Chemical Castration or Incarceration: The Only Way to Protect Women and Girls From Joe Biden

Creepy Joe Biden

During a campaign stop in Iowa earlier in the week, Biden was speaking to a teacher in that state when he grabbed her hands without asking her first. The teacher was not impressed. The woman chastised Biden for getting too grabby — and afterward said his actions made her feel ‘uncomfortable.’


Creepy Joe Biden’s claim to fame is making women and underaged girls feel uncomfortable. Just search YouTube for “creepy Joe Biden” and you will find dozens of videos depicting Biden groping and otherwise molesting women and prepubescent girls.

We all have an uncle with a penchant for telling off-color jokes or who can’t help himself from kissing and hugging young nieces and grandchildren. Most parents nip that nonsense in the bud and set up strict ground rules when the creep shows up for family get-togethers.

But most women are intimidated when a famous politician gropes them, how do you tell a former vice president that he’s crossed a line? If all the women that Biden has made uncomfortable moved to Iowa, he would win the Iowa Caucus in a landslide.

“Biden has been accused by at least eight women of touching them without permission. Amid a furor over the allegations, he said that he accepted that ‘social norms are changing,’ adding: ‘I will be more mindful about respecting personal space in the future. That’s my responsibility, and I will meet it.’”

I’m not surprised Biden so quickly reverted to his perverted ways, the only way to keep women and children safe from the likes of Biden is chemical castration or incarceration.

Jessica Roman, the teacher who works with special needs children, was pressing Biden on his plans to help unionized teachers under recent changes to Iowa’s collective bargaining laws when he instinctively reached out and grabbed her hands. In doing so he was asserting his male dominance and getting sexual satisfaction by touching her flesh.

To hell with the misguided notion that Democrats should refrain from criticizing any of the 2020 presidential hopefuls. Joe Biden is too old, too establishment, too moderate, and too creepy to be the Democratic standard bearer.

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Joe Biden: If You’re Concerned About My Age Don’t Vote For Me! Don’t Worry I Won’t!

Former Vice President Joe Biden appeared to dismiss voters concerned about his age, telling them not to vote for him in the 2020 Democratic primary race. ‘I say if they’re concerned, don’t vote for me,’ Biden said while speaking to reporters in Keene, N.H. When a reporter told Biden that voters he talked to were wondering if the former senator from Delaware had lost a step, Biden answered: ‘What do you think?’

Fox News

When a man who’s almost 77-years-old, especially if he’s running for the most stressful job in the world, asks if you think he’s lost a step, It’s not a rhetorical question.

Any septuagenarian has lost more than just one step in terms of physical agility, stamina and mental acuity. It’s not ageist to conclude that advanced age alone is reason enough not to vote for a presidential candidate.  

I would be terrified at the prospect of a septuagenarian serving as a School Crossing Guard, due to his impaired vision he might guide children to cross the street under unsafe circumstances. I’m horrified at the prospect of a man who will be almost 80 when he assumes office having his trembling hand anywhere near the nuclear button.

The Democratic frontrunner has committed several gaffes recently that have pundits, fellow politicians and regular folks wondering if he’s fit for office. Granted, Biden is a self-admitted gaffe machine, but the verbal slip-ups are increasing in frequency.

For example, when Biden asked the reporter if he thought he’d lost a step he was in New Hampshire, but he thought he was in Vermont.

I’m concerned about Biden’s sharp mental decline, and I’m taking his advice and not voting for him.  

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Joe Biden is Old! Very Old! Too Old

Joe Biden is old. Very old. He looks old, and he acts old. His hair plugs and dentures are preternaturally white, and as natural looking as your grandma’s blue hair. His rictus grin wouldn’t be out of place in a slasher movie, it scares the bejesus out of voters, young and old.

Old men fall in to two camps, the harmless-looking and the creepy-looking, Biden is the quintessential creepy old codger. When Biden inappropriately touches a young woman, you cringe and pray that her soul wont’ be permanently defiled.

Biden would be 78 by the time he assumed office if elected next fall, making him the oldest first-term president in history. Donald Trump has proven that a septuagenarian doesn’t have the mental acuity or the physical stamina to be the Leader of the Free World. Are we really going to make the fatal mistake of replacing a 70-something racist with an almost 80-year old political hack with a penchant for groping young women and prepubescent girls?

Sen. Bernie Sanders is even older, he’d be 79 in January of 2021. Trump, Sanders and Biden belong in a convalescent home, not the White House.

Call me ageist if you will, but we don’t need another old white man in the Oval Office, especially when there are so many attractive young men and women running for president.

I’m sick and tired of Joe Biden and his gaffes, inappropriate touching, and out-of-touch moderate political policies.

I come to bury Biden, not to praise him, condone his moderate politics, or excuse his inappropriate fondling of young girls. It would be unforgivable if Democrats elect him as their presidential nominee

August 2019 Archives Page Two:

Time’s Up for Doddering Joe Biden

In spite of a series of gaffes and missteps in the last couple of weeks Joe Biden entered the first debate of the primary season as the clear frontrunner.

