Before Debate Trump’s Evangelical Fluffers Prayed the Holy Spirit Would Speak Through Him

On Monday night, before Tuesday night’s presidential debate Donald Trump prayed, via telephone call, with hundreds of his evangelical supporters. This mockery of prayer was sponsored by the “National Faith Advisory Board,” an organization headed by prosperity gospel evangelist Paula-White-Cain, whose main purpose is to stroke his ego, or to put it more crassly, to fluff his mushroom-shaped tiny pecker.

White-Cain prayed that the Holy Spirit would speak through the former president during Tuesday night’s debate because, just like King David in the Old Testament, Trump was the Lord’s anointed.

Call me a cynic but I seriously doubt that a divine spirit would speak through such a craven, amoral sociopath, with delusions of becoming America’s first dictator.

But maybe I’m wrong, perhaps the Holy Ghost deigned to speak through the sphincter-shaped mouth of the orange obscenity. After all, according to the Old Testament Jehovah spoke through Balaam’s donkey.

Was it the Holy Spirit speaking through the steaming pile of human shit known as Donald Trump when he dehumanized Haitian immigrants by spreading the racist rumor that in Springfield, Ohio they are stealing and eating dogs and cats?

 Or maybe it was when Trump blatantly lied and said that Democrats are in favor of abortion until nine months, and even after birth. That is of course a ridiculous lie, infanticide is illegal in every state.

Almost every incoherent statement that emanated from Trump’s mouth was a craven lie, and anybody who thinks that he is God’s spoken is full of crap.

Weird Wanker JD Vance Spreads Racist Rumor about Haitian Immigrants Stealing and Eating Cats

JD Vance and prominent Republicans are repeating the baseless claim Haitian immigrants are stealing pet cats from their neighbors in Springfield, Ohio and eating ducks from local parks.

Officials in Springfield, Ohio, said they have not received any credible reports of Haitian immigrants abducting and eating pets, or decapitating and eating ducks.

Anyone with two brain cells and a smidgen of common sense knows they do not have to worry that their family picnic at a park will be ruined by hungry Haitian immigrants killing and barbecuing the ducks swimming peacefully in the pond. They also know that there is zero chance that Haitian immigrants will steal Fluffy the cat and eat it or sacrifice it in a voodoo ritual.

But Trump’s Maga base is racist, and they are predisposed to believe the most awful rumors about Black immigrants. That is why Vance uses his social media platforms to amplify these baseless and racist propaganda.

Today Vance finally admitted that reports of Haitian immigrants eating cats may turn out to be false, posting on Twitter:

“In the last several weeks, my office has received many inquiries from actual residents of Springfield who’ve said their neighbors’ pets or local wildlife were abducted by Haitian migrants. It’s possible, of course, that all of these rumors will turn out to be false.”

There is no doubt about it, these racist rumors are patently false. Vance should apologize for spreading false rumors abut Haitian immigrants, they love their pets as much as native Americans.

Vance would be well-advised to stop talking about cats, The weird wanker was criticized for stating that the country is being run by a bunch of childless cat ladies, including Vice President Harris.

Nobody wants to hear Vance’s misogynistic take on childless cat ladies or his racist nonsense about Haitians eating cats.

Jimmy Carter Excited About Kamala Harris

Former President Jimmy Carter has been in hospice for 18 months, and his legion of fans are hoping that he will live to see his 100th birthday on October 1.

Jimmy Carter is a humble man, and he doesn’t care too much about celebrating his 100th birthday, but he has told his friends and family that he wants to live long enough to see Kamala Harris win.

According to his eldest grandchild Jason Carter the former president is excited about politics again since President Joe Biden dropped out of the race and endorsed Harris.

If a 99-year-old man, who is confined to a wheelchair, and may have only days left to live is excited about the candidacy of Harris, how much more should we be enthused?

Most of us have decades left in our odometer, and we should be doing everything we can to make sure that Harris wins, and thereby preserve democracy for the benefit of our children and grandchildren.

I am as excited as Carter about the ascendancy of Harris, and I am doing everything I can to make sure she wins, and that means writing essays and letters to the editor, planting a Harris for President sign in my front yard, and reminding everyone to vote for her.

Harris Laughs While Trump Implodes

Since July 21, 2024, when the somnolent Joe Biden finally read the writing on the wall and dropped out of the race and endorsed his vice-president Kamala Harris, she has exploded into a supernova that has eclipsed the star power of one Donald J. Trump.

The stars have aligned in her favor, and she has surged in the polls, dominated social media, energized the Democratic base, hauled in tons of cash, and garnished support from almost every Democratic leader and even a handful of Republican heavyweights.

Trump is seething with rage and envy as he sees Harris dominate the news cycles and become a social media star. He is like a dervish on crack, posting increasingly inflammatory posts on Truth Social trying to regain the attention of the mainstream media.

Kamala’s message of joy and hope trumps Trump’s message of gloom and doom, and the 78-year-old sociopath senses that his time in the spotlight may be ending soon.

The September 10 debate may be Trump’s last chance to reclaim the spotlight, and God only knows what the erratic, desperate and senile old man will do.

My advice for Harris is to ignore Trump’s race-baiting, name-calling and string of lies during the debate and for the rest of the campaign. She can just smile and laugh and promote her positive agenda for the American public while Trump implodes.

Woman Who Got ‘Trump’ Tattoo on Forehead Now Wants to Remove it

Rain Monroe, 21, is the type of woman Trump would love to grab by her pussy, she is young, beautiful, blond, and dumb evidenced by the fact that she tattooed “Trump” in bold letters on her forehead.

Trump properties have his name on their signage. He considers women his property and if he could get away with it, he would force Melania, his trophy wife, to tattoo his name on her forehead.

Monroe achieved her 15 minutes of fame by tattooing the disgraced ex-president’s name on her forehead, but now she is sick of the backlash and tired of being a subject of ridicule.

Monroe, a social media influencer (of course) is using her Instagram account to beg for money to remove her offensive tattoo.

Bitch, please! Nobody forced you to deface your beautiful face; you made your bed, now lie in it. Do not expect your Instagram followers to pay for your stupidity.

Trump is a serial sexual predator, found guilty of rape in a civil trial. Monroe should make amends by breaking open her own back account to pay for her tattoo to be removed, and by condemning the misogynist Trump and supporting Kamala Harris.