Donald Trump Claims He Wanted the UN to Laugh at His Speech

“After he was laughed at on the world stage in an embarrassing moment on Tuesday, President Donald Trump is now claiming that his boasts to the United Nations General Assembly about his accomplishments in office were meant to get some laughter.

CNN`s Jim Acosta reported on Twitter Tuesday afternoon: Trump on laughter at UN during speech: `Oh it was great. Well that was meant to get some laughter, but it was great.`

The room full of world leaders at the General Assembly Hall rippled with laughter on Tuesday after the president claimed in his signature hyperbolic style that his administration `has accomplished more than almost any administration in the history of our country.`”


This is a follow-up to my article: Donald Trump Laughed at by UN for Saying His Administration Has Accomplished Most in History

The United Nations General Assembly is an august body where world leaders pontificate on serious matters, we vividly remember Colin Powell`s speech in 2003 where he articulated his case for war against Iraq.

The General Assembly isn`t akin to the White House Correspondents` Association Dinner where politicians play at being a late-night comic. Trump himself was deadly serious last year when he spoke before the General Assembly and threatened North Korea.

Trump`s boast that his administration has accomplished more than any other administration in history is a joke, but he wasn`t joking when he uttered the absurdity.

Trump`s boast wasn`t meant to elicit laughter, and you can be sure that he was seething on the inside when world leaders laughed at his remark.

Trump probably reamed his speechwriter, Stephen Miller, for including this line which works great at a campaign rally, but is patently ridiculous spoken anywhere else.

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Donald Trump Laughed at by UN for Saying His Administration Has Accomplished Most in History

“President Trump on Tuesday strode to the podium at the United Nations General Assembly in New York City to share the extraordinary progress the United States has made during his time in office. The reaction he received from the assembled world leaders wasn`t what he was expecting.

`In less than two years my administration has accomplished more than almost any administration in the history of our country,` Trump proclaimed. There was a smattering of audible laughter from the assembled diplomats, representing 193 countries.

The president paused his prepared remarks.

`So true,` Trump said with a tight-lipped smile, adding: `Didn`t expect that reaction but that`s OK.`

More laughter and applause followed.”


A Donald Trump campaign rally is as well choreographed as a church service. When Trump wants to pump up the intensity he cries out “Lock Her Up” or “Build the Wall,” and the faithful dutifully repeat the refrain.

At every rally Trump boasts that his administration has accomplished more than any administration in the history of our country, and his devotees burst out in applause.

The president hasn`t locked up Hillary, built the wall, and he`s had precious few accomplishments, but his base lives in an alternate reality where he`s incoherent tweets and racist comments are making America great again.

Perhaps I shouldn`t compare a Trump rally to a church service but to a mass circle jerk, and when the orange messiah declares that his administration has accomplished more than any other administration confetti of orgasmic bliss rains down on the arena.

When the Stable Genius strode to the podium at the United Nations General Assembly in New York City, and made his familiar boast at the very least he expected polite applause. Instead he was greeted with incredulous laughter, because everyone in America outside of his base, and everyone in the world knows he`s a fuc*ing moron.

On the campaign trail Trump would often say that the world is laughing at us referring to Obama`s administration, it`s poetic justice that he was vividly shown that he`s the laughing stock of the civilized world.

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Donald Trump Is Not My President!

The phrase “President Donald Trump” is an oxymoron, and many journalists, commentators and bloggers refuse to describe him in such terms. In fact, a substantial number of Americans don`t consider Trump their president, and they refuse to legitimize his administration in any way.

This is not simply a case of sour grapes over losing the election, Trump is uniquely unqualified, morally, ethically and intellectually to be president of the greatest democracy in history. Expecting patriotic Americans to accept the legitimacy of the Trump administration is akin to expecting Roman Catholics to accept Richard Dawkins as the Pope or Iranians to recognize Cardi B as their new Supreme Leader.

Something went horribly wrong on November 8, 2016, in a multiverse with an infinite number of universes ours is the only world where Trump won the presidential election. Even if you don`t believe in the multiverse theory of quantum physics or a sadistic deity who delights in playing practical jokes, you know there`s something rotten in Denmark.

So what does it mean in practical terms for a journalist or blogger not to accept the validity of the Trump administration? It means that we shouldn`t treat Trump as if he were an Abraham Lincoln, John F. Kennedy, Ronald Reagan or even a George W. Bush. Cable new networks shouldn`t broadcast his campaign speeches live, his tweets shouldn`t be parsed as if they were Shakespeare sonnets, and the White House press conferences, presided over by lying sycophant Sarah Huckabee Sanders, shouldn`t be telecast.

