Michele Bachmann Begs God to Give Trump a Second Term

“O God, I personally ask, for myself, Michele Bachmann, Lord, would you allow Donald Trump to have a second term as president of the United States?”

Michele Bachmann

Michele Bachmann, a white evangelical, begged the Almighty to grant her a personal favor and allow Donald Trump to have a second term as president of The United States.

Bachmann, name-checks herself, apparently, she believes she has a special standing before God by virtue of being a former congresswoman and a failed presidential candidate.

The modern-day Pharisee didn’t pray in the privacy of her home, but before a camera. Bachmann’s real audience isn’t the Lord, but her fellow white evangelicals; she seeks to encourage them to threaten and intimidate Republican leaders to “Stop the Steal.”

The former congresswoman didn’t make this plea before the election but a month after Joe Biden won a popular vote and electoral college landslide. White evangelicals live in an upside-down world where black is white, up is down and the most corrupt and ineffectual president in history is a paragon of wisdom and virtue.

In just a few days the Electoral College will certify Joe Biden’s landslide victory, and evangelicals like Bachmann are desperately appealing to a higher authority to overturn the will of the electorate and keep Trump in power for another four years. That higher power being the Supreme Being and not the Supreme Court. After Trump’s legal team, led by Rudy Giuliani, has suffered defeat after defeat in the courts, they realize that the Supreme Court is unlikely to invalidate a fair and legal election.

I’m not a theologian, but I know God isn’t a partisan who’s going to overturn a free and fair election and miraculously allow a freaking asshole a second term in office. Sorry Michele, but your prayers are as effectual as Giuliani’s farts.

True Christians Should be Horrified by the Evangelical Movement’s Embrace of Trump

“At the annual Values Voter Summit (VVS) in Washington this weekend, former congresswoman Michele Bachmann, who serves on Donald Trump`s evangelical advisory board, said in an interview with me on SiriusXM Progress that Donald Trump is now a `committed believer` of Jesus Christ and a `man of faith` who has `asked God for help and wisdom.`”

Huffington Post

At the annual Values Voter Summit where evangelicals congregated to celebrate the ascension of the short-fingered vulgarian to the presidency, Trump bathed in their adoration and showered them with enough red meat to make them writhe in ecstasy.

Michelle Bachmann declared that the man who on a daily basis craps on the Constitution and the teachings of Jesus is now a “committed believer of Jesus Christ” and a “man of faith” who has “asked God for help and wisdom.”

Bachmann`s utterance is enough to make any genuine Christian vomit, Trump has never publicly declared that he`s a committed believer of Jesus Christ or a man of faith. If Trump communes with the Almighty at all, it`s to berate Him for failing to smite his myriad enemies.

Bachmann went on to explain that Trump isn`t acting under his own authority, but under the authority of God. What was left unsaid is that if we complain about the president`s racist and misogynist comments and policies we are fighting against God.

The mainstream evangelical movement has thoroughly aligned itself with the alt-right and Donald Trump, and any evangelical who is a true believer in Jesus, should disavow the evangelical movement.

To paraphrase the words of Jesus, “You can`t serve God and Trump,” the evangelical movement can save itself only if it decides that following Jesus is more important than their political agenda.

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