Stable Genius Donald Trump Calls Secretary of Defense Mark Esper ‘Mark Esperanto’

“Mark Esperanto, Secretary of Defense, ‘The ceasefire is holding up very nicely. There are some minor skirmishes that have ended quickly. New areas being resettled with the Kurds.’ USA soldiers are not in combat or ceasefire zones. We have secured the Oil. Bringing soldiers home!”

Donald Trump

In an error-ridden Sunday morning tweet, President Donald Trump attributed a statement about the U.S.-Turkey ceasefire to his Secretary of Defense, Mark Esper, but he referred to the top military official as “Mark Esperanto.”

I labeled the tweet “error-ridden” because the US military hasn’t secured any oil installations in Syria, the American soldiers that were stationed in Syria aren’t coming home, they’re going to Iraq, and the ceasefire that’s not really a ceasefire isn’t holding up very nicely.

Trump can be forgiven for butchering name of members of his administration, a person can get dizzy watching members of Trump’s administration come and go through the White House revolving door. Esperanto is a simple language that even a stable genius like Trump could master.

But Trump has a history of mangling people’s names, during a meeting at the White House to discuss technology he introduced Apple CEO Tim Cook as “Tim Apple.”

Here’s a video chronicling the many times Trump has called people by the wrong name:

Esperanto is the most appropriate language to eliminate language barriers and to allow international communication for everybody on a basis of mutual respect and understanding. Perhaps Trump and his staff should learn Esperanto so they can communicate with each other effectively.

Donald Trump Declares Himself ‘the Chosen One’

The Chosen One

Donald Trump declared himself “the Chosen One” as he defended his administration’s actions in the interminable U.S.-China trade war debacle. The self-anointed stable genius is choking on his declaration that trade wars are good and easy to win.

“President Trump is the greatest President for Jews and for Israel in the history of the world, not just America,…and the Jewish people in Israel love him like he’s the King of Israel,” tweeted the megalomaniac  quoting Wayne Allyn Root, a conservative radio host best known for promoting conspiracy theories.

You don’t have to be a stable genius or a rocket scientist to recognize that Trump’s trade war with China, negotiations with North Korea, and hostilities with Iran are going to end in apocalyptic doom.

The more things turn to shit, the more grandiose titles Trump bestows upon himself. When a North Korean intercontinental ballistic missile destroys New York City or an Iran EMP attack renders America impotent and defenseless, Trump will declare himself Almighty God.

Trump may be a Messiah and the King of Israel to evangelicals, and a stable genius to the trailer park crowd, but to the rest of America and the world he’s a brazen racist, fucking moron, pathological liar and a short-fingered vulgarian.

We can only pray and hope that Trump will be defeated in 2020 and replaced by a Democrat who will take the office of the presidency seriously, and happy to just be called a decent and moral president.

Stable Genius Donald Trump Misspells His Own Name

“Comedian Jimmy Kimmel recognized Donald Trump as the first ever American president to spell his own name wrong at the opening of Tuesday’s Jimmy Kimmel Live.

To illustrate his point, the ABC host showed his audience a Tuesday morning tweet from Trump in which the president claimed Google was trying to make him look bad. In that tweet, Trump’s name was spelled ‘Ttump.'”

New York Daily News

It’s not exactly breaking news when Donald Trump misspells a word, a dyslectic five-year-old boy high on cough syrup could write a more coherent tweet than the stable genius. 

We’re all drowning in the grammar-impaired stream-of-consciousness cesspool that is Trump’s Twitter feed, but he’s the Leader of the Free World and we’re compelled to monitor his account.

Imagine if Trump’s name was Zbigniew Brzezinski, he’d have to refer to his social security card or drivers license everytime he was required to write his name.

The fucking moron misspelled his name in a tweet in which he claimed Google was trying to make him look bad. Trump makes himself look bad everytime he tweets or speaks.

You’d think a megalomaniac who puts his name on almost every property he owns and every products that he sells would never misspell his name.

Donald Trump Signed The D-Day Proclamation In The Wrong Place

stable Genius

“Of course, Trump was unlikely to let arguably the single most momentous and traumatic day of fighting of the 20th century upstage him. He was one of 15 world leaders to sign a special D-Day proclamation reaffirming the importance of co-operation and peace, but took the opportunity to remind everyone in Europe who’s the best by completely forgoing basic letter-signing decorum. Nothing says ‘We affirm that it is our shared responsibility to ensure that the unimaginable horror of these years is never repeated’ quite like scrawling your name at the top of a proclamation to show you’re actually the best.”


After almost two and a half years in office, Donald Trump has signed myriad executive orders, and you’d think that the stable genius would know that important documents are signed at the bottom.

But it’s probably not ignorance as much as narcissism that compelled the fucking moron to scrawl his signature at the top of the proclamation.

He wanted his signature to stand out, and he didn’t want the name of any of the European leaders to be in close proximity to his own. Just to me sure his signature stood out, he did a John Hancock.

I guess we can’t rule out that the buffoon thought that “D-Day” stood for “Donald Day”, and his autograph deserved a place of honor.

Dear Lord what a moron! Some patriot should tie his tiny hands so he can’t tweet or sign anything.

