Melania Trump Defends Abortion in Her Memoir

Donald Trump, the nominee of the party of family values, lives in his palatial estate Mar-a-Lago, that’s adjacent to one of his golf clubs. His trophy wife, Melania, lives in New York, so she can be close to the love of her life, her son Barron, who attends New York University.

Melania has been MIA from the Trump campaign, she’s yet to make a single campaign appearance with her husband. She assiduously avoids making any public appearances with her spouse, even failing to provide moral support by attending any of his court trials.

The spouses of political candidates stand by their partners, nod in agreement while they deliver their campaign speeches and sometimes make short remarks that are in perfect alignment with them.

Melania shocked the MAGA supporters of her husband by declaring herself pro-choice.

In an excerpt of her new self-titled memoir, she (or rather her ghostwriter) wrote:

“Restricting a woman’s right to choose whether to terminate an unwanted pregnancy is the same as denying her control over her own body. I have carried this belief with me throughout my entire adult life.”

This pro-choice stance clashes violently with the views of her husband’s white evangelical supporters. Trump pandered to his evangelical followers by appointing vehemently anti-abortion judges to the Supreme Court.

Likely Trump shares the pro-choice position of his wife, but he pretends to be anti-abortion out of political expediency. But he must be furious at his wife for expressing her views on abortion just a month before the election. Who would have thunk that Melania was responsible for the October surprise that derailed his campaign.

Melania must really hate the orange buffoon as much as I do.

JD Vance’s Eyeliner-Enhanced Side Eye Stole the Spotlight at Vice-Presidential Debate

In the Vice-Presidential debate, the young, handsome and glib JD Vance faced off against the elderly, homely and homespun speaker Tim Walz.

The debate was surprisingly civil, polite and devoid of any theatrics, histrionics and rehearsed zingers.

Vance, the Yale Law School graduate who answers questions from the press at every campaign event, had the edge given his experience interacting with the press and his innate ability to lie effortlessly.

The focus of the debate wasn’t policy arguments, gaffes or the role of the moderators, JD Vance’s wicked eyeliner stole the spotlight.

Allow me to digress by pointing out that I don’t think it’s wrong for a politician, or any gentleman, to wear eyeliner, a wig or even a dress. However, it’s very hypocritical for a campaign that demonizes the LGBT community and vilifies drag queens to choose a male vice-presidential candidate with a penchant for allegedly using eyeliner and a history of dressing in drag in college.

Walz was nervous and tentative at first, but his confidence and debating skills improved and all things considered he did yeoman’s work.

In my humble opinion Walz narrowly edged Vance, I give him the win because he survived Vance’s withering eyeliner-enhanced side eye that he employed throughout the debate.

MAGA Cultists Claim 43-foot Naked Statue of Trump is Deplorable

“Conservatives have decried a 43-foot-tall nude effigy of Donald Trump that was erected over the weekend on Interstate 15, near Las Vegas.

An anonymous spokesperson for the unnamed artist told Las Vegas’ News 3 the massive sculpture, called ‘Crooked and Obscene,’ weighs 6,000 pounds and is made of foam and rebar.”


Donald Trump is a bigger than life celebrity cum politician, with a penchant for over-the-top publicity stunts and inflammatory rhetoric. To capture his essence a painter must paint in broad strokes and a sculptor must use tons of material.

The 43-foot-effigy of Trump perfectly embodies his gargantuan ego and his outsized influence on politics and culture at large.

Almost everything about the statue is huge, from his bulging belly to his planet-sized head, although you may need binoculars to see his doll size hands and his tiny penis.

Is the work of art in poor taste? Duh! Of course, that’s the point, Trump is the epitome of bad taste. Actually, the anonymous artist showed a remarkable amount of restraint; I would have simply dumped a ton of bullshit, and christened my work of art: Bullshit, the sweet smell of Trump.

MAGA cultists who have their panties in a twist over this sensational work of art have things ass backwards. They shouldn’t be offended by the statue, but what it represents: the steaming pile of human shit known as Donald Trump.