Kennedy, Ronald Reagan or even a George W. Bush. Cable new networks shouldn`t broadcast his campaign speeches live, his tweets shouldn`t be parsed as if they were Shakespeare sonnets, and the White House press conferences, presided over by lying sycophant Sarah Huckabee Sanders, shouldn`t be telecast.

Donald Trump is a clown, buffoon, ignoramus and bully, and the racist bastard doesn`t deserve our respect. To hell with the argument that he deserves the benefit of the doubts that accrue to his office, he is an aberration and an abomination, and it`s incumbent upon patriots to dedicate their lives to get rid of him by any means necessary.

“Impeach Trump” shouldn`t just be the cry of leftist radicals, this chant should be heard everywhere, from the smallest rural towns to our greatest cities.

Not My President! Not now! Never!

Follow Robert Paul Reyes on Twitter: http://twitter.com/robertpaulreyes

Donald Trump Isn’t a Macho Man, He’s a Petulant Toddler

The toxic masculinity of conservatives is having a corrosive effect not just on politics, but on society at large. How can we convince our children they shouldn`t curse when they see Trump uttering profanities with abandon?

Republicans regard Donald Trump as the epitome of masculinity, they believe his bellicose rhetoric has earned the respect of our allies and enemies, and they point to North Korea as exhibit number one. They argue that Kim Jong-un would never have agreed to a peace summit if their Masculine Messiah hadn`t intimidated him into acquiescence by calling him “Little Rocket Man” and “sick puppy.”

The fact is that Jong-un didn`t agree to peace talks because of Trump`s macho words or tough sanctions, he intuited that Trump has built up expectations so high that even if the Singapore summit produced nothing but vague promises and flowery rhetoric, the president had painted himself into a corner and would pronounce the summit a bigly victory.

Indeed that`s exactly what happened, Trump is just the latest American president rolled by the North Korean dynasty. North Korea is upgrading a major nuclear research facility despite Trump`s claim that Jong Un has vowed to disarm, according to new satellite images. To add insult to injury right after Mike Pompeo has described the latest round of talks as “productive and in good faith,” the North Koreans accused the Americans of acting like gangsters.

Trump`s manly demeanor and coarse language has resulted in the coarsening of public discourse, and it`s made America the laughingstock of the world.

Masculinity doesn`t mean that you curse like a sailor and act like a bully, it means that you disarm your enemy with facts and eloquence, and you treat everyone with respect.

Donald Trump isn`t a macho man, he`s a petulant toddler, and on the same day we impeach and remove him from office he will become an irrelevant and cranky loser.

Follow Robert Paul Reyes on Twitter: http://twitter.com/robertpaulreyes

Donald Trump Thrives Delivering Campaign Speeches

It`s been three years since Donald Trump descended the gold escalator at Trump Tower to deliver his presidential announcement speech in which he described Mexican immigrants as racist. Trump`s speeches during the presidential campaign were must-watch TV, it was intoxicating watching an Elmer Gantry working a partisan crowd.

Trump`s stump speeches were aired on MSNBC, CNN and Fox News, the blowhard shyster was ratings gold, and the cable news outlets covered him as if he were Jesus Christ on his 2nd Coming Tour.

Left-leaning CNN and MSNBC no longer cover Trump`s addresses from beginning to end, they only play snippets that expose him as a moron. Fox News, which behaves as a propaganda arm for the White House, still airs his orations in full.

Ostensibly Trump makes speeches in support of a GOP politician who is running for re-election in November, but he barley mentions the candidate, and he spends almost all of the time bragging about his so-called accomplishments.

But why is Trump still delivering campaign-style speeches almost two years into his term? What is the point of a Trump rally in 2018? His shtick is well-worn and tired: he walks out to the stage to Lee Greenwood and departs inexplicably to “You Can`t Always Get What You Want.” In between there are lies, insults and incomprehensible blather punctuated by chants of “Lock her up!” and “Build the wall!”

