There Will be a Day of Reckoning for Donald Trump

On January 23, 2016, presidential candidate Donald Trump boasted that he could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and not lose voters.

At the time I remember thinking, “What a clown, his followers will soon grow weary with his act and abandon him in droves.”

Obviously I was wrong and Trump was remarkably prescient, the past two and a half years have proven that he can get away with anything, as long as he remains faithful to the evangelical agenda.

If Trump shot a hapless tourist in the middle of 5th Avenue, his supporters would praise him for his marksmanship, and demand that he be made an honorary sheriff.

On June, 2, 2018 Rudy Giuliani, a former federal prosecutor, boasted that if his boss shot former FBI Director James Comey in the Oval Office that he wouldn`t be indicted for the dastardly crime while still serving as president.

One bombastic dumbass trying to outdo another bombastic dumbass!

If Trump rapes or murders someone while he`s president, handcuffs will be slapped on him faster than Mike Pence can plant a big sloppy kiss on his fat butt.

The president isn`t above the law. The president can`t pardon himself. The president can`t get away with murder. A day of reckoning is coming, I just pray that it gets here sooner rather than later.

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Mike Pence is an Abomination and an Affront to the Almighty

You don`t have to be a political science major, a historian or a particularly insightful individual to deduce that Donald Trump is a vulgar ignoramus who is an unqualified disaster as President of the United States.

Every day Trump perpetuates another outrage against the Constitution, common decency, and the rule of law. While white evangelicals pray that God will bless their Messiah, true Christians are praying that the Almighty will smite the Antichrist.

Mike Pence is the Vice President in no large part due to the recommendation of Paul Manafort, one of the slimiest political insiders in history.

Pence has been at the epicenter of the rise of Donald Trump to the White House almost from the start. The evangelical zealot was active in the Republican National Convention, where he was nominated, through the election campaign and let`s not forget that he was head of the transition, after Trump kicked Chris Christie to the curb. And of course he has been an eyewitness to all of the chaos and corruption of the past sixteen months of the Trump administration.

If anyone is aware of the moral depravity of the Trump administration, it`s Mr. Born Again, Mike Pence. Even though Trump`s behavior is antithetical to the teachings of Jesus Christ, you won`t find a more loyal supporter than Pence.

Pence is biding his time, hoping that when Trump leaves office, that he will be able to scrub off the filth, and run for president.

But even if he is successful, I have one question for the self-righteous creep: For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?

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Donald Trump is a Liar

“Donald Trump is a liar. Not just in the sense that we are all fallible human beings who probably say things that aren`t true sometimes – he has made flagrant disregard for the truth a hallmark for his approach to business and politics.

He wrote about his strategic use of dishonesty in The Art of The Deal. He admitted to routinely lying about important matters in a sworn deposition. And of course it`s obvious to anyone who`s followed his political career that he has continued to exhibit a flagrant disregard for the truth as he pivoted from real estate developer to celebrity brand licenser to president. A core belief of his is that lying is a good way to get ahead, which is why he lies so much.

In addition to being a liar, Trump is unusually ill-informed about public policy for a president, so he plausibly says some things that aren`t true out of genuine lack of knowledge. This leads to a natural caution on the part of some journalists who cover the White House about calling a lie a lie, with phrases like `demonstrable falsehood` instead.”


All of us bend the truth sometimes, but our moral code, and societal expectations prevent us from becoming pathological liars. Sometimes it`s just more expedient to simply tell the truth, we don`t have to worry that we`ll forget which lie we told to which person.

Donald Trump is a liar is the same sense that Pol Pot was a murderer, Hitler was a racist, and Whitney Houston was a crackhead.

Deceit is the oxygen that flows in his veins, and feeds his demented mind.

If Trump stopped lying the orange pig would shrivel and die, truth is such a foreign element that his immune system wouldn`t be able to handle the truth.

Sometimes Trump`s lies are calculated, and sometimes they just fly out of his mouth without any forethought – dissembling is his default mode.

Trump is a sociopath, he doesn`t have any regrets or remorse about spinning untruths. In his mind his deceptions and misrepresentations are the truth, even if they are blatantly false to the average person.

There`s a debate in polite society whether to call Trump a liar or use a euphemism, allow me to explain where I stand on the issue.

We should always call a “spade a spade” and a liar a liar, and we shouldn`t have any false hopes that we will shame Trump into being more truthful. You`re not going to shame a prostitute by calling her a “freaking whore,” or a televangelist by calling him a “false prophet,” and you are certainly not going to shame Trump by calling him a pathological liar.

It`s incumbent upon pundits, politicians and preachers to speak the truth to power and call Trump a liar. We must label Trump a liar because as a society we must make it crystal clear that we won`t tolerate a serial liar. Every time we use a euphemism to describe a Trump whopper it diminishes us as a democracy that holds truth in high regard.

I know it`s tedious to call Donald Trump a liar every time he opens his mouth, but that`s our responsibility as journalists and bloggers.

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Trump Bemoans ‘Young and Beautiful’ Lives Destroyed by Russia Probe! Say What?

