Is Donald Trump a Stable Genius or an Unstable Moron?

Extremely Stable Genius?

President Donald Trump, who raised fresh questions about his mental stability with a wild week that included walking out of a meeting with Democratic congressional leaders, has renewed his claim of being a ‘stable genius.’ Trump boasted that he was ‘an extremely stable genius’ at a White House event with farmers and agricultural industry leaders on Thursday.

Huffington Post  

I doubt the late British physicist Stephen Hawking ever set his speech-generating device on scream mode and typed “I am a very stable genius” on his computer.

It’s manifest that the renowned theoretical physicist was a genius, listen to his lectures or read his books and you will discern that his intellect was far above an ordinary person.

Only a narcissist, who is rightly insecure about his intelligence, will frequently boast that he’s a “stable genius.” It’s manifest that Trump is a fucking moron, read his grammar-impaired tweets or listen to his disjointed speeches and you will discern that his intellect is far below that of an ordinary person.

Trump usually claims that he’s a “stable genius” after he’s done something stupid that makes it crystal clear that he’s an unstable nitwit.

This time the moron bragged that he was an “extremely stable genius” after he walked out of a meeting with Chuck and Nancy to discuss an infrastructure deal. I wonder how many more infrastructure weeks there will be before the volatile man-child is finally impeached or voted out of office.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) questioned Trump’s mental stability after his temper tantrum ended his meeting with Democratic congressional leaders, and of course the easily triggered buffoon ranted and raved about his intellectual prowess.

Republican congressional leaders know very well that Trump is an unstable imbecile, but they don’t care as long as he continues to appoint conservative judges, and strip away rights from gays, lesbians and transgender persons.

I do care! I worry about how much damage the unstable nincompoop will do our credibility overseas and to our democracy in the homeland before his term ends. Can we afford to wait that long? I think not, impeach the dumbell now!    

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Donald Trump is a Functional Illiterate

Donald Trump has the grammar skills of a dyslexic fifth grader, and listening to his speeches on a regular basis is guaranteed to knock off twenty points from your IQ.

Trump`s lexicon is as thin as a pamphlet, and it would take an extraterrestrial only a couple of days to learn how to converse with him.

The Stable Genius saturates his conversation with adjectives, but his vocabulary contains only a few adjectives that we have become intimately acquainted with: bigly, huge, beautiful, incredible, and tremendous.

The presidential wordsmith has a penchant for overusing a few annoying phrases: fake news, witch hunt, con job, and his favorite “believe me,” ironic for a pathological liar who is the least believable person in the universe.

The short-fingered vulgarian occasionally utters profanities in public, but by all accounts his private discourse is littered with obscenities. It`s axiomatic that the more grammar-challenged a person is, the more he resorts to vulgarities.

Let me conclude this essay by telling Trump what I think of him in Trumpspeak:

Believe me, you are a fuc*ing moron with a huge propensity for lying and exaggerating. It will be a beautiful day when you are impeached, and removed from office. I can`t wait to christen your grave with golden showers, that will be the most glorious day in history.

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Donald Trump Claims He Wanted the UN to Laugh at His Speech

“After he was laughed at on the world stage in an embarrassing moment on Tuesday, President Donald Trump is now claiming that his boasts to the United Nations General Assembly about his accomplishments in office were meant to get some laughter.

CNN`s Jim Acosta reported on Twitter Tuesday afternoon: Trump on laughter at UN during speech: `Oh it was great. Well that was meant to get some laughter, but it was great.`

The room full of world leaders at the General Assembly Hall rippled with laughter on Tuesday after the president claimed in his signature hyperbolic style that his administration `has accomplished more than almost any administration in the history of our country.`”


This is a follow-up to my article: Donald Trump Laughed at by UN for Saying His Administration Has Accomplished Most in History

The United Nations General Assembly is an august body where world leaders pontificate on serious matters, we vividly remember Colin Powell`s speech in 2003 where he articulated his case for war against Iraq.

The General Assembly isn`t akin to the White House Correspondents` Association Dinner where politicians play at being a late-night comic. Trump himself was deadly serious last year when he spoke before the General Assembly and threatened North Korea.

Trump`s boast that his administration has accomplished more than any other administration in history is a joke, but he wasn`t joking when he uttered the absurdity.

Trump`s boast wasn`t meant to elicit laughter, and you can be sure that he was seething on the inside when world leaders laughed at his remark.