It`s a mystery what audiences get out of Trump`s tired routine, but it`s manifest what he gets out of it. Trump is a narcissist and megalomaniac who needs adulation as much as he needs oxygen. When Trump delivers a speech he knows that he will be treated like a rock star, and that his idiotic comments will be covered extensively by the cable news networks.

The Trump rally is a mainstay of his administration, unfortunately we will be subjected to them right through the final month of his first term.

Follow Robert Paul Reyes on Twitter: http://twitter.com/robertpaulreyes

Giant Trump Baby Will Fly Over London for Donald Trump’s Visit

“Plans to fly a giant inflatable figure depicting Donald Trump as a baby over London during the US presidents visit have been approved.

Mr Trump is due to meet Theresa May at 10 Downing Street on 13 July.”


Friday the 13th will be an unlucky day for Donald Trump, he will suffer the humiliation of watching Trump Baby fly over London when he meets with British Prime Minister Theresa May.

To add insult to injury London Mayor Sadiq Khan gave the permission for the balloon to fly, you might remember that Trump unfairly attacked Khan in the aftermath of the London Bridge attack.
Trump Baby is a perfect representation of Trump, from its tiny hands to its ridiculous yellow hair to its permanently agape mouth.

The @realDonaldTrump is a notoriously thin-skinned narcissist who erupts in a Twitter rage at the slightest perceived insult, Trump Baby is also thin-skinned and he`s at the mercy of birds of the air and their sharp beaks.

Trump is a fat blimp full of hot air although he will never achieve enough lifting force to get off the ground; Trump Baby is full of helium and fortunately to the amusement of onlookers and the consternation of the American president he will soar in the skies over London.

Trump Baby is legitimate protest and a glorious expression of free speech, if I had discretionary income I would fly to London to witness this marvelous historical moment.

Fly Trump Baby, Fly High and Proud!

Should Patriotic Americans Celebrate Independence Day Under the Fascist Trump Regime?

President Donald Trump celebrated Independence Day by golfing and setting of an explosion of incendiary tweets, in which he lied about President Barack Obama secretly granting citizenship to thousands of Iranians as part of the nuclear disarmament negotiations, called a congresswoman crazy and corrupt, and for good measure misspelled “Independence Day.”

But how should patriotic Americans celebrate the Fourth of July under the Trump regime that`s declared war on the institutions and principles that we celebrate on this uniquely American holiday, namely freedom of the press, an independent judiciary, and welcoming immigrants with love?

It`s hardly surprising that according to Gallup fewer than half of adults, 47 percent, call themselves extremely proud to be an American.

I`m not feeling very patriotic, would it be a sham to celebrate the Fourth with fireworks, knowing that Trump has made America a pariah in the international community?

America will survive the infestation of the criminal Trump family and his enablers in Congress, and with a view towards the future I will celebrate Independence Day!

But at the same time I will continue to denounce Trump`s fascist and racist policies, and this essay is proof that the fireworks and revelry of this holiday won`t distract me from fighting the evil Trump regime.

Follow Robert Paul Reyes on Twitter: http://twitter.com/robertpaulreyes

Photo Credit: Wikipedia

Trump Puppet Jim Jordan Accused of Ignoring Allegations of Sexual Abuse at Ohio State University

You can`t spot a sexual pervert by his physical appearance, they don`t all have furtive eyes, a lascivious smirk, and wear a trench coat.

But if there was such a thing as a stereotypical look for a deviant it would be Rep. Jim Jordan. I can imagine him rolling up his shirt sleeves, saying a prayer, before peeking into a bedroom window to ogle a nine-year-old boy.

Let`s just say I wasn`t surprised that former student wrestlers accused Jordan of knowingly ignoring sexual abuse allegations while he was a wrestling coach at Ohio State University.

The hardline conservative is a founding member of the Freedom Caucus, the extreme-right group within the House Republican Conference. Extreme conservatives, especially if they are evangelicals are usually hiding all manners of perversion.