“President Donald Trump has taken to bashing the ongoing Russia investigation in a whole new way-bemoaning the effect the probe has had on the `young and beautiful lives … with stars in their eyes.`

The odd tweet, written by the president on Sunday, is something of a change of tack from recent messages slamming the probe, which have largely taken aim at Special Counsel Robert Mueller.

`Who`s going to give back the young and beautiful lives (and others) that have been devastated and destroyed by the phony Russia Collusion Witch Hunt?` Trump wrote, although he did not go into details about which beautiful people had been affected by the probe.

`They journeyed down to Washington, D.C., with stars in their eyes and wanting to help our nation…They went back home in tatters!` the tweet added.


Like most of Donald Trump`s tweets this one is absurd, untrue and perplexing, and one day I will kick myself in the ass for wasting so much the analyzing his tweets.

So far Mueller`s team has either indicted or obtained guilty pleas from 19 people and three companies, and none of these people can be described as “young and beautiful.”

George Papadopoulos, 30, and Alex van der Zwaan, 33, are young, but I would hardly characterize either one as “beautiful.”

Most of the individuals ensnared in Mueller`s probe are characters with decades of experience in the black arts of influence peddling and bribing foreign officials. I hardly think the likes of Roger Stone and Paul Manafort joined Trump`s campaign with stars in their eyes, dollar bills maybe.

Ivanka and Jared Kushner can be described as “young and beautiful,” if plastic-looking white devils gets your rocks off, but unfortunately they haven`t gone home yet.

Trump did get one thing right, anyone who joins his administration goes back home with his reputation in tatters.

I can`t wait for the day when Trump is impeached and he returns to Trump Tower with his reputation in tatters.

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Where in the Name of God is Melania?

“Questions around Melania Trumps reported hospitalization for kidney surgery have intensified as it`s been noted by White House reporters and on social media that the first lady hasn`t been seen in public for at least 15 days.

According to the Washington Post, the length of Mrs. Trump`s absence is long even for a woman who`s not known to crave the spotlight.”

The Mercury News

Never mind “Where`s Waldo?,” where in the name of God is Melania?

The First Lady underwent an embolization procedure to treat a benign kidney condition at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center on May 14, and she hasn`t been seen since.

Here`s my guesses:

Mayo Clinic

The White House can`t be trusted to tell the truth, maybe the “benign kidney condition” is really a cancerous growth, and she`s undergoing life-saving treatment at the renowned medical center.

Meeting with Mueller

When her no-good husband referred to her as “Melanie” that was the last straw, and homegirl is now spilling the beans to the Special Counsel in a series of top-secret meetings.

Interviewing Divorce Lawyers

Divorcing the President of the United States is a legal and emotional nightmare, and Melania has to interview dozens of lawyers before she chooses the right one.

Digging a Tunnel

That sinkhole was her first attempt at freedom, she`s still busy digging until she`s escaped the swamp that`s the White House.

Meeting with Stormy Daniels

The First Lady is commiserating with the porn star about how rotten Trump is, and at the same time getting tips on how to become an adult movie actress.

Practicing Dancing

Melania can read the writing on the wall, and she knows that her hubby will soon be impeached, and she must prepare for life after being First Lady, and DWTS is a good place to start.


She`s in the Great White North where many patriots have fled from the Trump administration.


Donald Trump has ruined America to the extent that even a nondescript country like Slovenia is a better place.

Who care`s “Where`s Melania?” why can`t Donald Trump disappear into the same black hole?

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In the Age of Trump Does Truth Matter?

“Stephen Colbert took network TV on a rare detour into nihilism on Wednesday night, using Donald Trump`s `spygate` conspiracy theory as a jumping off point for a powerful argument that nothing anyone says or does matters in the slightest anymore. Noting that tweeting What goes around comes around was a bold move for a bully like the president, Colbert called him living proof that karma does not exist, then broadened his scope:

Sorry to break it to you, Hindus! It`s a lawless universe, devoid of hope. The stars blindly run. The leash is off-let`s all go baby-slapping.”


“Spygate” is the false allegation that the FBI had a spy in the Trump campaign for political purposes, in other words to hurt Trump`s electoral chances.

The mundane truth is that an FBI informant met with several Trump campaign advisers in mid-2016 to assess if there were any links between the Trump campaign and Russia.

Only a fabulist would spin a wild conspiracy theory from what amounts to standard operating procedure for the FBI: using a civilian informant in an investigation.

This manufactured scandal is just the latest example of Donald Trump twisting the truth until it resembles a pretzel. Regardless how blatant the lie, Trump gets away with it, and his enablers in Congress and in the media amplify his wild conspiracies.

It`s enough to make a rational person declare, “Nothing anyone says or does matters in the slightest anymore.” Is Colbert right that karma doesn`t exist, and we might as well start slapping babies? Should we all go full-nihilist?

I still believe karma is a bitch, and what goes around comes around, and eventually she will bite you in the ass. Words do matter, the truth does matter, and one day Trump`s words will be used to convict him in a court of law, or impeach him in Congress.

Babies are safe around me, I still believe the truth matters.

