First Photo of Ailing Pope Francis Released

“The first image of Pope Francis since he was hospitalized over a month ago was released by the Vatican on Sunday.


The photograph shows Pope Francis sitting in a wheelchair in a chapel at Rome’s Gemelli Hospital after he supposedly celebrated Mass with other priests.

The pontiff did not “celebrate” Mass, he is infirm, confined to a wheelchair, can barely speak and is too weak to participate in any of the rituals of the Mass.

The leader of 1.39 billion Roman Catholics is alone, and he is observing Mass not in the magnificent and iconic St. Peter’s Cathedral in Vatican City, but in a humble hospital chapel.

This image is a metaphor of how old age and infirmity has separated him from his flock; in the end, no matter how powerful, and spiritually connected with are, we die alone as we face the abyss. How cruel that most of us face death not with the vigor of a young person, but with diminished physical and mental health.

The pic depicts him with his back to the camera, the image emphasizes his solitary condition, and it prepares the faithful for the fact that they will soon no longer see his visage.

The Holy Father is a hospitalized 88-year-old man with chronic health issues, why isn’t he allowed to resign with a measure of dignity, instead of lingering on until he finally dies.

This photograph is an illustration of how a patriarchal religious institution is out of step with today’s world.

Pope Francis: ‘Homosexuality is Not a Crime’

Pope Francis

“Being homosexual is not a sin.”

Pope Francis uttered these monumental words during an interview with the Associated Press. As the leader of one billion Catholics worldwide the pontiff’s words carry a lot of weight.

I hope Catholic bishops are paying close attention to the words of their Pope; Catholic bishops in some parts of the world support laws that criminalize homosexuality or discriminate against the LGBTQ community. In some countries homosexuality is a crime punishable by death, but even where the draconian laws are not enforced, they contribute to harassment, stigmatization and violence against gays and lesbians.

I applaud the divine declaration of the Pope, but he needs to go further and declare that homosexuality is not a sin. As a religious leader he needs to speak plainly using religious words that resonate with Catholics.

And then he needs to go a step further and teach that homosexuality is a blessing, a manifestation of romantic love that’s just as life-affirming as heterosexual love.

Finally, the Pope must make an official proclamation, speaking “ex cathedra”, and make it clear once and for all that gays and lesbians are part of God’s family and must be accepted as equals in all layers of society, including the Catholic church. 

The Pope is infallible when he speaks “ex cathedra”, so this would end the debate within Catholicism, and any Catholic who discriminated against the LGBT community from that point on would be considered a heretic.

Pope Francis: ‘Choosing Pets Over Children is Selfish’ Pope is Dead Wrong!

“Pope Francis criticized people who decided not to have children, but to have pets instead.

Pope Francis said “many couples do not have children because they do not want to, or they only have one and not more. But they have domestic animals – two dogs, two cats.” He called the decision not to have children a form of “selfishness.”

CBS News

The Grand Poopah of a patriarchal religious organization that maintains and celebrates a celibate priesthood has no business chiding conscientious couples who choose not to bring any children into this godforsaken overpopulated world.

Having children can be a form of selfishness, many parents, especially fathers, spit out children primarily to carry on their family name.

I can see how it benefits the Roman Catholic Church for their parishioners to be fruitful and multiply, every baby born to a Catholic family will most likely grow up to be a Catholic who supports the church financially.

Let’s not forget that a pedophile priesthood needs children to sate their perverse desires.

Would to God more couples chose adopting a pet over having a baby, nothing humanizes a family more than having a pet.

Jehovah commanded Adam and Eve to be fruitful and multiply, not an unwise mandate for a couple tasked with populating the world.

But in a world of nine billion souls, nobody Catholics, Protestants, Muslims or atheists should obey Jehovah’s obsolete commandment.

Outrage: Vatican Won’t Bless Same-sex Unions, Calling Homosexuality a ‘Sin’ and a ‘Choice’

Pope Francis has been viewed with cautious optimism by LGBTQ groups because of his history of gay-friendly remarks like his statement published in 2020, that homosexuals are “part of the family” and that same-sex couples need a “civil union law.”

It’s unwise to bet on the Roman Catholic Church or practically any other organized religion to treat lesbians and gays as spiritual beings intrinsically worthy of all the blessings of God.

The hopes that after centuries of oppression, persecution and demonization of gays and lesbians that the Catholic Church would finally recognize, sanction and bless same-sex marriage were dashed by the Church’s statement, approved by Pope Francis, that the Church cannot bless same-sex marriages because it can’t bless sin.

The Catholic Church takes false pride in the pontiff’s statement that same-sex couples deserve a “civil union law”, but the LGBTQ community isn’t second-class in a legal or spiritual sense, and same-sex marriages deserve to be accepted by the legal and spiritual community everywhere in the world.

The Catholic Church is a misogynist, homophobic and patriarchal organization that condones pedophilia and protects pedophile priests, and enlightened and spiritual people shouldn’t be looking to them for what is blessed or not blessed by the Almighty.

Pope Francis Declares Support for Civil Unions for Same-Sex Couples! Big Deal, How About Allowing Gays to Marry?

“Pope Francis has declared support for civil unions for same-sex couples for the first time, according to the Catholic News Agency.

The Pope made the historic remarks in a new documentary film, ‘Francesco,’ which was released in Rome on Wednesday.

‘Homosexual people have a right to be in a family. They’re children of God and have a right to a family. Nobody should be thrown out or be made miserable over it,’ the Pope said in the film, the Catholic News Agency reported.

What we have to create is a civil union law. That way they are legally covered,’ the Pope said.”