Is anyone surprised that the douchebag who vociferously defends the most corrupt and incompetent president in history would also protect a creep who preys on vulnerable university students? Click this link for complete details of the Jordan sex scandal:


Birds of a feather flock together, it seems that most of Trump`s sycophants and enablers in his administration and in Congress are some seriously twisted individuals.

In a perfect world, and I`m a cold cynic who realizes that this world is far from perfect, Jordan would be impeached followed shortly by the impeachment and removal from office of the orange baboon who isn`t my president.

Follow Robert Paul Reyes on Twitter: http://twitter.com/robertpaulreyes

Mike Pence Has Two Default Expressions: Smarmy Piety and Obsequious Adoration

There`s only one politician that I despise more than President Donald Trump, and that`s his Vice President Mike Pence.

Trump is full of piss and vinegar, and doesn`t pretend to be a paragon of virtue, quite the opposite he revels in his vulgar nature.

Pence on the other hand is a typical white evangelical, which means he is a phony to the core of his being. He avoids even the appearance of evil, and won`t dine or be alone with a woman lest anyone think he might be poking her in her back door.

Pence has two default expressions: smarmy piety and obsequious adoration.

Pence dons the smarmy piety look in his day to day activities, but it`s magnified when he`s doing something religious like participating in the White House Bible study or praying. I`ve sometimes been accusing of having a look of piety, but truth be told it just means I`m constipated.

Pens wears his look of obsequious adoration whenever he`s in the same room with Trump, and it`s ramped up when his boss is giving a speech.

My God how I would love to pimp slap those facial expressions from Pence. Just a fantasy, Im not advocating violence against reprehensible Trumpsters.

Follow Robert Paul Reyes on Twitter: http://twitter.com/robertpaulreyes

Donald Trump’s Red Hen Tweet

President Donald Trump has many items on his plate (The Immigration crisis at the border that he exacerbated with his Zero Tolerance Policy, North Korea, the tariffs fiasco), but instead of weighing in on these weighty issues, 48 hours after the owner of the Red Hen restaurant in Lexington, Virginia politely asked White House press secretary Sarah Sanders to leave her establishment, he offered his two cents worth on Twitter, of course.

“The Red Hen Restaurant should focus more on cleaning its filthy canopies, doors and windows (badly needs a paint job) rather than refusing to serve a fine person like Sarah Huckabee Sanders. I always had a rule, if a restaurant is dirty on the outside, it is dirty on the inside!”

Trump is using this cause celebre to distract us from the aforementioned important issues, but a presidential tweet is an official statement and merits analysis and discussion.

Let`s stipulate that Trump doesn`t really care about Sanders` hurt feelings, he cares only about himself. In fact, he probably calls his press secretary “Uncle Fester” behind her back.

But any perceived or real insult directed towards any member of his staff reflects on him, and he can`t help but punch back. Fight back, he certainly did, in his usual childish and mean manner. If by some miracle Trump read my article, he would punch back at me even though I`m an insignificant blogger from Lynchburg, VA.

This was my Twitter response to the president`s tweet:

Your face is wrinkled and ugly and badly in need of a paint job. Any color other than clown orange would be an improvement. I have a rule if your mouth looks like an a-hole, nothing but shi* is going to come out, and I`m not listening.

Trump`s staffers are being vilified when they eat out (the owner of the Red Hen restaurant treated Sanders with respect), go to a movie, stop for gas, or go grocery shopping. The chickens are coming home to roost, deal with it you orange baboon.

But the real reckoning will take place on the mid-term elections, citizens are tired of Trump`s racism, misogyny, homophobia and vulgar behavior.

Follow Robert Paul Reyes on Twitter: http://twitter.com/robertpaulreyes

Bob Corker: The GOP is a Cult of Personality

“Bob Corker worries GOP is becoming a cult. Don Jr. likes that. The Republican Party is having a remarkable internal conversation about whether it is turning into a personality cult that has abandoned all principles in order to follow President Donald Trump`s every whim.