Trump probably reamed his speechwriter, Stephen Miller, for including this line which works great at a campaign rally, but is patently ridiculous spoken anywhere else.

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Donald Trump Laughed at by UN for Saying His Administration Has Accomplished Most in History

“President Trump on Tuesday strode to the podium at the United Nations General Assembly in New York City to share the extraordinary progress the United States has made during his time in office. The reaction he received from the assembled world leaders wasn`t what he was expecting.

`In less than two years my administration has accomplished more than almost any administration in the history of our country,` Trump proclaimed. There was a smattering of audible laughter from the assembled diplomats, representing 193 countries.

The president paused his prepared remarks.

`So true,` Trump said with a tight-lipped smile, adding: `Didn`t expect that reaction but that`s OK.`

More laughter and applause followed.”


A Donald Trump campaign rally is as well choreographed as a church service. When Trump wants to pump up the intensity he cries out “Lock Her Up” or “Build the Wall,” and the faithful dutifully repeat the refrain.

At every rally Trump boasts that his administration has accomplished more than any administration in the history of our country, and his devotees burst out in applause.

The president hasn`t locked up Hillary, built the wall, and he`s had precious few accomplishments, but his base lives in an alternate reality where he`s incoherent tweets and racist comments are making America great again.

Perhaps I shouldn`t compare a Trump rally to a church service but to a mass circle jerk, and when the orange messiah declares that his administration has accomplished more than any other administration confetti of orgasmic bliss rains down on the arena.

When the Stable Genius strode to the podium at the United Nations General Assembly in New York City, and made his familiar boast at the very least he expected polite applause. Instead he was greeted with incredulous laughter, because everyone in America outside of his base, and everyone in the world knows he`s a fuc*ing moron.

On the campaign trail Trump would often say that the world is laughing at us referring to Obama`s administration, it`s poetic justice that he was vividly shown that he`s the laughing stock of the civilized world.

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Donald Trump Tops Google Image Search for ‘Idiot’

“If you Google image search idiot right now, you`ll find images of President Donald Trump. Online activists, in protest of Trump`s policies regarding unauthorized immigrants and members of the LGBTQ community, among others, are pushing his portraits to the top by manipulating the search engines ranking algorithm, as first reported by The Guardian earlier this week.”

The Verge

These online activists aren`t criminals or evil hackers, they are patriots performing a public service by manipulating algorithms to push photos of the stable genius to the top of Google Image searches for “idiot.”


It`s axiomatic that Trump the real estate developer is an idiot, although he`s never declared personal bankruptcy several Trump-controlled businesses have gone bankrupt, and over a dozen Trump business ventures have failed spectacularly, including Trump Steaks, Trump Airlines, Trump University and Trump Vodka.

Operating a casino is practically a license to print money, only a fuc*ing moron or somebody who cheats the mafia from their share fails in this lucrative business.


Former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson was so enraged by Trump`s insane foreign policy that he called him a “fucking moron” in a private meeting, and refused to deny he said it publicly, even though he knew it would seal his fate with the thin-skinned narcissist.

Chief of Staff John Kelly, former chief economic adviser Gary Cohn, and Steve Bannon are the most prominent administration officials who have called Trump a variant of “idiot.” Practically every politician, Republican and Democrat, has called Trump an idiot in private.


Trump doesn`t know the meaning of discretion, he has a penchant for bedding porn stars, Playboy models and other assorted skanks who don`t exactly have tendency for keeping things on the downlow. Then he tries to buy their silence by having them sign nondisclosure agreements for paltry sums. Of course the shit and the semen-encrusted thongs are going to hit the fan.



Donald Trump’s ‘Executive Time’ Should be Extended to 12 Hours a Day

“President Donald Trump`s work days reportedly begin as late as 11 a.m., end by 6 p.m., and often contain hours of executive time.

Trump`s private schedule, which was obtained by Axios, showed `executive time` listed from 8 a.m. until 11 a.m., when he was `in his residence, watching TV, making phone calls and tweeting.` He also had `executive time` periods scheduled throughout each day.”

Huffington Post

Like most septuagenarians Donald Trump doesn`t get much more than four of sleep a night, and like most septuagenarians he doesn`t make the most out of his waking hours. When you get that old and decrepit you consider it a productive day if you manage to put on your adult diapers without any assistance.