Biden felt emboldened by the heretical belief shared by most Democrats that the Democratic presidential hopefuls shouldn’t attack each other lest they weaken the eventual nominee. But politics ain’t beanbag and the natural order reasserted itself as the first debate saw most of the candidates takings swipes at the consensus leader.

But it wasn’t Bernie Sanders as expected who dealt the fatal blow, it was Kamala Harris who eviscerated the old doddering politician in a calm and strategic manner. “I do not believe you are a racist,” Harris told Biden, as she unveiled her attack, preemptively protecting herself from attacks by his supporters that she was accusing Obama’s veep of being a racist. She went on to say “it’s personal and it was actually hurtful to hear you talk about the reputations of two United States Senators who built their reputations and career on the segregation of race in this country.”

Throughout Harris’ scolding Biden had the chastened look of a Catholic schoolboy being reprimanded by a nun brandishing a ruler. Biden’s response is inconsequential and irrelevant, Harris did to Biden what Lloyd Bentsen did to Dan Quayle.

The most humiliating experience in Biden’s political career could have been avoided if he had simply apologized and admitted he made a mistake immediately after invoking segregationists as an example of being able to get along with everyone. Refusing to apologize only works for one politician, namely Donald Trump, because his base will forgive him for anything, literally anything.

“Anyway, my time is up,” Biden said, as he finished his dramatic interaction with Harris. He obviously meant that his allotted time from NBC moderators was up, but the television audience was thinking: Your time is up, you doddering old fool! We need a young, preferably minority woman to face off against Trump.

When a Democrat running for president invokes segregationists as an example of getting along with political foes his time is up! When a Democratic politician uses states’ rights to defend his position on busing his time is up. When a presidential hopeful is 76-years-old and seemingly incapable of speaking coherently his time is up!

The Old Stumbling Bumbling Joe Biden Returns

For the first six weeks of his campaign, Joe Biden largely drifted above the fray, a front-runner beyond the reach of the masses of the Democratic presidential field. His rivals publicly welcomed him into the race, and not a cross word was said about his moderate policy proposals or his advanced age.

For the first six weeks of his presidential campaign, Joe Biden engaged in a Hillary-like campaign: relaxing comfortably above the fray he barely deigned to acknowledge the existence of his myriad rivals.

His competitors publicly enthusiastically welcomed him into the race, and they treated him with the dame deference that functionaries in North Korea treat Kim Jong-un.

The heresy that Democratic presidential hopefuls shouldn’t speak ill of one another lest they weaken the eventual nominee had taken over the Democratic Party.

But politics ain’t beanbag, in fact it’s not even dodge ball, it’s a WWE Battle Royale where entertainment may be the name of the game, but the contestants suffer real physical injuries.

Miraculously, Biden survived the first six weeks of his campaign without suffering a major blunder, primarily because he barley campaigned and didn’t grant any interviews.

But you can always count on Biden to be Biden, and this week the real bumbling and stumbling Biden surfaced, and his opponents were quick to pounce.

In an unforgivable flub, for someone whose 1987 presidential run was derailed because of plagiarism, his campaign was forced to confess to plagiarizing a portion of the climate change plane he released this week.

On this same fateful week Biden reaffirmed his support of the Hyde Amendment – a measure banning federal funding for most abortions that’s universally opposed by his Democratic challengers – he reversed himself a couple of days later, saying he no longer supports the controversial measure.  

Biden’s rivals from the joke candidates like Rep. Seth Moulton (D-Mass.) to serious challengers like Sen. Elizabeth Warren were quick to attack him.

Enough with the kid gloves treatment, if Biden is to survive the Democratic Primary (which I doubt), a little roughing up by his rivals will do him good.

Joe Biden’s Horrendous Makeover

When a septuagenarian wants to make himself look spiffy for an important function, like attending his great-granddaughter’s wedding, he might buy new suspenders or change to a more discreet-looking pair of adult diapers.

But the stark reality is that when your most important meeting in the near future may be with the Grim Reaper, there’s not really much you can do to enhance your appearance.

Pray tell, what kind of a make-over can you get when you’re freaking 76-years-old and running for president, not of the Bingo club at your nursing home, but of the United States?

Well, if you’re Joe Biden, you go the cosmetic surgery route, like it’s going out of style. Biden has Botox, hair plugs, veneers and cosmetic surgery up the wazoo. No wonder it took him forever and a day to announce his candidacy, it takes time to make a septuagenarian, soon to be an octogenarian, look halfway presentable.

Biden was almost completely bald in his 20’s and he had hair plugs surgery in the 80’s when it was a new surgery procedure, and he looked like he had hair from his butt implanted into his scalp. Recently he filled in his frontal hairline to camouflage the god-awful 80 hair transplant, and now he looks less like Frankenstein and more like just a silly old man who is to vain to age gracefully.