Tennessee Senator Bob Corker kicked off the debate on Wednesday in a press scrum. “We`re in a strange place. It`s becoming a cultish thing, isn`t it?” Corker told reporters. “It`s not a good place for any party to have a cult-like situation as it relates to a President that happens to be purportedly of the same party.” Corker has been specifically critical of his party for abandoning the cause of free trade because of Trump`s protectionism, but many more instances can be cited.”

The New Republic

When Donald Trump was unexpectedly elected president I imagined that he would face as much opposition from mainstream Republicans as from Democrats. Surely I thought conservatives will never accept the lifelong Democrat as one of their own.

But I was wrong, boy was I wrong! In warp speed Trump has transformed the party of family values, fiscal responsibility and free trade into a cult of personality.

If a Republican in the House or Senate criticizes Trump he immediately blasts him on Twitter, and his prospects of reelection immediately diminish.

Before Trump a Republican was called a RINO (Republican in name only) if he strayed from Republican orthodoxy, say for example if he advocated for national health care. Today a Republican`s bona fides is judged entirely on whether or not he fervently supports the megalomaniac.

The law and order party enthusiastically joins Trump is attacking the FBI, the Justice Department and our intelligence agencies. The party of free trade is mute while Trump imposes tariffs not only on China, but on our allies. The party of small government and fiscal responsibility approves a $1.3 trillion budget deal. The anti-Communist party denies that Russia interfered in the 2016 election, and doesn`t take any steps to prevent the oligarchy from doing so again in the mid-term elections. The Big Tent party has no room for advocates of comprehensive immigration reform. The party of family values embraces a serial pussy-grabber president, and endorses the senatorial candidacy of a pedophile. The anti-corruption party approves the swampiest creatures to be members of Trump`s cabinet.

Republicans march lockstep with the corrupt president, and the only voices crying in the wilderness are Republicans who have announced they aren`t running for reelection like Senator Bob Corker, and the terminally ill Senator John McCain.

The Republican Party is a cult, and you can`t appeal to Republicans on the basis of reason or facts. The truth is whatever the pathological liar and eminently unreasonable Trump says it is. If Trump says the sky is purple and you say it`s blue, Republicans accuse you of promulgating fake news.

You can no longer debate rationally with the GOP, principled Republicans who aren`t enthralled by the con artist in the White House should follow the advice of conservative pundit George Will and join Democrats in voting for Democrats in the mid-terms.

Only a Democrat-led Congress will impeach Trump, and only after he is removed from office will the Trump cult of personality be destroyed.

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Follow Robert Paul Reyes on Twitter: http://twitter.com/robertpaulreyes

Patriotic Congressional Intern Shouts ‘F-You’ at Trump

“A Congressional intern yelled Mr. `President, F-k You` as President Trump walked through the Capital rotunda on his way Tuesday night for a talk with legislators about immigration.

The F-bomb incident was captured on video as the president walked through the Capital rotunda on his way to the meeting with GOP congressmen.”

The New York Post

If by happenstance you found yourself just a few yards away from Donald Trump as he quickly walked by on his way to a meeting, what if anything, would you say to him? Keep in mind that he`s going to be within earshot for just a few seconds, so your message must be concise.

Trump`s sycophants and enablers tickle his ears all day long and he doesn`t need to hear another compliment or his super-sized ego might burst.

Even if I was a lowly Congressional intern and any outburst directed at the president would mean the end of my career before it got started, I would curse him out.

This young woman, who has yet to be identified, is a patriot and if she`s fired I hope she`s offered an important position by a fellow patriot.

The Capitol Police are said to be on the lookout for her, but I`m not sure what they could charge her with, considering she was only exercising her First Amendment right of free speech.

I`m not a young intern, I`m an old fart who has been around the block a few times, and I`ve met many pompous jerks like Trump, and I know how to treat them.