Most of us endure a long commute before reaching the office, but all Trump has to do is walk down the stairs to the Oval Office. Nevertheless, Trump needs three hours of executive time before his official workday begins.

In Trump`s case executive time is a synonym for farting around: He watches cable news channels, calls his billionaire pals, and tweets his fool head off. If an average hard-working stiff indulged in more than five minutes of executive time at work he`d get canned.

But don`t get me wrong, I`m not complaining, in fact I would be delighted if Trump`s executive time was extended to 12 hours per day. Trump`s administration doesn`t need their Fearless Leader`s bumbling interference, they would get a lot more accomplished if the stable genius spent all of his day in his bed, tweeting and snacking on cheese balls.

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Stable Genius Donald Trump is a Consequential and Consensual President

“US President Donald Trump has deleted a Tweet citing his consensual presidency after the typo was caught by the Twittersphere.

Trump initially misquoted conservative columnist Michael Goodwin with two tweets citing Goodwin as saying:

`His is turning out to be an enormously consensual presidency. So much so that … there has never been a day that I wished Hillary Clinton were President. Not one. Indeed, as Trump`s accomplishments accumulate, the mere thought of Clinton in the W.H., doubling down on Obama`s … failed policies, washes away any doubts that America made the right choice. This was truly a change election, and the changes Trump is bringing are far-reaching and necessary.` Thank you Michael Goodwin! (Please read entire column)”

On his second attempt, the President replaced `consensual` with Goodwin`s actual adjective – `consequential` — and included the columnist`s reference to Trump`s missteps.”


Michael Goodwin is spot on, Donald Trump is a consequential president, only not in the sense of an Abraham Lincoln who emancipated the slaves and saved our union, or a Franklin Roosevelt whose New Deal saved us from the Great Depression and whose decisive leadership helped defeat the Nazis in World War II.

Trump is a consequential president in the sense that his tweets mocking and provoking an unstable dictator of a nuclear county may trigger World War III. Trump`s irrational behavior may or may not destroy civilization, but his ineffectual leadership and autocratic behavior has already done irreparable harm to our democracy.

Donald Trump was also spot on when he misquoted Goodwin as saying that he was a “consensual” president. The self-described “stable genius” is a fuc*ing moron who should have been impeached already.

Trump remains in power only because the Republicans have made a Faustian bargain, they turn a blind eye to his corruption, stupidity and plain evil nature, in return for getting conservative justices on the Supreme Court and conservative judges on circuit and appeals courts. And not to mention a Tax Scam that hurts the disenfranchised and enriches the one percent.

Congressional Republicans and the Republicans in Trump`s administration are consenting to all the tomfoolery and racism emanating from the White House.

It`s incumbent upon the electorate to vote Democratic in the mid-term elections so Congress can get serious about impeaching and removing Trump from power.

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Rex Tillerson is Right, Donald Trump is a Moron

“Discord between President Donald Trump and his chief diplomat is at an all-time high, spilling into public view in recent days and peaking with a NBC News report Wednesday that Secretary of State Rex Tillerson called Trump a moron in a Pentagon meeting.

Trump was aware before Wednesday`s report that Tillerson had referred to him as a `moron` at the Pentagon this summer, a source familiar with the conversation told CNN, but it`s unclear whether Trump discussed the remark with Tillerson. Trump was not present at the Pentagon meeting. A White House source also confirmed to CNN that Trump knew about the insult prior to Wednesday.

During a hastily arranged statement Wednesday morning, Tillerson insisted he enjoys a close relationship with Trump and called him `smart.` But he would not directly deny that he`d called Trump a `moron.`”


Donald Trump expects obsequiousness from his subordinates, and he considers their most important responsibility to shower him with praise.

To work in the Trump administration a man must sear his conscience and hand over his balls to the buffoon-in-chief on a silver platter.

By all accounts Rex Tillerson called Trump not just a moron, but a fuc*ing moron. There are good-natured morons, and then there are evil fuc*ing morons like Trump.

Tillerson didn`t explicitly deny referring to Trump as a moron, which left the fuc*ing moron seething in anger.

You don`t have to be a rocket scientist or a political analyst to deduce that Tillerson`s days are numbered.

Trump would have summarily fired Tillerson if it weren`t for the fact that too many administration officials have recently been fired or forced to resign.

If Tillerson has a shred of dignity he will resign before the fuc*ing moron fires him.

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