Biden underwent a severe face lift that makes him look at best like a Cheshire Cat when he grins and at worst like a clown who just escaped from the pit of hell. Can you imagine the terror of an underage girl when Biden, sporting his rictus grin, approaches to give her an inappropriate hug?

Hillary Clinton was endlessly scrutinized for her appearance during the 2016 presidential election, so Biden should man up and put his big boy adult diapers on, and weather the ridicule of his appearance.

It’s Telling That Obama Hasn’t Defended Creepy Joe Biden

President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden enjoyed a storybook friendship. In 2017 Obama tweeted: Happy Birthday to @JoeBiden my brother and the best vice president anybody could have. Obama even presented Joe with the Medal of Freedom. They were best buds, they golfed, jogged and attended basketball games together. During Obama`s tenure the most popular political meme was of Obama and Joe doing goofy things together.

The truth is that the Obama/Biden bromance was as fake as Donald Trump`s tan. Their friendship was phony from the start, Obama didn`t choose Biden as his running mate because they were simpatico, or because their policies were in alignment. As the first black presidential nominee of a major party Obama felt compelled to select a white elderly establishment vice president.

The true test of a friendship between a president and his vice president is how they relate to each other when they`re no longer in office. It`s noteworthy that Obama wants nothing to do with creepy Uncle Joe, they never socialize together and I doubt that he even returns Joe`s calls.

It`s interesting that in the 2016 presidential election, Obama didn`t publicly urge Biden to run against Hillary, and this time around not only has he failed to endorse Biden, but he`s failed to defend him from the accusations that he touches women and underage girls inappropriately.

Why is the media ignoring the fact that most of the females that Biden groped were underage girls? If it`s difficult for a grown woman to tell a powerful creep like Biden to back off when he invades her space and gropes her, it`s impossible for an innocent child to avoid an adult pervert`s unwanted hugs and kisses.

I`m not talking about alleged cases of groping, C-SPAN cameras captured dozens of real instances when Biden fondled, groped and otherwise molested young girls. But you won`t find one video or photograph of Biden groping Obama`s daughters, Obama would have beat him to a bloody pulp.

Obama is no longer pretending that Biden is just a harmless goof with a penchant for being too handsy, and neither should we. It`s incumbent on us, especially Democrats, to call out Biden for being a serial molester of innocent underage girls.

Donald Trump is Spot-On: Joe Biden is His Own Worst Enemy

Creepy Uncle Joe

“President Donald Trump said Friday that he is not worried about competition in 2020 from Joe Biden and that the former vice president will be his own worst enemy on the campaign trail.

`I don`t see Joe Biden as a threat. No, I don`t see him as a threat. I think he is only a threat to himself,` the president told reporters as he left the White House on Friday.”


I don`t look to Donald Trump for astute political commentary, it`s almost impossible to distinguish the noxious nonsense that he spews out in his rallies from the toxic gas that emanates from his rear end.

But the stable genius was spot-on in his assessment of Joe Biden as a potential rival. It`s manifest that Biden is his own worst enemy, when he`s not putting his foot in his mouth, he`s putting his hands on a woman or an underage girl.

America was shocked in 2016 when the most inexperienced and unqualified presidential candidate in history defeated Hillary Clinton, history will repeat itself if the Democrats elect Biden as their standard bearer.

Biden has experience up the wazoo, name recognition and the support of most moderate establishment Democrats, but his liabilities outweigh his assets. The geriatric politician has enough baggage to sink a luxury liner the size of the Titanic. He`s too old (chronologically and culturally), too white (in this election cycle Democrats are yearning for a woman or a minority to represent them), too moderate (he`s a fish out of water in a sea teeming with sharks the likes of Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Beto O`Rourke, Cory Booker and Kamala Harris), and too disrespectful of women and children, the #metoo generation will not tolerated an old geezer who gropes women and underage girls.

Dear fellow liberals I come to bury Joe Biden, not to praise him or make excuses for him. There are a dozen young, energetic, progressive female and minority presidential candidates who can defeat Trump. For God`s sake let`s bury Biden before he destroys our chance of retaking the White House.

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Creepy Joe Biden is Dead Man Walking

Joe Biden is dead man walking, the only question is whether he will do the right thing and decline to run for president or enter the race and be forced out after the inevitable gaffes and parade of groping victims shame him into retirement.

This isn`t an editorial written by a conservative desperate to destroy the leading Democratic challenger to Trump, this is an essay penned by a liberal, but most importantly a human being, who despises men who grope, and otherwise disrespect, women and underage girls.

Biden is dead meat, and Democrats would we well-advised to bury him, and champion presidential candidates who aren`t burdened with his excessive baggage.

Democrats are blessed with a plethora of attractive, qualified and charismatic candidates: Mayor Pete, Senator Cory Booker, Senator Kamala Harris, former Gov. John Hickenlooper, ex-San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro, Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, former Rep. John Delaney, former tech executive Andrew Yang and author Marianne Williamson.

These are all excellent presidential candidates who can thrive in the #metoo era, and defeat Donald Trump. I will extoll the virtues of these worthy candidates, while at the same time warn Democrats not to waste their treasure and energy propping up an old fossil.