I would yell an obscenity at Trump, knowing full well that it wouldn`t temper his behavior or cause him to reconsider his racist policies. But I would be satisfied knowing that the insult would penetrate his thin skin and bother him for the rest of the day. A monster like Trump doesn`t deserve a minute of peace.

Link to video:


Follow Robert Paul Reyes on Twitter: http://twitter.com/robertpaulreyes

Donald Trump Hugs American Flag! Disgusting!

“President Donald Trump paused to give the American flag a hug after giving a speech to business owners on Tuesday.

“The president, clapping as he walked off the stage at the National Federation of Independent Business to the Rolling Stones` `You Can`t Always Get What You Want,` opened his arms wide as he came to the flag and then hugged it.”

New York Post

“Refuge is the last refuge of a scoundrel”

Samuel Jackson

Trump likes to wrap himself in the American flag, while at the same time disrespecting everything that Old Glory stands for with his behavior and his policies.

The Orange Buffoon may not be a stable genius, but he`s a cynical genius at playing to his base. At every stump speech he flings enough red meat of xenophobia and misogyny to sate his base, and festoons the stage with enough patriotic trimmings to convince them that he`s a statesman and a patriot.

Naturally the morons erupted in wild applause when he hugged the flag after delivering his speech. These are the same simple-minded evangelicals who give their tithes and offerings to greedy televangelists.

I`m outraged watching our Nazi president hug our American flag, I would be less outraged if he pulled out his little pecker and pissed on the flag, because that`s what`s he`s really doing to our great democracy.

Link to video:


Follow Robert Paul Reyes on Twitter: http://twitter.com/robertpaulreyes

Melania Weighs In on Trump’s Inhumane Immigration Policy

“First Lady Melania Trump, an immigrant, hates to see other immigrants have their children ripped out of their arms and stored in former Walmarts.

The First Lady doesn`t typically descend from her tower to comment on the dirty world of politics, but apparently, the images of crying toddlers and stories of distraught parents committing suicide when their kids are taken away is just too much for the noted anti-cyberbullying expert to bear and she has made a rare statement.

`Mrs. Trump hates to see children separated from their families and hopes both sides of the aisle can finally come together to achieve successful immigration reform,` her spokeswoman, Stephanie Grisham, told CNN Sunday. `She believes we need to be a country that follows all laws, but also a country that governs with heart.` Basically, she wants her husband`s administration to be best.”

Fast Company

Melania Trump rarely opines on current events or the policies of the White House, in fact we rarely hear a peep out of her on any subject. She`s so reticent she makes former First Lady Pat Nixon look like Chatty Cathy.

I can`t say that I blame Melania for keeping a low profile, English isn`t her first language. Melania`s handlers haven`t done her any favors by plagiarizing the speeches of Michelle Obama in preparing her own orations.

But Melania, an immigrant herself, has lent her voice to outraged citizens who vehemently oppose the Trump`s administration`s Nazi-like policy of separating immigrant children from their parents at the border.

Melania didn`t exactly speak truth to power, but her mild rebuke is nevertheless significant considering she`s married to the orange bastard.

The current FLOTUS joins her predecessors Hillary Clinton, Michelle Obama, and Laura Bush in speaking out against the inhumane policy.

We aren`t married to Trump (Thank God), and we aren`t under any constraints, and it`s incumbent upon us to loudly condemn his barbaric policy in no uncertain terms.

What are you going to say when your grandchildren ask you what you did to oppose Trump`s oppressive regime?

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Clouds That Resemble Donald Trump an Internet Sensation

A man`s photos of clouds resembling Donald Trump are going viral on social media.

The menacing dark clouds capture the evil essence of Trump, there are dark clouds on the horizon and they threaten to destroy our democracy.

As alarming as they may appear the clouds will dissipate within a few minutes, unfortunately we still have at least two more years of the Trump tornado to endure.

The clouds wispy nature also speaks of the unsubstantial aspect of Trump`s persona, there`s no gravitas only racist, misogynist and hateful buffoonery that carries no weight.