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Photos of Scaly Patch on Donald Trump’s Face Scaring the Hell Out of Americans

Donald Trump hasn`t aged well, looking at his face on TV for more than a couple of seconds is as psychologically damaging as it is physically damaging to look at the sun.
Where do I begin? His mouth looks like a sphincter that`s ready to drop a load, his hair looks like cotton candy that sprouts from the head of a demon, his double chin is enough to scare anyone into going on a diet, the white circles around his eyes are grotesque, and his orange complexion makes him look like an Ooompa Loompa who just escaped from hell.

Now there`s a discolored circle on the left side of his hideous face, and it`s giving us the heebie-jeebies. Dermatologists say it`s likely a skin growth called keratosis, but I think it may be a sign that his human mask may be deteriorating.

If Special Counsel Robert Mueller ripped of Trump`s mask and exposed the demon from hell, white evangelicals would still worship the ugly freak as the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

Click this link to see Trump`s ugly mug, but don`t blame me if you suffer a heart attack:

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Mike Pence Claims Religion Is Gaining Ground! Wrong It’s Losing Ground Because of Hypocrites Like Him

“Speaking at a commencement ceremony at Hillsdale College in Michigan, Vice President Mike Pence told the graduates that religion in the United States is going strong.

`The percentage of Americans who live out their religion on a weekly basis – praying, going to church, reading and believing in the Bible – has remained remarkably consistent over the decades, even as the population of the United States has grown by leaps and bounds,` Pence said during his May 12 speech. `I mean, think about it, today, relative to the population, four times as many Americans go to church on a regular basis than at the time of our nation`s founding. Religion in America isn`t receding. It`s just the opposite. Faith is gaining new life across America every day.`”


Mike Pence is an evangelical zealot, he constantly invokes his faith in his private conversations and in his speeches. If Pence was a private citizen, it would be perfectly acceptable if he referenced only Christianity when speaking of religion in general at a commencement ceremony.

But Pence isn`t a private citizen, he`s the Vice President of a religiously diverse democracy, and he shouldn`t talk only of “people going to church, and reading and believing in the Bible.” He should also have mentioned the people of faith who attend mosques and temples.

Pence declared that religion in America isn`t receding, and that faith is gaining new life across America. This is a patently false statement, Americans are growing disillusioned with religion, in no small part, because of hypocrites like Pence who claim to be Christians but support legislation that is antithetical to the teachings of Jesus Christ.

A growing number of Americans don`t have any religious affiliation, Millennials in particular have rejected the moribund religions of their parents.

Pence has done irreparable harm to the evangelical brand, by embracing Trump who resembles the Antichrist more than Jesus Christ.

Thanks to Pence and his ilk, faith is general, and evangelical Christianity in particular is losing ground in America every day.

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Donald Trump Faked Phone Call to Brag About Book Sales

“Pete Davidson, the SNL comedian with the compelling theory that Donald Trump doesn`t know how to read, has shared another wonderful anecdote about Trump`s unfortunate hosting gig in 2015. In an interview with Open Late`s Peter Rosenberg, Davidson said that Trump, for no apparent reason, `faked a phone call` during a table read. Answering his imaginary phone call, Trump said without any pause, `Fantastic, okay great.`

`Then he hung up,` Davidson continued, and he goes, `Hey everybody, my book just went No. 1.` What a charmer.”


Long before he became president Donald Trump surrounded himself with celebrities from the worlds of sports and entertainment.

Trump treats politicians, businessmen and common people with contempt, but he`s always tried to ingratiate himself with celebs. Let`s not forget that trying to impress D-List celeb Billy Bush almost derailed his presidential campaign.

I`m not surprised that during Trump`s presidential campaign he tried to impress the cast of SNL by pretending he received a phone call informing him that his book just reached the top of the bestseller list.

Trump didn`t care that his ruse was so transparent (to this day he doesn`t care that his lies are so blatantly false), he just couldn`t miss an opportunity to brag to his fellow celebs.

The SNL cast was unimpressed with the narcissistic blowhard, it`s a shame that enough Americans were impressed with the despicable con artist to elect him to the White House.

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Rock Icon Keith Richards Says America Must Get Rid of Donald Trump

“Keith Richards, guitarist for the legendary rock `n roll band the Rolling Stones, said the US should get rid of President Donald Trump — and recalled when he said he did the same during a 1989 tour by wielding a knife.

The rock icon told the BBC Trump was their promoter for an Atlantic City show in 1989, and recalled going red with anger when the future President`s name took top billing for their show as `Donald Trump presents the Rolling Stones.`

`I got out my trusty blade, stuck it in the table and said: `You have to get rid of this man,` Richards said. He continued, `Now America has to get rid of him. Don`t say I didn`t warn you.`”


In 1989 Keith Richards already had 25 years of drug and alcohol abuse under his belt, but he had enough presence of mind to realize that Donald Trump was a toxic narcissistic buffoon who shouldn`t be associated with his concert tour.

Thirty years later the rock `n roll icon has only a couple of hundred functioning brain cells, but he still recognizes Trump as an existential threat to our American democracy.

Trump`s supporters may have a few thousand more functioning brain cells that the legendary guitarist, but they utterly fail to recognize their Messiah as a fuc*ing moron.