How can we condemn Trump for his myriad transgressions, including his sexually predatory nature, while turning a blind eye to Biden`s decades-long history of groping women, and most troublesome, underage girls.

Repulsive Mike Huckabee Defends Creepy Joe Biden

Creepy Uncle Joe

Mike Huckabee is physically repulsive and spiritually depraved, he condemns and ridicules anyone who doesn`t subscribe to his Neanderthal evangelical faith.

His children inherited his homely looks and his cold-hearted religion. When his son David was 17-years-old he viciously killed a stray dog that had wandered onto the grounds of a Boy Scout camp where he was working as a counselor. David didn`t outgrow his violent disposition, when he was 26 he was arrested in a Little Rock airport when he attempted to board a plane carrying a loaded Glock pistol.

Of course we are all familiar with his daughter, White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, who has the same sweet disposition as her daddy and brother, and kills the truth on a daily basis.

The last thing Joe Biden needs right now as he is getting ready to announce his presidential candidacy in the midst of allegations of improper touching by Lucy Flores and other women is any support from Huckabee. In fact, when Huckabee defended Biden he very well may have put an end to the serial groper`s presidential aspirations.

This is what Huckabee had to see on the Fox Business Network:

“Well, it is creepy. But I have to say, I don`t think Joe Biden is a sexual predator. I think he`s a creepy old guy who is a little hands-on and all that. Biden`s behavior can`t be that bad because he was doing them in public. It wasn`t like he invited women up to a hotel room or office by himself. This is stuff he did with a thousand cameras on him and he did it anyway.”

That`s one way of looking at it, but I wonder what the hell Biden does to his great-nieces and great-granddaughters in private if he has the nerve to grope underage girls in public before the cameras.

Huckabee has done very little good in his public in his public life, but let`s hope that at least he`s put an end to Biden`s presidential dreams.

Lucy Flores Incident Isn’t an Aberration! Joe Biden Has Groped Dozens of Women and Underage Girls!


Joe Biden leads all of the polls by virtue of his name recognition, and it helps that he hasn`t uttered a word as an official candidate. But as soon as he announces that he`s running his ratings will plummet — his gaffes will inevitably derail his candidacy.

Biden has often been compared to Hamlet for his indecisiveness, but he possesses none of the eloquence of Shakespeare`s protagonist. He is a bungling idiot whose foot invariably finds itself in his mouth, and whose hands invariably find themselves groping women and underage girls.

Biden has teased and toyed with the idea of running for president, seemingly forever. He`s talked about how close he is getting to making a decision, last I heard he was 95 percent certain of entering the fray. His supporters, donors and political operatives are desperately waiting for him to declare his candidacy.

But still nothing. Biden must be at home fiddling with his Camaro or diddling a young niece or great granddaughter.

While Biden is doing his Hamlet “to be or not to be act” his political career as a serial groper is crashing down on him.

Lucy Flores alleges that at a campaign even in 2014, when she was running for lieutenant governor, Biden accosted her from behind. The creep inhaled her hair, and planted a big sloppy kiss on the back of her head.

The Flores incident isn`t an aberration, Biden is a serial groper and there are dozens of women, and more disturbingly, underage girls that he has groped and otherwise sexually assaulted in his decades long career as a politician.

I`m hoping and praying that the #metoo movement will destroy his candidacy before it gets off the ground.

A 2020 face-off between serial sexual predator Donald Trump and serial molester of young girls Joe Biden will mean the end of our democracy.

Joe Biden’s Penchant for Pawing Underage Girls is a Disqualifier

In 2007 before he totally flamed out of the presidential race Joe Biden “complimented” Barack Obama:

“I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that`s a storybook, man.”

The guy is a gaffe machine, his foot is always in his mouth and his hands are always caressing underage girls.

That statement could have been uttered by a White Nationalist, but Biden usually gets the benefit of the doubt from the mainstream press that`s transfixed by his quirky albeit creepy personality.

It`s 2019 and Biden still has that glint in his eye, your guess is as good as mine, if it indicative of presidential ambitions or a craving for young girls.

Most political pundits expect Biden to finally enter the presidential race sometime in April. It`s been reported that he is mulling over choosing Stacey Abrams as his vice presidential running mate. Abrams is Biden`s kind of African American: articulate, bright, clean and a nice-looking gal.

Actually Abrams is considering a presidential run herself, and I hope she doesn`t damage her credibility by considering Biden as her running mate.

Biden knows that his time has come and gone: he`s too moderate, too freaking old, and too much of a sexual pervert to run for the Democratic presidential nomination in this woke generation. But I must concede that he would make an excellent Republican presidential candidate.

Biden`s despicable and transparent attempt to appear relevant by invoking the name of a black woman as a possible running mate, is proof positivethat the old fossil should be buried once and for all.

Joe Biden is the Creepy Uncle of the Democratic Party!