Donald Trump is a clown, buffoon, ignoramus and bully, and the racist bastard doesn`t deserve our respect. To hell with the argument that he deserves the benefit of the doubts that accrue to his office, he is an aberration and an abomination, and it`s incumbent upon patriots to dedicate their lives to get rid of him by any means necessary.

“Impeach Trump” shouldn`t just be the cry of leftist radicals, this chant should be heard everywhere, from the smallest rural towns to our greatest cities.

Not My President! Not now! Never!

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Trump’s Bowling Ball Test

“President Donald Trump often speaks of how other countries treat American products unfairly. At a private fundraising event in Missouri, Trump singled out a particular practice in Japan.

`It`s called the bowling ball test. Do you know what that is?` Trump said, according to a recording obtained by the Washington Post. `That`s where they take a bowling ball from 20 feet up in the air, and they drop it on the hood of the car. And if the hood dents, then the car doesn`t qualify. Well, guess what, the roof dented a little bit, and they said, nope, this car doesn`t qualify. It`s horrible, the way we`re treated. It`s horrible.`”


The Washington Post noted: It was unclear what he was talking about. No shi*! The same thing could be said after almost every Trump comment.

When White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders was asked in her regular press briefing, what the heck Trump was talking about, she responded that he was just joking. That`s the default explanation for Trump aides when their boss utters a ridiculous statement.

I have my own version of the Bowling Ball Test, if you believe Japan employs a bowling ball test to disqualify American imports, or just about anything else that emanates from Trump`s sphincter-shaped mouth, you have the IQ of a bowling ball.

If you drop a bowling ball from 20 feet up in the air on the hood of any car, be it a Mercedes-Benz or a Ford Focus, the hood will cave in.

Modern cars are intentionally made to crush under even a moderate impact, the more a car crushes the more it absorbs the energy. Better the automobile absorb the impact than a bowling ball or a human head.

I wish a patriot would end this charade and drop a bowling ball on Trump`s head from 200 feet in the air. Please no calls from the Secret Service, like Trump I have a penchant for joking around.

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Donald Trump Had Porn Star Stormy Daniels Spank Him With a Forbes Magazine

Donald Trump is such an omnipresent fixture on media that his hideous face with his sphincter-like mouth has been indelibly etched on my mind.

When the Grim Reaper finally drags the decrepit reprobate to hell, and he`s no longer a regular feature on the evening news, I will still need deprogramming to cleanse him from my consciousness.

Normal folks have a visceral reaction when they see Trump on TV, namely we throw the remote at the screen, and then search Google for painless ways to commit suicide.

Now a new particularly disquieting detail has emerged about the president`s affair with porn star Stormy Daniels that may cause even diehard Trump supporters to retch. These cultists could care less that Trump paid her off to keep quiet, but they may be troubled that he ordered the porn starlet to spank him with a copy of Forbes that featured Trump, Donald Jr., and Ivanka on the cover.

To have a porn star spank you may be every guy`s fantasy, but to have the hoe spank you with a magazine that features your family on the cover is wrong, horribly wrong.

I like to believe that I`ve done some good with the thousands of essays I`ve published online since 2008, but all that may be negated by leaving my readers with an image that they will never be able to erase: Our obese president butt naked being spanked by a porn star.

My readers may never forgive me, but God forgive me!

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Donald Trump Must be Removed From Office by Any Means Necessary

In the future we will have to explain to our grandchildren just how exhausted and debilitated we were after surviving the interminable first year of Donald Trump`s presidency.

In his inaugural address Trump lamented “American carnage,” his words had a prophetic quality because he has bulldozed and trampled over our democratic institutions of the free press, independent judiciary and bipartisanship leadership. Any sober-minded patriot who considers the state of the Union will see carnage everywhere. Trump didn`t end American carnage as he promised in his inaugural speech, he exhilarated the decline of all of our democratic institutions.

After a year of living under the Trump regime I am simply exhausted, Trump is like a category five hurricane that never runs of of steam because it`s powered by Satan`s infernal farts. It is impossible to ignore Trump without becoming a recluse and unplugging the TV and radio, and going offline. The only solution is to remove Trump from office BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY.

Trump will never pivot, he will never become presidential, and he will never reach rock bottom. His mind is a bottomless shithole of racism, vulgarity and paranoia. As a political writer for a local newspaper and a blogger I am perhaps more exhausted than most of my fellow Americans, because it`s my job to chronicle Trump`s racism and sheer insanity.