Thirty years ago Richards punctuated his disgust for Trump by sticking his beloved knife, that he probably used to cut lines of cocaine, into a table.

We feel Richards, God knows how many lovers of democracy have punched walls, and kicked their TV when Trump`s on the screen.

Richards` music will live forever, I pray and hope that his warning will inspire us to overthrow Trump by any means necessary.

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Night Night Donald Trump, You Disgusting Halfwit

Since June 2, 2016 Dan Rebellato, a distinguished professor, has tweeted the following message to Donald Trump, every night, before going to bed:

Night night you disgusting halfwit. xx

You`d expect the renowned playwright and professor of contemporary theatre at Royal Holloway, University of London to publish an article in a literary magazine, replete with footnotes, condemning the short-fingered vulgarian, but when dealing with a disgusting ignoramus a snarky tweet will suffice.

The tweet is a minimalist masterpiece!

It should be noted that the good professor is wishing the septuagenarian buffoon “night night,” not “good night” or “good morning.” It is the nightly message that you deliver to a skinflint grandfather who`d just as soon piss on you as bless you financially. “Night night” is what you mumble to an old fart that you secretly hope will die in his sleep.

Rebellato calls our national disgrace a “disgusting halfwit” to differentiate him from the vast number of halfwits who aren`t disgusting. There are many good-natured halfwits who make us smile with their moronic antics, and silly halfwits who make us grateful that we weren`t last in line when God was passing out brains, and then there are disgusting halfwits who make us doubt the existence of a benevolent deity.

Rebellato`s nightly ritual is a soothing salve to countless of Americans suffering under the Trump regime. As an American I salute Rebellato! You sir are a scholar and a gentleman, and I admire your wit!

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Jim Carrey Taunts ‘Psycho’ Mike Pence

“Actor Jim Carrey shared his latest politically motivated piece of artwork on Friday, this time the Hollywood star`s portrait taking aim at Vice President Mike Pence.

The drawing appears to show Pence dressed in a robe, watching over a fly positioned on his right hand.

`I hope they are watching … They`ll see,` reads the text accompanying text. `They`ll see and they`ll know, and they`ll say, `Why Mike Pence wouldn`t even harm a fly … `”


The quote is from the Alfred Hitchcock classic “Psycho,” a not so subtle hint that our Vice President is a dangerous psycho.

Norman Bates victims were guests of the infamous Bates Motel, but Pence`s victims is the entire population of the United States, especially if he succeeds Trump.

Bates` relationship with his dead mother is the stuff that nightmares are made of, and Pence`s relationship with his wife whom he calls “Mother” is the stuff that gives normal Americans the heebie-jeebies.

Carrey`s artwork is in black and white with the exception of Pence`s piercing green eyes, the eyes of a zealot. Pence is a well-known evangelical zealot, on a mission from God to persecute gays and lesbians, and oppress the poor and disenfranchised.

But when it comes to Psycho Mike Pence politics trumps religion, and he is a political zealot who will debase and humiliate himself in an effort to please his Messiah, Donald Trump.

I hope and pray that Robert Mueller`s investigation will culminate with the impeachment of Trump and Pence. We must not make the mistake of breathing a sigh of relief if Trump is impeached or forced to resign, if Psycho Pence is still in the picture.

Pic of Carrey masterpiece:

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Melania Trump Doesn’t Share a Bedroom With Donald Trump!

Donald and Melania Trump reportedly lead very separate lives within the White House – so much so that the couple do not share a bedroom within 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, according to a recent profile of the first lady in the Washington Post.

But just how unusual is it for first couples to have separate sleeping quarters? Presidential experts tell PEOPLE it`s an arrangement the country hasn`t seen in more than forty years.

First lady scholar Annette Dunlap, author of a biography on President Grover Cleveland`s wife, tells PEOPLE the White House hasn`t seen first couples occupy separate bedrooms since the days of Patricia and Richard Nixon in the early 1970s.”


It`s no surprise that Donald and Melania Trump lead separate lives within the White House, remember she didn`t move into 1900 Pennsylvania Ave. until June 2017.

Can anyone blame the First Lady for not sharing a bedroom with her husband? Ladies, imagine if you can, sleeping in the same bad with the Donald, and waking up to the pervert gabbing your goodies with his freakishly small hands? Or having the Twitter bully wake you up at an ungodly hour in the morning because he couldn`t help himself from firing off a tweet to complain about Comey?

If Donald wants to sleep with his spouse he probably needs to go through Melania`s scheduler, and judging by the way she swats away his repulsive tiny hands in public, I doubt they do the nasty more than once a year.

When Melania moved into the White House she tweeted:

Looking forward to the memories we`ll make in our new home!

I bet they won`t be fond memories! Memories of Trump sitting in the toilet browsing Penthouse to see which nude model he should pursue? Memories of Trump ranting and raving, because he will never be as popular as Obama?

Melania get real, the only way you will make fond memories is if you kick the Orange degenerate to the curb!

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John McCain May Be On His Deathbed But He Doesn’t Deserve Any Praise

“John McCain (R-Ariz.) said he regrets choosing former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin (R) to be his running mate during the 2008 presidential campaign.

