Who Is More Reprehensible Donald Trump or Mike Pence?

“Conservatives in and out of Washington were alarmed by President Trump`s joint press conference with Russian President Vladimir Putin on Monday, where the American leader refused to affirm the conclusions of U.S. intelligence agencies that Putin`s Russia meddled in the 2016 presidential election.

`But where some national security experts saw a president who appears to be `wholly in the pocket of Putin,` Vice President Mike Pence saw quite the opposite. `What the world saw, what the American people saw, is that President Donald Trump will always put the prosperity and security of America first,` Pence said, per NBC News` Peter Alexander.”

The Week

What most Americans witnessed in Helsinki was the most obsequious and treasonous display by an American president on the world stage. Even Trump`s most delusional supporters spoke out in outrage against his betrayal of our democracy.

Trump behaved like a fanboy invited on stage to meet Harry Styles, your guess is as good as mine why the Orange Buffoon walked bowlegged off the stage.

Mike Pence declared “What the world saw, what the American people saw, is that President Donald Trump will always put the prosperity and security of America first.”

Pence`s statement would be correct only if he substituted the word “America” with “Russia.”

Never mind alternative facts, Pence is living in an alternative reality. Pence has his head so far up Trump`s ass, and Trump has his head so far up Putin`s ass that you can smell these arseholes from a mile away.

Pence`s incredible statement only proves that we must get rid of Trump and Pence by any means necessary.

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