White evangelical Christians, who claim to abide by the Biblical virtues of purity, honesty, integrity and empathy, worship their Orange Jesus, Donald Trump, the twice-divorced, twice-impeached, and four times indicted serial sex predator and pathological liar.
This is not a case of cognitive dissonance so much as it is an example of pragmatic hypocrisy. They are enthralled with Trump not because he bears any resemblance to Jesus Christ; they worship the orange devil because he will break all laws and commit any sin to enact their agenda: criminalize immigrants, demonize the LGBT community, abolish abortion, and turn our democracy into a White Christian Nationalist theocracy.
White evangelicals are besotted with Trump, and they fiercely defend him against anyone with the temerity to criticize him, but Trump tolerates evangelicals for one reason only: they vote for him in overwhelming numbers.
“Tim Alberta of The Atlantic reported in his upcoming book The Kingdom, The Power, And the Glory: American Evangelicals in An Age of Extremism that the then-candidate labeled evangelicals who supported rival Republican hopeful Texas Senator Ted Cruz ‘some real pieces of shit’ and ‘so-called Christians.’”
Trump is spot-on in his assessment of white evangelicals, they are total pieces of shit, regardless if they vote for him or not. Trump doesn’t attend an evangelical church, never reads the Bible, and he doesn’t have any close evangelical friends. He thinks they are idiots for believing in God, and the only thing he likes about them is that he can count on their support.
Everything Trump touches turns to shit, Trump-supporting white evangelicals were already shit, and the whole lot should be flushed down the toilet.