Evangelicals embrace superstition and conspiracy theories and reject science, empirical facts, and common sense. Evangelicals are woefully ignorant of the Bible; they memorize select verses and brandish them as swords to slay gay people, feminists, and liberals.
They don’t recognize that the Good Book was compiled over a period of about 1,500 years and written by different authors from various backgrounds. They consider the Bible to be one book and therefore feel free to cherry pick verses from disparate books in the Bible to construct their own dogmas which are alien to orthodox Christianity. They treat Scripture as a Lego set, each verse a Lego piece that they use to construct monstrous ideas that are antithetical to the teachings of Jesus Christ.
Atheists are more biblically literate than evangelicals, and they are immune from being conned by shyster evangelists and corrupt politicians who use religious rhetoric to sway the electorate.
Evangelicals are so ignorant of the Bible, and so unfamiliar with the Jesus of the Gospels that they worship a sociopath who has nothing in common with Jesus and everything in common with the antichrist.
You might as well tilt at windmills than use the Bible, common sense, or facts to prove to evangelicals that they are following Trump down a road that leads to damnation and fascism.
They are beyond spiritual or political redemption, and it is an exercise in futility to engage with them. Instead, expend your time and energy in encouraging Democrats to save our democracy.