I’m glad that the leader of the historically homophobic Catholic Church has finally declared his support for civil unions for same-sex couples. The pontiff has suggested in past interviews that he isn’t against civil unions, but this is the first that that he has explicitly supported same-sex civil unions.

The pope argues that homosexual people have a right to be in a family. He states that they’re children of God and have a right to a family. Damn Skippy, they are the children of God, not the step-children of God, and they shouldn’t be treated like second-class citizens. The pope should advocate for gays and lesbians to have the right to marry, just like their heterosexual brothers and sisters in the faith.

The pope should also declare that priests should have the right to marry, whether it’s to a fellow priest, a sister or anybody else.

I’m not a Catholic, and I think organized religions are the greatest threat to democracy and liberty, but unfortunately millions of people around the world live their lives according to the dictates of the Catholic Church, and that’s why I wish the Church would join the 21st century and treat gays and lesbians with dignity and respect.

Under-attack Pope Francis Calls for ‘Silence and Prayer’! Are You Freaking Kidding Me?

“Pope Francis on Monday said `silence and prayer` were the answer to those seeking `scandal and division`, amid a barrage of attacks from ultra-conservative Catholics.

The pope has so far refused to respond to allegations made last month that he for years covered up sexual abuse allegations against a prominent US cardinal.

His comments came after Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano, a former Vatican envoy to Washington, claimed in August that Francis ignored sexual abuse allegations against US cardinal Theodore McCarrick for five years.

But so far, Francis has remained silent, refusing to address the allegations and saying only that Vigano`s missive `speaks for itself`.”


I applaud Pope Francis for attempting to steer a centuries old patriarchy towards modernity, but I am aghast at his silence in the face of credible allegations that he covered up sexual abuse claims against US cardinal Theodore McCarrick for five years.

While it`s true that Vigano is a right-wing zealot who has a vendetta against Pope Francis for his compassionate stance on gays and lesbians, it`s an indisputable fact that McCarrick is a serial pedophile who should have been defrocked by the church, and imprisoned by the government, decades ago.

Now amid withering criticism not just from conservative Catholic clergy, but from Catholic laymen/women of all political persuasions, the pontiff is calling for “silence and prayer.”

Silence? Really? Are you freaking kidding me? The church has been silent for centuries as pedophile priests have systematically raped young boys, it`s only relatively recently that the church has even acknowledged that there`s a problem.

Prayers? Really? Are you freaking kidding me? With all due respect to His Holiness, he can stuff his prayers up his ass. What the millions of victims of pedophile priests need are sympathy, financial compensation and the prosecution of the reprobate priests, not thoughts and prayers.

Any Catholic who doesn`t demand that the pope break his silence and address the issue with repentance and humility is complicit in the rape of these young innocents.

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Pope Francis Looks Mortified to be Taking Photo With Donald Trump

“All eyes were on the Vatican on Wednesday when Trump, along with members of his family and political inner circle, shared a private audience with the pontiff. Trump had a half hour of the pope`s time for a discussion; they also exchanged gifts and posed for pictures. One image in particular, of a grinning Trump next to a stone-faced Pope Francis, has gone viral.”

Time Magazine

Donald Trump`s daughter, Ivanka, and his wife Melania, are standing immediately to his right, dressed in black with their heads covered in black veils, they look like the most beautiful witches this side of hell.

On the other side of Trump, with a foot of separation,stands a stone-faced Pope Francis, looking dignified and resplendent in his white papal vestments and his white skullcap.

The pope was wearing a cross as big as Mack truck, let`s hope and pray that it provided him enough protection from the likes of the Trumps.

It looks like they posed for a photograph before they split ways, the Trumps to attend a Black Mass, and the pontiff to hear confession.

To show you the depravity of the human heart, I`d rather join a séance with the beautiful but evil Trump ladies than have an audience with Pope Francis.

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What’s Going to Happen When Antichrist Donald Trump Meets Pope Francis?

American evangelical leaders heartily embraced Donald Trump, and white evangelicals voters provided the impetus to push Trump over the top in a few critical states. We have evangelicals to thank for the most stupid, ignorant, vulgar, crude and egotistical president in history.

Evangelicals will never admit their mistake, even when their Messiah is eventually (God Willing) impeached, for them loyalty to Trump is as much a tenet of their faith as believing in the Virgin Birth of Jesus Christ.

Evangelicals have done serious and irreparable harm to their reputation, how the hell can anyone take these Trump lovers seriously when they preach their message of redemption and renewal in the name of Christ?

Not content with having destroyed the evangelical faith in America, Trump is now set to meet the Pope in the Vatican. On Wednesday one of the most credible and respected religious leaders of our generation will meet one of the least credible and most vilified politicians of our day.

In order to survive this meeting with his reputation intact the Vicar of Christ must refrain from diplomatic niceties and religious platitudes, and treat Trump with respect but not utter a single word of praise. Trump has destroyed evangelicalism in America, he must not be allowed to destroy Catholicism.

Trump isn`t going to experience an epiphany at 70-freaking years old, and I`m sure the Pontiff isn`t going to try to convert the old reprobate. The Pope would be better off taking Trump to the bowels of the Vatican, and having a team of exorcists attempt to drive the demons from the vulgar bastard.

When antimatter meets matter annihilation occurs, when the Antichrist Trump meets Pope Francis let`s pray that the Pontiff survives the meeting, and that Trump will be so unnerved that he will go nuts and act crazy, and be committed. Wishful thinking, Trump is already nuts, and he is already acting crazy and Republicans act as if he`s the Second Coming of Ronald Reagan.

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