Creepy Uncle Joe

Almost every family has a creepy uncle whose presence we tolerate only on Thanksgiving and Christmas. In order to keep the family peace and appease grandma and grandpa the creepy uncle is invited to holiday dinners, but we make sure he`s never alone with any of the children.

Y`all know what I`m talking about, this cretin doesn`t understand the concept of personal space, and he makes us feel dirty and violated by his mere presence.

The safety and well-being of our children should take precedence over family dynamics and the proverbial creepy uncle should always be treated as persona non grata.

Why should we care about the feelings of this touchy-feely psycopath when he demonstrates no empathy for the nieces that he hugs and little bit too closely and the toddlers and young children that he plays with a little bit too exuberantly?

In this “#metoo” era we should have zero tolerance for the creepy uncle who always ruins our holidays.

Joe Biden is the creepy uncle of the Democratic Party, it`s an open secret that he never misses an opportunity to kiss a young girl. Do a Google Image search of “Joe Biden kissing” and you will see multitudes of images of him getting uncomfortably close with women and especially underage girls.

Biden`s enablers will protest that that`s just “Joe being Joe,” but there should be no room in the Democratic Party for a man who has a suspect attraction to young girls. How can we condemn Trump`s predatory sexual behavior if we turn a blind eye to Biden`s creepiness bordering on child molestation?
Please read some of my other Joe Biden articles:

Child Molester Joe Biden Shouldn`t Run for President

Joe Biden is More of a Pedophile Than Roy Moore

A 2020 Joe Biden Presidential Run Would be a Disaster

Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders Better Not Run for President in 2020

Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders Better Not Run for President in 2020

Old Socialist

Of the nine candidates officially running in the Democratic presidential primary, only one is a heterosexual white man. The man who sticks out like a sore thumb in the diverse field of minority and female presidential hopefuls is former Rep. John Delaney. Delaney is as bland and boring as a soggy slice of white bread, and he has zero name recognition outside of his immediate family. Delaney is such a nonentity that he has only four thousand more Twitter followers than this humble blogger.

You might be wondering “where are all the Democratic white male politicians with presidential ambitions”? They are testing the waters, they are either too timid to run, or perhaps they sense that in this election cycle there is no room for them.

The most famous of the Democratic white male politicians who still haven`t declare their candidacy are the three B`s: Beto, Bernie and Biden.

Let`s address the two septuagenarians first: Sen. Bernie Sanders gave Hillary Clinton a run for her money in 2016, but he isn`t a novelty anymore. Almost all of the Democratic candidates have embraced his socialist agenda, and he can`t compete with charismatic liberals like Sen. Kamala Harris and Sen. Cory Booker. Sanders is just a cranky old codger now, propped up by a band of misogynist bros.

Then there`s the former vice president, Joe Biden, but he`s too old, too moderate, too gaffe-prone, and too enamored of little girls. The third time won`t be the charm for this old reprobate, unlike Donald Trump he`s not Teflon-coated, and his campaign would sink before it has a chance to take off.

Former Rep. Beto O`Rourke is the only one with a chance of overcoming the disadvantage of being a heterosexual white male, he`s young, charismatic and liberal.

My advice for Biden is to retire and spend the rest of his days watching the little girls play in the playground, under the supervision of an adult. I would counsel Sanders to atone for the rampant misogyny in his 2016 presidential campaign by remaining in the Senate, and volunteering for women`s rights organizations.

Joe Biden is the Great White Hope of Moderate Democrats

Joe Loves Little Girls

The new Democratic Party is progressive to the core, all of the Democratic presidential hopefuls have embraced the progressive agenda including Medicare for All and even the pie-in-the-sky Green New Deal.

There are no self-styled moderates in the 2020 Democratic presidential field, even the quintessential moderate, Amy Klobuchar, has adopted the progressive label. If you believe Klobuchar is a progressive, then you probably also believe that she`s the most pleasant boss in the Senate.

The damnable lie that only a moderate Democratic presidential candidate can win in the general election died with Hillary Clinton`s disastrous defeat.

Only a bona fide progressive the likes of a Kamala Harris or a Beto O`Rourke can defeat a populist buffoon like Donald Trump. This is no time for half-measures, it`s incumbent upon the liberal electorate to quickly weed out poseurs and pretenders like Klobuchar. The 2020 presidential race is like a NASCAR race, the Democratic contenders can only turn left, if they veer to the right they will crash and burn.

Joe Biden is the Great White Hope of Democratic moderates, the terminally indecisive Biden has yet to announce he`s running, and hopefully he won`t enter the race.

If Biden does declare his candidacy it`s doomed from the start, he`s too old, too white, too moderate, and he has too much of a liking for prebuscent girls. He would only succeed in drawing away financial resources and media attention away from the eventual winner.

Hopefully Biden will enjoy the 2020 presidential race from the grandstand, he doesn`t` have the stamina or the proper progressive mindset to be a credible contender.

