Happy Easter and Transgender Day of Visibility

President Joe Biden is facing withering criticism from Donald Trump and his evangelical enablers for proclaiming March 31 as “Transgender Day of Visibility.”

This is faux outrage is exceedingly disingenuous for evangelicals are well aware that “Transgender Day of Visibility” is an annual event that is always celebrated on March 31.

Biden is a devout Catholic who always makes a public display of observing Easter and Christmas, he would be loath to do anything that would diminish any Christian holiday.

I don’t consider religiosity a virtue, and a president shouldn’t observe, commemorate, publicly celebrate or even acknowledge any religious holiday. The separation between church and state is sacrosanct, and I find it deeply offensive whenever any politician tries to curry favor with the electorate by invoking the name of God.

America is a secular democracy, and on March 31, 2024 we are free to celebrate Easter, Transgender Day of Visibility, or the pagan springtime goddess Eostre. Or maybe you are like most Americans who simply consider today just another weekend to eat a chocolate egg, relax and have a good time before we return to work.

For White Evangelicals the ‘Reinstatement’ of Donald Trump as President is More Important Than the Resurrection of Jesus Christ

Easter Sunday is the most important day in the Christian calendar for evangelicals. The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the belief on which every other Christian belief rests. The Apostle Paul said in I Corinthians I5:13:

“But if there be no resurrection of the dead, then is Christ not risen. And if Christ be not risen, then is our preaching vain, and your faith is also vain.”

For an evangelical not to attend church on Easter Sunday is like a football fanatic not watching the Super Bowl when his home town team is playing.

Newsflash: Donald Trump is not a religious person. There was no place for faith in the life of the amoral sociopath who became a billionaire real estate developer by stiffing contractors, avoiding taxes and breaking promises.

Trump became president by pandering to his largest voting bloc, white evangelicals, who treat him like the Second Coming of Christ.

During his tenure as president of the United States Donald Trump felt compelled to attend church on Easter and Christmas. After all, he had to pretend that he really believed in God.

Now that he’s no longer president, Trump spend the Easter weekend indulging in his two favorite passions, and they aren’t attending church and fellowshipping with evangelicals.

He spent the Easter weekend indulging in his favorite activities, playing golf and hobnobbing with the rich and powerful at his Mar-a-Lago resort.

But no matter, he still retains the ironclad support of white evangelicals. His loyal supporters think he can do no wrong, and they believe that their Orange Messiah will be reinstated as president of the United Sates before 2024. The reinstatement of Donald Trump is more important to the them than the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Donald Trump Spends Good Friday Tweeting about Circle Jerks

How did the evangelical hero, Donald Trump, spend Good Friday? Did he meditate on the resurrection of Jesus Christ as an inspiration for his own spiritual rebirth in the wake of the publication of the redacted version of the Mueller Report that painted a damning picture of the mendacity, corruption and pettiness that’s endemic in his administration? Obviously that’s a rhetorical question,

Trump is as introspective as a steaming hot pile of dog feces. Trump spent Good Friday indulging in his favorite hobbies, golfing and tweeting. Let’s examine Trump’s holiday tweets:

.agreed to testify, it was not necessary for me to respond to statements made in the “Report” about me, some of which are total bullshit & only given to make the other person look good (or me to look bad). This was an Illegally Started Hoax that never should have happened.

Leaving aside the use of an expletive at a time of the year when a Christian’s speech should be more circumspect than usual, Trump’s tweet is well, bullshit. The Mueller probe wasn’t illegally started, it wasn’t a hoax, and it wasn’t total bullshit.

This is why nobody but the @DNC circle jerk takes this seriously anymore.  That front page is a disgrace but in its disgrace, many wake up. Thank God for @realDonaldTrump for waking millions of Americans up to the truth about the @washingtonpost

This is a tweet the stable genius retweeted by some unknown Trump sycophant named Scott Atkins. I don’t have to explain to white evangelicals the meaning of a circle jerk, their church services resemble a circle jerk where everyone climaxes over the magnificence of Donald J. Trump. Although a more fitting tribute to Trump would be a golden showers orgy.

But to those who aren’t as morally corrupt as evangelicals, I may have to explain that “circle jerk” means mutual masturbation among three or more individuals.

I wish white evangelicals a blessed Happy Easter, may they attain the highest level of spirituality in their circle jerks and golden showers orgies!

Donald Trump Lays an Egg: Commemorative Gold Easter Egg $14.95

“The White House released images of the commemorative eggs that will be available for purchase to celebrate the annual White House Easter Egg roll.

Pastel versions of the official egg are $8.50. A gold version is $14.95.

The eggs will feature the signature of President Trump and First lady Melania Trump.”

The American Mirror

Donald Trump really laid an egg with his commemorative Easter eggs …

I`m surprised the White House is selling pastel commemorative Easter eggs, I would expect anything associated with Trump to be as loud and garish as his pumpkin face. A neon orange Easter egg branded with Donald Trump`s name, including a trademark symbol, that`s what I was expecting.

The gold egg isn`t real gold, Trump`s bathroom fixtures may be made out of pure gold, but he dishes out trinkets of faux gold to the peasants.

I would buy a gold Humpty Dumpty egg, that would be a perfect representation of Donald Trump.

Pics of presidential eggs:


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