You don`t need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows, and you don`t a political commentator to know that we`re in deep trouble until the Trump thunderhead can no longer be seen in our rear view mirror.

Link to pics of Trump clouds:


Follow Robert Paul Reyes on Twitter: http://twitter.com/robertpaulreyes

Trump Wants People to Sit Up at Attention for Him Like They Do for Kim Jong-un

“In a surprise interview with Fox and Friends on Friday, President Donald Trump announced live that he wants his people to sit up at attention when he speaks – the same way North Koreans do for dictator Kim Jong Un.

During the interview, the subject of Trump`s recent Singapore summit with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un arose. `He`s the head of a country. And I mean, he is the strong head,` Trump remarked. `Don`t let anyone think anything different. He speaks and his people sit up at attention. I want my people to do the same.`”

When White House reporters later followed up on his comment, Trump said `I`m kidding, you don`t understand sarcasm.`”


Let`s parse Trump`s statement, it reveals his narcissistic and egomaniacal personality.

“He`s the head of a country. And I mean, he is the strong head. Don`t let anyone think different.”

Nobody thinks different. Everyone knows that Kim Jong-un isn`t just a “strong head,” but a ruthless tyrant who tortures, imprisons and starves his own people. Trump is the only one who thinks that the North Korean dictator is a “smart guy” and a “very talented man” who “loves his people.”

“He speaks and his people sit up at attention.”

Of course the terrorized citizens sit up at attention when their Dear Leader speaks, he sentenced people who didn`t cry at the funeral of his father Kim Jong-il to long sentences in a labor camp. But we live in a democracy, not in a dictatorship, and we aren`t about to sit up at attention whenever Trump babbles incoherently. A president who tramples on the Constitution, runs roughshod over the other co-equal branches of government, and condones racism and misogyny doesn`t deserve any respect.

“I want my people to do the same.”

Trump isn`t my president, and we aren`t his people. We are citizens in a democracy, not subjects in a monarchy or slaves in a dictatorship.

“I`m kidding, you don`t understand sarcasm.”

Trump may or may not have been kidding, but one thing is clear his so-called joke reveals his demented personality that craves adulation. We understand humor, and we understand that Trump is the biggest joke in the world.

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Jim Carrey Painting Depicts ‘Calvin’ Peeing on Donald Trump’s Grave! Bravo!

None of Jim Carrey`s films are considered a great work of art, but every time he posts a new drawing on Twitter he astounds the world of art with his brilliance, and delivers a gut punch to the corrupt Trump administration.

The actor turned artist, posted his latest masterpiece on Twitter Thursday. His new work depicts Calvin from the “Calvin and Hobbes” comic strip pissing on Trump`s grave.

Given Trump`s penchant for hiring prostitutes to perform golden showers, I would argue that pissing on his grave would be more appropriate than places a flower or an American flag. I won`t visit Trump`s grave without first drinking a gallon of water; I will show him proper respect.

Calvin mischievously peeing in various scenarios is a wildly popular meme, but this is perhaps the best appropriation of that meme.

Demonstrating that his way with words is as remarkable as his painting skills, Carrey captioned his painting with these words: Oh how I urine for this all to be over with.

Amen Brother, Amen!

Link to Carrey`s masterpiece:

Follow Robert Paul Reyes on Twitter: http://twitter.com/robertpaulreyes

Trump G7 Photo Becomes Internet Classic

“A viral photo of Angela Merkel and other world leaders standing over a seated Donald Trump at Friday`s G7 summit has been given the meme treatment on social media, with Twitter users quick to liken the image to everything from renaissance art to a scene from the Apprentice.

The G7 summit, which brought together world leaders from Germany, Japan, Canada, the US, Italy, France and the UK, was held in Charlevoix, Quebec, in Canada, over the weekend. This year`s summit had a particular focus on trade.

However, the enduring image from the summit was one in which divisions between the group were clear. The German chancellor`s office posted the striking picture to Instagram on Saturday with the caption: Day two of the G7 summit in Canada: spontaneous meeting between two working sessions.”