The New York Times reported on Saturday that McCain, while still defending Palin`s performance, said in his upcoming book `The Restless Wave: Good Times, Just Causes, Great Fights, and other Appreciations` that he wishes he had instead selected former Sen. Joseph Lieberman (I-Conn.)”

The Hill

John McCain has terminal brain cancer, and it`s only a matter of months, if not weeks, before he dies.

I have no intentions of mourning his death or writing a flattering obituary/editorial.

McCain did much more harm than good during his long political career, and he doesn`t deserve praise on his passing.

The senior senator from Arizona dedicated most of his time in the Senate advocating for war, he delivered countless speeches in the Senate calling for war against almost every Muslim country. If you look up the word “warmonger” in the dictionary you will see McCain`s surly mug.

McCain was the epitome of the corrupt politician, need I remind anyone of the Keating scandal:

The Keating Five were five United States Senators accused of corruption in 1989, igniting a major political scandal as part of the larger Savings and Loan crisis of the late 1980s and early 1990s. The five senators – Alan Cranston, Dennis DeConcini, John Glenn, John McCain, and Donald W. Riegle, Jr.- were accused of improperly intervening in 1987 on behalf of Charles H. Keating, Jr., Chairman of the Lincoln Savings and Loan Association, which was the target of a regulatory investigation by the Federal Home Loan Bank Board (FHLBB).


But McCain`s greatest mistake was choosing Sarah Palin to be his running mate during the 2008 presidential campaign. That wasn`t a mavericky thing to do, it was a cynical and insane action.

Palin was totally unqualified to be one heartbeat away from being president. She`s an ignorant fool, from a dysfunctional family who thought that she was a foreign policy expert because she could see Russia from her porch. Palin paved the way for Donald Trump, it could be argued that he wouldn`t be president if it weren`t for Palin.

McCain is railing against Trump from his deathbed, but he should take a good look at himself in the mirror, he is responsible for the abomination being president.

It`s too late for McCain to take back all the evil he has unleashed, the least he can do is shut up and die quietly.

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Mike Pence and Donald Trump: Locked Together in Sexual/Political Embrace

“WHEN VICE PRESIDENT Mike Pence appeared at an event in Arizona the other day and lauded former sheriff Joe Arpaio as a `tireless champion of the rule of law`, his comment wasn`t just a risible fiction about a man who made racial profiling his political calling card, thumbed his nose at a federal judge`s order and was convicted of criminal contempt of court. In kowtowing to Mr. Arpaio, a hero to alt-right racists, the vice president also announced his own contempt for principles higher than reflexive genuflection to anything and anyone favored by President Trump.

The Washington Post

Vice President Mike Pence is known as a bedrock religious conservative, and as an unapologetic supporter of the short-fingered vulgarian, Donald Trump.

Pence is anal-retentive about avoiding the appearance of evil, he famously refuses to be alone with any woman other than his wife.

You`d think that Pence would have refused to be unequally yoked together with an unbeliever, and turned down the chance to be Vice President.

But not only did Pence accept Trump`s offer to be Vice President, but Pence the religious prude and Trump the brazen hedonist are thicker than thieves.

Whenever Pence`s religious convictions and Trump`s unchristian behavior are in conflict, he sides with the devil.

Trump pardoned Arpaio after he was convicted of criminal contempt for ignoring a federal judge`s order to halt his office`s systematic racial profiling patrols.

So it`s not surprising that Pence lauded the ex-convict racist Sheriff as a tireless champion of the rule of law. In the Trump administration black is white, good is bad, and if you want to remain in the president`s good races you`d better not publicly contradict him.

If Pence is convicted of any Russian scandal related crime, he will likely be pardoned by Trump, but I doubt Jesus will pardon Pence for his many sins: Relentless persecution of gays and lesbians, support of policies that hurt the poor and minorities, and his embrace of the antichrist himself, Donald Trump.

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White House Has Regular Bible Studies and Prayer Sessions! It’s the Most Evil and Corrupt Administration in History!

While the White House faith initiative is making headlines, it`s whats happening behind the scenes inside the White House that is having quite a bit of spiritual impact.

For a while now, CBN News has reported how evangelical Christians have unprecedented direct access with President Trump. It has led to input on policy and consistent prayer among Cabinet members. Pence says there is prayer going on inside the White House all the time, not only on the National Day of Prayer.

`There`s prayer going on on a regular basis in this White House. And it`s one of the most meaningful things to me, whether it`s public meetings or not, I`ve lost count of the number of times that the president has nudged me, or nudged another member of the Cabinet and said, `Let`s start this meeting with prayer,` he told Brody.


Previous Republican presidential candidates have actively courted the evangelical vote during the campaign, and paid them only lip service once they win.

Donald Trump embraced white evangelicals during the campaign, and he`s rewarded them for their loyalty by actually backing legislation, and issuing executive orders that promotes the evangelical agenda.

Trump doesn`t have a spiritual bone in his body, and is more familiar with the Penthouse Forum that he is with the Bible, but he realizes that white evangelicals are an integral part of his base, and he will do anything to earn their support.

Evangelicals are cognizant that Trump is a vulgar, corrupt lying sack of crap, but they have no qualms about supporting him — as long as he remains loyal to their political agenda.