Joe Biden Belongs in a Nursing Home for Retired Politicians


In reaction to the Neanderthal conservative policies of the Trump administration the Democratic Party has embraced progressive ideas (Medicare for all, the legalization of marijuana, the Green New Deal, free college tuition and punitive tax rates on millionaires) that are anathema to a moderate bipartisan consensus builder like Joe Biden.

This isn`t your fathers` Democratic Party, and there is no room for the likes of septuagenarian Biden, certainly not as a presidential candidate.

Time and demographics have rendered Biden politically obsolete, he`s too old, too moderate, and most importantly too white to lead the Democratic ticket. Consider the leading Democratic candidates for president:

Sen. Cory Booker: African American and closeted gay?

Pete Buttigieg: openly gay veteran.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren: White and .00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 percent Cherokee.

Sen. Kamala D. Harris: father Jamaican and mother Indian.

Beto O`Rourke: White, but young and energetic, and at least he has an Hispanic nickname.

Sen. Bernie Sanders: White as can be, damn even his hair is snow white, but he`s a Democratic Socialist.

Sen. Amy Klobuchar: as moderate as Biden, but at least she`s a female.

Andrew Yang: Don`t know anything about him other than he`s Asian.

Where does Biden fit in this field of Democratic candidates for president? He doesn`t. Period. End of story!

Let me give you an example of how out-of-touch Biden is, in a speech this week before the Unites States Conference of Mayors he referenced Adlai freaking Stevenson. There`s not a millennial alive who knows Jack about Stevenson.

Unless Biden comes out as gay or transgender he doesn`t have a prayer.

Hell Will Freeze Over Before I Buy a Joe Biden Scented Candle

Crazy Joe Biden

“What do Joe Biden scented candles smell like?

Certainly not Joe Biden, unless he walks around smelling like an orange all the time.

The $22 candles are the best-selling item at the Delaware History Museum in Wilmington, regularly selling out thanks to still-strong home state `Joementum` even nearly two years after the former vice president left office.”

Delaware Online

Candles are romantic and they remind me of a simpler time, but I don`t buy any because I have a kitten whose hobby is knocking things over for the sheer hell of it.

But a Joe Biden scented candle isn`t evocative of romance and love, it conjures up images of decomposing corpses. I doubt you`ll see any Joe Biden scented candles at a brothel or a nightclub.

If a Joe Biden candle really smelled like its namesake, it would reek of an old man`s fart, Preparation H and soiled adult diapers.

Actually Joe Biden candles have the aroma of oranges; the only fruit I associate with Biden is a lemon.

I might plunk down a couple of bucks for a candle that smells like Tom Brady, I`m assuming that the legendary quarterback has the scent of his supermodel wife all over him. But hell will freeze over before I spend $22 for a candle that smells like Joe freaking Biden.

Read More:

A 2020 Joe Biden Presidential Run Would be a Disaster


Joe Biden missed his chance in 2016, as the sitting vice president he was the heir apparent to Barack Obama. When a president finishes his second term, the vice president usually has a clear shot to be the General Election candidate for his party, potential candidates defer to him, and unless he royally screws up they`re content to cheer from the sidelines.

But Biden didn`t have the cojones to challenge Hillary Clinton, and he used the excuse of the death of his son not to run. I realize that the death of his son was a traumatic experience, but working folks are usually back to work within a week after the death of a son, daughter or spouse.

At the age of 76 Biden is considering a third run for president, and at first glance he appears to be the ideal candidate:

He`s experienced, he served as vice president under Barack Obama for eight years, and he was in the Senate for 26 years. After witnessing the chaos caused by having an inexperienced buffoon in the Oval Office the electorate is yearning for a statesman.

He`s well-liked by the general population and by politicians from both parties. After the 2016 election when the two least-liked candidates ran against each other in the General Election, Americans want to vote for someone they like and admire.

He`s a moderate with a bipartisan appeal, he`s not going to scare anyone like a Bernie Sanders or an Elizabeth Warren.

His poll numbers look great against Donald Trump, and above everything else Democrats want a candidate who can beat Trump.

But a 2020 Biden presidential run would be a horrible idea. The third time would not be the charm, in his two previous campaigns his personality and his message failed to resonate with Democrats.

He may be experienced but he`s way too old, he`s not the crazy uncle in the attic, he`s the crazy great-grandfather in the nursing home.

Biden may be well-liked but the gaffe-prone politician would quickly become a tiresome bore on the campaign trail. We like him as a second banana, but we don`t like the prospect of him sitting in the Oval Office.

Biden is a moderate, but this is the age of the progressive in the Democratic Party. The party belongs to the likes of AOC and Kamala Harris, and it wants nothing to do with moderates like Joe Biden or Amy Klobuchar.

Biden may have terrific poll numbers, but that`s due almost entirely to name recognition. After a month on the campaign trail his ratings would plummet, and he would become a third-tier candidate, like in his previous runs.

The Democratic presidential candidates are as diverse as the voters they seek to represent, and there is simply no room for an old (really old) white candidate with moderate views.