The Guardian

In the instantly iconic photograph German Chancellor and real Leader of the Free World Angela Merkel, with other world leaders surrounding her in a show of solidarity, stares down at a seated Donald Trump, who has his arms crossed in defiance and disdain.

Merkel is leaning forward getting in the face of Trump, as a school principal does when reprimanding an unruly student.

Her hands are pressing down on a table in fury, I can only hope that it was solid oak able to withstand such pressure.

Trump, the putative Leader of the Free World, has his arms crossed, and this posture serves several purposes. It hides his grotesquely small hands, it prevents Merkel from slapping them with a ruler, and it conveys defiance.

Merkel is staring directly at Trump, but he seems to be looking far off into the distance. He instinctively knows that he can`t withstand her withering glare, and he`s probably praying that he was back home where sycophants like Mike Pence look at him adoringly.

A picture is worth a thousand words, and dozens of tweets by Trump and millions of words by his supporters won`t change the message that this photo depicts: The G7 Summit was an unqualified disaster for Trump.

Link to pic:


Follow Robert Paul Reyes on Twitter: http://twitter.com/robertpaulreyes

Robert De Niro Deserves Nobel Prize for Saying ‘F Trump’ at the Tony Awards

Silver Screen icon Robert De Niro received a standing ovation at the Tony Awards when he exclaimed, “First I wanna say, `F*ck Trump.” It`s no long `Down with Trump,` it`s F*ck Trump.”

Sometimes the eloquent words of a statesman like a Winston Churchill or a Barak Obama are needed when the West needs to be warned about an existential threat to democracy.

Sometimes the primal scream of a prophet is called for when a nation needs to wake up to the truth that the Barbarians aren`t at the gate, but in the halls of power.

De Niro is spot on, it`s no longer “Impeach Trump” or “Dump Trump,” but “F Trump!”

The time for civil debate with Trump supporters is over, they`ve had plenty of time to discern that the short-fingered vulgarian is unworthy of being dogcatcher, let alone the President of the United States. I might as well waste my time trying to convince a Nazi that Hitler wasn`t a good person.

When I see Trump my visceral reaction is: F Trump!

When I hear Trump speak my reaction is: F Trump!

When I hear a sycophant praise him my reaction is F Trump!

It`s a crying shame that CBS bleeped out De Niro`s shining moment. “F Trump” should be blaring from every public address system in America.

F Trump!

Pic of Kim Kardashian Meeting Donald Trump at the White House Proves We’re Living in a Simulation

If there is one image that encapsulates the absurdity of the Trump administration it`s the photograph of Donald Trump seated behind the Resolute desk in the Oval Office, his dentures exposed in a rictus befitting a clown, a serial killer, or the crazy uncle who lives in the attic.

In my nightmares I run naked in the woods with Trump`s orange disembodied head attempting to chomp my pecker off, out of spite, jealousy or sheer mischief.

Reality queen Kim Kardashian is standing slightly behind him, wearing a more somber expression. Even the queen of reality TV seems to be cognizant of the absurdity of the situation. She is dressed in black, in a modest and conservative outfit that wouldn`t be out of place in Tehran or Riyadh.

The pic of Kardashian`s bare backside failed to break the Internet, but this image may break the Internet as well as the soul of our democracy.

Reality can`t get any more unreal than Kim Kardashian meeting with Donald Trump at the White House. Am I living in a computer simulation? Am I dead and in hell? Am I insane? This can`t be an LSD flashback, because I never dropped acid. But at this point I`m open to any explanation.

A few days ago, Trump said he would probably support a new bipartisan bill that would return decision-making on marijuana laws to individual states. That`s the least he can do, the only way we can cope with the unreality of the Trump age is by being high as a kite.

Pic of Trump and Kardashian:


Follow Robert Paul Reyes on Twitter: http://twitter.com/robertpaulreyes