Trump`s cabinet has been called the most evangelical cabinet in history, and it`s also the most corrupt in history. Most of Trump`s cabinet attends a weekly Bible study in the White House, and the policies they are enacting are anti-poor, anti-immigrant and antithetical to the philosophy of Jesus Christ.

Mike Pence claims that there`s prayer going on on a regular basis in the White House, but it`s hands down the most corrupt administration in history.

I can`t imagine a more disgusting sight than Trump folding his tiny hands in prayer while he fantasizes of porn stars and Playboy bunnies, and Pence holding hands in prayer with cabinet members while he`s wondering if Carson is taking advantage of the situation by caressing his hand.

This Bible study-loving and praying administration is leading or democracy straight to hell! Trump, Pence and hte rest of these Pharisees can`t rot in hell.

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Orange Antichrist Has Deepened Divide Between White and Black Evangelicals

The Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr., once said “It is appalling that the most segregated hour of Christian America is eleven o`clock on Sunday morning.”

Decades later that proverb still rings true, when the church bells ring, Christians congregate in churches to worship the Almighty with believers who share their interpretation of the Christian faith, and more importantly their skin color.

Diversity may prevail in the workplace, gym, and places of business and entertainment, but most Americans only feel comfortable worshiping God in segregated churches.

This situation is tragic considering that Christianity promised to do away with gender, racial and class distinctions that divide us:

Galatians 3:28 King James Version (KJV)

There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.

Donald Trump has exacerbated the racial divide in the evangelical church.

Black and brown evangelicals are dismayed and exasperated by white evangelicals` infatuation with a blatant racist, misogynist and homophobic buffoon. Since the election the bond between white evangelicals and Trump has only hardened:

White evangelical Protestants continue to approve of President Donald Trump at about twice the rate of the general public, according to a recent survey by the Public Religion Research Institute. Indeed, the figure is at an all-time high, with some 75 percent expressing a positive view as of March.

How can evangelicals of color be expected to break bread with white evangelicals who overlook, if not outright condone, Trump`s blatant racism out of political expediency?

The rift between white evangelicals and evangelicals of color is irreversible, as an Hispanic I`d rather fellowship with a UFO cult than visit a white evangelical church.

Eleven Sunday morning will continue to be the most segregated hour as long as white evangelicals remain enthralled by the orange Antichrist.

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Rapper Calls on Crips to Assault Kanye West for Supporting Trump! Do You Agree?

“West Coast rapper Daz Dillinger has taken issue with Kanye West supporting President Donald Trump, going as far as to threaten him over the stance.

In two videos posted to social media, Dillinger first shared a theory on what he believes is happening. `It`s like, we all in one boat, and they killing all of us, and he jump over there and say, `Master. I`m on your side master. I got all the information. I`m with you master Trump.`

Dillinger than compared Kanye to Samuel L. Jackson`s character in Django Unchained and continued, `National alert. All the Crips out there, ya`ll fuc* Kanye up. You see that motherfuc*er, fuc* his ass up on GP.`”


Dillinger is best known as a former member of Tha Dogg Pound rap duo who were popular in the 1990`s.

When this dogg barks West would be wise to listen, the Crips don`t take kindly to Uncle Tom fools. And make no mistake about it Kanye is a mentally-unbalanced Uncle Tom fool.

It`s one thing for West to proclaim himself a God and declare that he`s one of the greatest entertainers of all time, such unhinged boasting is par for the course for a rap star.

It`s quite another for West to post a photo of himself wearing a “Make America Great Again” hat with the caption “We got love.”

West also tweeted:

“You don`t have to agree with Trump, but the mob can`t make me not love him. We are both dragon energy. He is my brother. I love everyone. I don`t agree with everything anyone does. That`s what makes us individuals. And we have the right to independent thought.”

The President of the United States Donald Trump has declared war on Blacks, Hispanics, Muslims, immigrants, gays and lesbians, and everybody else who isn`t white. It`s unforgivable for a black person to side with the enemy, it simply must not be tolerated.

This isn`t a case of “we shouldn`t let politics divide us, who cares if you are a Republican, Democrat or Independent.” Trump is an unabashed fascist and a blatant racist, and nobody, let alone a minority, should befriend this monster.

West claims that Trump has dragon energy, reminds me of another lunatic, Charlie Sheen, who claimed that he had tiger blood.

I don`t care if West is trolling or if he`s off his meds, he needs to shut the hell up. I don`t think he should be assaulted for supporting Trump, but he should be locked up in a mental institution until he comes to his senses and stops being an Uncle Tom.

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Michelle Wolf Rips Sarah Huckabee Sanders a New One at the WHCD

Comedian Michelle Wolf was the evening`s headliner at the annual White House Correspondents` Dinner (WHCD). And her comedy routine ranged from raunchy to very raunchy to oppressively raunchy.

But I`m not a prude and I respect a person who speaks truth to power to the elite, be they politicians, journalists or entertainers.

Everybody, especially politicians, who attend the WHCD know they will be roasted, they should don their asbestos underwear and not complain when they are toasted to a crisp.