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Donald Trump Tops Google Image Search for ‘Idiot’

“If you Google image search idiot right now, you`ll find images of President Donald Trump. Online activists, in protest of Trump`s policies regarding unauthorized immigrants and members of the LGBTQ community, among others, are pushing his portraits to the top by manipulating the search engines ranking algorithm, as first reported by The Guardian earlier this week.”

The Verge

These online activists aren`t criminals or evil hackers, they are patriots performing a public service by manipulating algorithms to push photos of the stable genius to the top of Google Image searches for “idiot.”


It`s axiomatic that Trump the real estate developer is an idiot, although he`s never declared personal bankruptcy several Trump-controlled businesses have gone bankrupt, and over a dozen Trump business ventures have failed spectacularly, including Trump Steaks, Trump Airlines, Trump University and Trump Vodka.

Operating a casino is practically a license to print money, only a fuc*ing moron or somebody who cheats the mafia from their share fails in this lucrative business.


Former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson was so enraged by Trump`s insane foreign policy that he called him a “fucking moron” in a private meeting, and refused to deny he said it publicly, even though he knew it would seal his fate with the thin-skinned narcissist.

Chief of Staff John Kelly, former chief economic adviser Gary Cohn, and Steve Bannon are the most prominent administration officials who have called Trump a variant of “idiot.” Practically every politician, Republican and Democrat, has called Trump an idiot in private.


Trump doesn`t know the meaning of discretion, he has a penchant for bedding porn stars, Playboy models and other assorted skanks who don`t exactly have tendency for keeping things on the downlow. Then he tries to buy their silence by having them sign nondisclosure agreements for paltry sums. Of course the shit and the semen-encrusted thongs are going to hit the fan.



Donald Trump’s ‘Executive Time’ Should be Extended to 12 Hours a Day

“President Donald Trump`s work days reportedly begin as late as 11 a.m., end by 6 p.m., and often contain hours of executive time.

Trump`s private schedule, which was obtained by Axios, showed `executive time` listed from 8 a.m. until 11 a.m., when he was `in his residence, watching TV, making phone calls and tweeting.` He also had `executive time` periods scheduled throughout each day.”

Huffington Post

Like most septuagenarians Donald Trump doesn`t get much more than four of sleep a night, and like most septuagenarians he doesn`t make the most out of his waking hours. When you get that old and decrepit you consider it a productive day if you manage to put on your adult diapers without any assistance.

Most of us endure a long commute before reaching the office, but all Trump has to do is walk down the stairs to the Oval Office. Nevertheless, Trump needs three hours of executive time before his official workday begins.

In Trump`s case executive time is a synonym for farting around: He watches cable news channels, calls his billionaire pals, and tweets his fool head off. If an average hard-working stiff indulged in more than five minutes of executive time at work he`d get canned.

But don`t get me wrong, I`m not complaining, in fact I would be delighted if Trump`s executive time was extended to 12 hours per day. Trump`s administration doesn`t need their Fearless Leader`s bumbling interference, they would get a lot more accomplished if the stable genius spent all of his day in his bed, tweeting and snacking on cheese balls.

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Stable Genius Donald Trump is a Consequential and Consensual President

“US President Donald Trump has deleted a Tweet citing his consensual presidency after the typo was caught by the Twittersphere.

Trump initially misquoted conservative columnist Michael Goodwin with two tweets citing Goodwin as saying:

`His is turning out to be an enormously consensual presidency. So much so that … there has never been a day that I wished Hillary Clinton were President. Not one. Indeed, as Trump`s accomplishments accumulate, the mere thought of Clinton in the W.H., doubling down on Obama`s … failed policies, washes away any doubts that America made the right choice. This was truly a change election, and the changes Trump is bringing are far-reaching and necessary.` Thank you Michael Goodwin! (Please read entire column) [email protected]

On his second attempt, the President replaced `consensual` with Goodwin`s actual adjective – `consequential` — and included the columnist`s reference to Trump`s missteps.”


Michael Goodwin is spot on, Donald Trump is a consequential president, only not in the sense of an Abraham Lincoln who emancipated the slaves and saved our union, or a Franklin Roosevelt whose New Deal saved us from the Great Depression and whose decisive leadership helped defeat the Nazis in World War II.

Trump is a consequential president in the sense that his tweets mocking and provoking an unstable dictator of a nuclear county may trigger World War III. Trump`s irrational behavior may or may not destroy civilization, but his ineffectual leadership and autocratic behavior has already done irreparable harm to our democracy.

Donald Trump was also spot on when he misquoted Goodwin as saying that he was a “consensual” president. The self-described “stable genius” is a fuc*ing moron who should have been impeached already.

Trump remains in power only because the Republicans have made a Faustian bargain, they turn a blind eye to his corruption, stupidity and plain evil nature, in return for getting conservative justices on the Supreme Court and conservative judges on circuit and appeals courts. And not to mention a Tax Scam that hurts the disenfranchised and enriches the one percent.

Congressional Republicans and the Republicans in Trump`s administration are consenting to all the tomfoolery and racism emanating from the White House.

It`s incumbent upon the electorate to vote Democratic in the mid-term elections so Congress can get serious about impeaching and removing Trump from power.

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