I`m not saying Biden should be put out to pasture, but he should be looking for a retirement home in Florida and not contemplating campaigning in Iowa.

Donald Trump Vs Joe Biden is a Vomit-Inducing Nightmare

Groper of little girls

“President Donald Trump called Joe Biden weak and said he is not worried about a potential challenge from the former vice president in the 2020 presidential race, during a phone interview with Fox News` Jeanine Pirro Saturday night.”


At this early stage of the 2020 presidential campaign former Vice President Joe Biden is the leading contender for the Democratic nomination. But considering Biden is 76 and Trump is 72, is doubtful that these surly septuagenarians will live long enough to battle it out in 2020.

There is no love lost between Biden and Trump, on occasion their rhetoric has included threats of physical confrontation. In March 2018 during a speech at the University of Miami Biden said:

They asked me if I`d like to debate this gentleman, and I said `no.` I said, `If we were in high school, I`d take him behind the gym and beat the hell out of him.` “

Trump, the infamous counterpuncher, immediately responded on Twitter:

Crazy Joe Biden is trying to act like a tough guy. Actually, he is weak, both mentally and physically, and yet he threatens me, for the second time, with physical assault. He doesn`t know me, but he would go down fast and hard, crying all the way. Don`t threaten people Joe!

I would pay a small fortune to watch a pay-per-view death match between Crazy Joe Biden and Sociopath Donald Trump.

They would of course require a five minute break in between rounds to change their diapers and for oxygen therapy.

Trump would plant prepubescent girls on the front row to distract the notorious fondler of little girls, and Biden would seat strippers and porn stars to distract the notorious sexual predator.

Even though Trump is younger than Biden he can`t go the distance because he`s so damn fat, he would have to engineer a way to dispatch his opponent quickly.

Trump is an expert at trash talking, and he could attempt to trigger a stroke or a heart attack by attacking Biden verbally throughout the match. Some examples:

Hey Joe, your few gaffes have cost you dearly, but my loyal base finds it endearing when I spit out gaffes like a machine gun on Twitter and during my speeches.

Hey Joe, sorry your son died of terminal brain cancer, but at least he didn`t have a reputation of groping little girls.

Sorry for the mean nature of these taunts, but I`m channeling the short-fingered vulgarian.

If there`s a God in heaven Biden would die of a heart attack as a result of Trump`s cruel barbs, and Trump would die from sheer physical exhaustion.

The last thing I want to see is Trump and Biden slug it out in the 2020 presidential election.

Joe Biden: Donald Trump’s Supporters are ‘Dregs of Society’

“Speaking to guests at the Human Rights Campaign dinner on Saturday night, Biden accused President Donald Trump of using the White House as a literal bully pulpit and of being an ally to forces of intolerance.

`Forces of intolerance remain determined to undermine and roll back the progress you have made,` the former vice president warned his audience.

`This time they-not you-have an ally in the White House,` he said.

`They`re a small percentage of the American people, virulent people. Some of them, the dregs of society,` Biden said.”


In September 2016, presidential candidate Hillary Clinton was roundly criticized for making the following astute observation:

You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump`s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right? The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic-you name it. And unfortunately there are people like that. And he has lifted them up.

Clinton was spot on when she opined that you could put half of Trump`s supporters into a basket of racist, sexist, homophobic deplorables, and I would add that you could put the other half into a basket of fucking morons.

After almost two years of Trump`s chaotic and racist rule, his base, roughly 36% of the population, is still strongly behind him.

At this point in time to call Trump`s supporters a basket of deplorables almost sounds like a term of endearment. Joe Biden is spot on, some of them (I would say most of them) are the dregs of society. Screw Trump`s white evangelical supporters who worship an execrable abomination who is is the antithesis of everything that Jesus preached. Screw Trump`s racist supporters who demonize immigrants, and seek to make America white again. Screw Trump`s redneck supporters who want to see women, barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen fixing apple pie and fried chicken.

Screw these dregs of society, who are nothing but a speed bump in history as our democracy races to a multi-culture future.

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Child Molester Joe Biden Shouldn’t Run for President

“Former Vice President Joe Biden was confronted by a heckler about the women that Biden molested during Senate swearing in ceremonies at a book tour stop in Biden`s hometown over the weekend.

`What about the girls you molested on C-SPAN at the Senate swearing-in?` the heckler asked.

The crowd erupted into boos and demanded that the heckler leave immediately.”

NTK Network

There is no heir apparent on the Democratic side, and the field for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination is wide open. This has led to some characters out of left field, the likes of Oprah Winfrey and Alex Baldwin publicly mulling entering the race.

Then of course there`s always the usual suspects the likes of Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren and Joe Biden.

But in the #metoo era should be no room for a child molester like Joe Biden.

Biden had an illustrious career in the Senate, a successful stint as Obama`s Vice President, and he`s a liberal lion, but he`s a damn child molester.

There are countless videos on YouTube chronicling the depravity of Joe Biden as he gropes, fondles and molests young girls. If Biden publicly fondles young children, imagine what he does to them in private.