Here are some of the elites that Wolf savaged:

Kellyanne Conway

“If you don`t give her a platform, she has nowhere to lie, It`s like that old saying: If a tree falls in the woods how do we get Kellyanne under that tree?

Roy Moore

“I`m 32 years old, which is an odd age. Ten years too young to host this event and 20 years too old for Roy Moore.”

Donald Trump

“I would drag him here myself, but it turns out the President of the United States is the one pussy you`re not allowed to grab. He said it first. Yeah, he did.”

Sarah Huckabee Sanders

The White House Press Secretary got a front-row seat to a brutal roasting. Not to but too fine a point on it, but Wolf ripped her a new arsehole, and then shat into it.

“I`m a little starstruck I love you as Aunt Lydia in The Handmaid`s Tale.”

“I actually really like Sarah. I think she`s very resourceful she burns facts and then she uses that ash to create a perfect smoky eye. Maybe she`s born with it, maybe it`s lies. It`s probably lies.”

I would have given my life savings to call Sanders a liar to her face, bravo to Wolf for calling a filthy liar a liar.

But Wolf went too far making fun of her personal appearance. God knows Sanders is an ugly woman, but Wolf ain`t no beauty queen herself. The comedian is only 32, but looks 62. She has an aquiline nose, frizzy hair, and a cackling voice, when I see her I don`t know if I should burn her at the stake, or offer her $5 for sexual favors.

Outrageous Robert Paul Reyes you may be thinking, right Sherlock, exactly my point.

Donald Trump’s ‘Breeding’ Tweet Racist as Hell

There is a Revolution going on in California. Soooo many Sanctuary areas want OUT of this ridiculous, crime infested & breeding concept. Jerry Brown is trying to back out of the National Guard at the Border, but the people of the State are not happy. Want Security & Safety NOW!

Donald Trump Tweet April 18, 2008

President Donald Trump`s tweets are a real-time glimpse into the sewer of racism that breeds in his mind.

One word (breeding) jumps out at me, you will find this word in the writings of racists who opine on the subject of race and immigration. They like to compare immigrants from Mexico and Latin American countries to animals breeding and populating.

There is a chance that this was a “senior moment” or a “covfefe moment” and Trump meant to write “breeding contempt.” But Trump is a virtuoso at dog whistling, and he knew that if he inserted the word “breeding” in his tweet, even if it wasn`t grammatically appropriate, that it would resonate with his racist base.

A sanctuary city is any jurisdiction which doesn`t require local police to enforce federal immigration law. You`d think anti-big government conservatives would be in favor of sanctuary cities, but their racism trumps their fears of a big government.

Trump would like us to believe that sanctuary cities are hellholes where MS-13 gang members are breeding like rats, and committing crimes while police look the other way.

Sanctuary cities are jurisdictions where immigrants are welcomed and treated with respect and dignity. We need more sanctuary cities, and less tweets from Trump that breed contempt.

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Shania Twain Says She Would Have Voted for Trump, Then Apologizes

“Multi-platinum country-pop star Shania Twain is walking back a statement she made in an interview with The Guardian in which she said she would have voted for Donald Trump were she an eligible voter.

The Canadian songstress, in an interview over the weekend to promote her first album in 15 years, said:

`I would have voted for him because, even though he was offensive, he seemed honest. Do you want straight or polite? Not that you shouldn`t be able to have both. If I were voting, I just don`t want b- – – – – -t. I would have voted for a feeling that it was transparent. And politics has a reputation of not being that, right?`”


I am resigned to the fact that the Russians interfered with our elections with impunity, and without suffering any meaningful payback from the Trump administration.

But we have to draw the line somewhere, and I simply will not abide any interference in American politics by a Canadian.

Shania Twain doesn`t know how blessed she is to live in a democracy with a Prime Minister who is admired and respected in Canada and throughout the world. God only knows how many Americans have fled to Canada to flee Trump`s incompetent and corrupt administration.

Twain made her controversial statement in support of her first new album in 15 years, that`s no way to publicize an album. That Don`t Impress Me Much!

Twain`s apologies are too little too late; I volunteer to spank her until she utters a sincere apology.

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Donald Trump and White Evangelicals: A Marriage Made in Hell

When Americans seek information about anything they google it, I googled “evangelicals” and these articles were in the top ten results:

White Evangelical Support for Trump Is Still Rock Solid – The Atlantic

Are these evangelicals ready to topple the idol of politics? – The Washington Post (The idol in the headline is a reference to Donald Trump)

The non-Trump evangelicals – Back to basics – The Economist

Trump`s Really Unpopular Outside the White Evangelical Pews – NYMag

Poll: white evangelical support for Trump is at an all-time high – Vox

Trump and the Evangelical Temptation – The Atlantic

Trumpism and white evangelicalism have become impossibly intertwined. White evangelicals have gone all in for Trump for immediate political gain, but their unholy alliance will damage their movement for generations to come.

I can`t emphasize enough that blind faith in Trump is a white phenomenon, non-white evangelicals aren`t enthralled by the orange pervert.