Biden`s enablers argue that he`s just a touchy-feely kind of guy, but if Biden got touchy-feely like that with my great niece, I would get touchy-feely with him with a baseball bat.

Thank God for the heckler who confronted Biden about his long history of molesting young girls. The partisan crowd quickly came to the defense of Biden, reminiscent of the way Trump`s supporters come to his defense when he`s accused of assaulting and groping women.

The last thing we should do is to replace a pussy-grabber with a child-fondling pervert

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This is just one of the many videos that captured Biden`s depravity:

Boxing Match Between Donald (Tiny Hands of Thunder) Trump and Crazy Joe Biden

At the University of Miami`s “It`s On Us” rally, aimed at creating an environment where sexual assault and gender-based violence is unacceptable, former Vice President mused about going Neanderthal on President Donald Trump (I guess Crazy Joe is OK with same-sex violence):

“A guy who ended up becoming our national leader said, `I can grab a woman anywhere, and she likes it.

They asked me if I`d like to debate this gentleman, and I said `no.` I said, `If we were in high school, I`d take him behind the gym and beat the hell out of him.`
I`ve been in a lot of locker rooms my whole life. I`m a pretty darn good athlete. Any guy that talked that way was usually the fattest, ugliest SOB in the room.”

Noted counter-puncher Trump delivered a rapid-fire response on Twitter:

“Crazy Joe Biden is trying to act like a tough guy. Actually, he is weak, both mentally and physically, and yet he threatens me, for the second time, with physical assault. He doesn`t know me, but he would go down fast and hard, crying all the way. Don`t threaten people Joe!”

Can you imagine a boxing match between these demented septuagenarians?

Each round would last 30 seconds following by a five-minute bathroom break.

Trump would demand oversized boxing gloves to compensate for his tiny hands.

Instead of a traditional cut man who treats boxers for cuts and bruises during the breaks between rounds Trump would have a tan man to slather on fake orange tan, and Biden would employ a Rogaine man to tend to his hair implants.

Pervert Biden who never misses an opportunity to kiss, fondle and otherwise molest little girls would hire prepubescent cheerleaders to cheer him on at ringside, and Trump would invite Ivanka to sit on the front row and blow kisses at him.

Instead of a referee the fight would be officiated by a medical doctor.

Both fighters would be clad in black shorts, to hide their soiled diapers.

We feel ripped-off when a highly anticipated pay-per-view boxing match ends after only a couple of rounds, but if this epic match between Trump and Biden ends after only a minute because both combatants died of a heart attack, I don`t think a soul would complain.

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Joe Biden is More of a Pedophile Than Roy Moore

“Former Vice President Joe Biden would lead President Donald Trump in a 2020 general election, according to a new POLITICO/Morning Consult poll.

Only 35 percent of voters would choose to reelect Trump in 2020, the poll shows – substantially fewer than the 46 percent who would vote instead for Biden, who said Monday that he is `not closing the door` on a third attempt at the presidency in 2020.”


I have been advocating for the impeachment of Donald Trump almost since the day of his inauguration.

I hope we won`t have to wait until 2020 for Trump to be replaced, but Joe Biden, 74, is not the answer.

Americans are horrified at the prospect of Roy Moore, the pedophile from Alabama, being elected to the Senate. Electing Biden president is infinitely worse, he habitually gropes very young girls in public. Biden`s behavior is that of an unabashed and unrepentant pedophile.

These are just two of the dozens of videos on YouTube that graphically depict Joe Biden the pedophile molesting children with the cameras rolling. There is simply no shame in Biden`s game, he molests children brazenly in public.

A picture is worth a thousand words, and a video is worth an encyclopedia of evidence. Joe Biden is a child molester, let`s hope he dies before 2020.

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Joe Biden: Hillary Lost Because She Had No Vision

“Democrats are finally beginning to put the blame of the election loss on the one person it belongs: Hillary Clinton. In an interview on Monday, Vice President Joe Biden identified the reason Hillary Clinton`s campaign just couldn`t connect with voters – she had no vision about why she was actually running.”

The Blaze

Some folks are born with a sliver spoon in mouth, Joe Biden was born with his foot in his mouth. Biden`s commentary on the important issues of the day has about as much gravitas as the farts that emanate from his ass.

Biden served a vital role in the Obama administration as the Court Jester, in these trying times we need comic relief.

A broken clock is right twice a day, and even a moron like Biden has insightful comments every once in a blue moon.

Biden placed the blame for Hillary`s humiliating loss squarely on her shoulders, she had no vision and she couldn`t articulate why she was running, other than it was time for a vagina to sit in the Oval Office.

The electorate wasn`t obsessed with breaking the glass ceiling, they cared about vanishing manufacturing jobs, rising taxes and ISIS. Hillary`s message resonated with upper class feminist lesbians, Trump`s “America First” slogan resonated with regular folks.

Biden is an ass, but sometimes the Almighty speaks through an ass, and Democrats would be well-advised to listen to him.

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