“A new survey released this week by PRRI, where I serve as the CEO, finds white evangelical support for Trump remains strikingly high, with 75 percent holding a favorable view of the president and only 22 percent holding an unfavorable view. This level of support far exceeds his favorability among all Americans, which is at 42 percent. Among all non-white evangelical Americans, Trump`s favorability is only 36 percent.”

The Atlantic

When the likes of a Jerry Falwell Jr. or a Franklin Graham make an outreach to minority communities their message is going to fall on deaf ears. A person of color isn`t going to want to hear the Gospel, or anything else, from a minister who supports a blatantly racist president.

Donald Trump and his sycophants in the white evangelical faith are anathema to people of color, whether they be evangelicals, Catholics, Jews, Muslims, or atheists.

White evangelicals have made a mockery of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, or to state it in a modern way: They have tarnished their brand name beyond redemption. As an Hispanic American when I hear white evangelicals praise Trump, I can`t help but think of Trump calling Mexican immigrants rapists.

We will never forgive Trump for his racism and misogyny, and we will never forgive white evangelicals for supporting such a moral degenerate.

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Ted Cruz’s Time Magazine Tribute to Donald Trump is an Embarrassment

When Ted Cruz was asked to write a public tribute in Time magazine to the lowlife orange bully who mercilessly attacked him and his family during the 2016 presidential campaign, he would have politely declined if he had a shred of dignity.

But instead In his entry for the magazine`s 100 Most Influential People of 2018, Cruz lavished praise on his erstwhile enemy:

President Trump is a flash-bang grenade thrown into Washington by the forgotten men and women of America. The fact that his first year as Commander in Chief disoriented and distressed members of the media and political establishment is not a bug but a feature.

President Trump is doing what he was elected to do: disrupt the status quo. That scares the heck out of those who have controlled Washington for decades, but for millions of Americans, their confusion is great fun to watch.

Trump is a grenade thrown into Washington by a malevolent deity, a Joker if you will, who enjoys creating chaos and anarchy for its own sake. Trump isn`t just disrupting the media and the political establishment, he`s turning our society upside down.

Do we really need to be reminded that during the course of the 2016 campaign Trump christened the Texas senator “Lying Ted Cruz,” ridiculed his homely wife, and accused Cruz`s father of playing a role in the assassination of John Kennedy?

Where`s the Ted Cruz who called Trump a “sniveling coward,” “pathological liar” and a “big Loud New York bully” during the campaign?

It`s one thing to refrain from attacking the president for the sake of party loyalty, and it`s quite another to lavish praise on a moral degenerate.

Trump and Cruz represent the corruption of politicians in general, and Republicans in particular.

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New York Daily News Headline: PEE BRAIN! Trump is a Pea-Brain Golden Showers-Loving Freak

“New Yorks hometown newspaper is taking on President Donald Trump yet again with another absolutely savage front page.

The New York Daily News posted its Friday cover on Twitter late Thursday:

Huffington Post

The New York Daily News headline screams: PEE BRAIN! Is this yellow journalism (no pun intended), or does President Donald Trump deserve the golden showers of ridicule that are devastating his administration?

That`s a rhetorical question, Trump is indeed a pea-brain short-fingered vulgarian who is destroying our democracy and staining his presidency. It`s incumbent upon all legitimate newspapers to expose him as an Emperor who has no clothes and is drenched in urine.

When then FBI Director James Comey told President Donald Trump about the infamous dossier, he seemed obsessed with the most lurid allegation, that the Russians had a tape of prostitutes urinating on each other in his hotel room in Moscow.

According to Comey, Trump told him to investigate it to prove that it didn`t happen. Comey quotes Trump as saying: If there`s even a 1% chance my wife thinks that`s true, that terrible.

Methinks the lady doth protest too much, there`s a 100% chance Melania knows that her hubby is the kind of freak who dances the Macarena while hookers piss all over him.

The White House needs a solid cleansing, the People`s House needs to be hosed down, washing away pee-stained Trump and his all of his lackeys.

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Diamond and Silk’s Coonery and Buffoonery Resonates With Trump’s Racist Base

Lynnette “Diamond” Hardaway and Rochelle “Silk” Richardson known as “Diamond and Silk” are two of President Donald Trump`s most ardent African American supporters.

They take “coonery and buffoonery” to an absurd level, and their videos resonate with Trump`s racist base for the same reason that minstrel shows were very popular in the South in the early 19th century.

I can imagine white Trump supporters watching a Diamond and Silk video, laughing at their antics, and wondering why all black people can`t be hoodwinked so easily.

It sickens me that two black women shucking and jiving in support of a blatantly racist president garner millions of views on YouTube.

But YouTube and Facebook shouldn`t take any measures to censor or demonetize their videos. Coonery and buffoonery isn`t hate speech, and Diamond and Silk videos are protected free speech.

Facebook recently classified the videos produced by Diamond and Silk as “unsafe to the community,” and that had the practical effect of making their content on Facebook more difficult to access.

Their videos are an affront to the black race, and indeed all of humanity, but as I have previously stated their content shouldn`t be censored or restricted.

In the Facebook community there is enough bandwidth for pages that celebrate cats, promote human rights, defend liberty, advocate on the behalf of gays, lesbians and other minorities, and yes there is even space for pages where Uncle Toms can indulge in their coonery.

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