But we must not grow weary in well-doing, we must continue our fight against our shithole president and his shithole Republican enablers until he`s removed from office, and I emphasize BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY.

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Shithole President Makes Shithole Racist Statement

During a meeting with a bipartisan group of senators at the White House discussing immigration in general, and DACA in particular, President Donald Trump referred to El Salvador, Haiti and the entire continent of Africa as “shithole countries.” Trump followed that pearl of wisdom by suggesting that he`d rather see immigrants from countries like Norway.

Republican Sens. Tom Cotton, David Perdue and Lindsey Graham, Senate Minority Whip Dick Durbin and Republican Reps. Bob Goodlatte, Kevin McCarthy and Mario Diaz-Balart were at the meeting.

Oh to be a fly on the wall! How did these illustrious politicians react when Trump made those obscene and blatantly racist statements? I would have immediately called out the president for his inflammatory and bigoted remarks. Unless someone surreptitiously recorded the meeting we may never know, but we do know that not one of these statesmen has publicly repudiated Trump since the infamous meeting.

The silence has been deafening from the likes of Speaker of the House Paul Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell; are they banking on the notion that America has become inured to the fact that out shithole president is a racist?

We must never accept the fact that Trump is a racist, we most condemn him every time he makes a racist comment. Trump`s racist remarks lead to racist policies which leads to violence against people of color.

Politicians must follow the example of Rep. Mia Love, a Utah Republican whose parents came to America from Haiti who issued the following statement:

This behavior is unacceptable from the leader of our nation. The President must apologize to both the American people and the nations he so wantonly maligned.

My parents came from the shithole countries of Mexico and Venezuela, and they instilled in me a strong work ethic, a desire to educate myself, and a passion to speak out against racism. As a columnist for a local print publication, and as a blogger I will condemn Trump every time he utters a racist comment.

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Time Cover Depicts Donald Trump’s Urine-Colored Hair on Fire

“Time magazine on its latest cover shows President Trump`s hair on fire to depict his first year in office.

The cover, which was designed by artist Edel Rodriguez, depicts the president screaming with his yellow hair on fire. The caption reads: “Year One.”

Rodriguez said the flames in Trump`s hair is a reference to author Michael Wolff`s new book, “Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House.”

The Hill

Donald Trump is such a narcissist that he salivates whenever he makes the cover of a major magazine, especially Time Magazine. Trump often brags about how many times he`s appeared on the cover of Time, and until recently he even had a fake cover of Time depicting him displayed in several of his resorts.

But I don`t think the dotard will be displaying the latest cover of Time featuring him in the Oval Office. It depicts the president screaming with his urine-colored hair on fire. The image doesn`t show him below his belt, but if it did his pants would be on fire, since he`s the greatest liar ever to reside in the White House.

I find it especially delicious that the artist is a Cuban American; I can imagine Trump tossing and turning in bed, unable to sleep because a Latino has so thoroughly captured his essence.

The talented artist in 2016 depicted then-candidate Trump in “Meltdown” and “Total Meltdown” on Time covers. I eagerly anticipate one final Edel Rodgriquez Trump Time cover: The caption will be “Impeached” and the image will ashes floating in the breeze.

Pic of Time Cover:

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What’s Next for Omarosa?

“As Omarosa Manigault Newman exits her job in the White House, a bizarre video showing her less, er, stateswomanly side has emerged.

A pop-culture polymath sent Page Six a link to `Soul Sistahs,` an ultra-camp, hyper-kitsch, uber-low-budget 10-minute sci-fi short film.

While the plot is virtually incomprehensible, as far as we can tell it focuses on an intergalactic yenta in a housecoat who kidnaps Omarosa in an attempt to steal Donald Trump`s hair as part of a difficult-to-understand get-rich-quick scheme.

The mini-flick was made back in 2006 – two years after Omarosa shot to fame on Trump`s NBC show `The Apprentice.`”

Page Six

What does the future hold for Omarosa after her abrupt resignation/termination as the Director of Communications for the Office of Public Liaison for the Trump administration?

That`s a fancy title for somebody whose major role in the White House was providing a smidgen of diversity. Ostensibly she was a liaison to the black community, but African-Americans hated the Uncle Tom witch as was evidenced by their glee when she was fired. Bye Felicia, indeed!

Omarosa is an ordained minister, and she would fit right in the world of evangelical hucksterism, but that may be beneath her.

Omarosa could star in a reality TV show, but after starring in the ultimate reality series, the Trump Administration, I don`t think she`s going that route.

Omarosa looks like a drag queen, Omarosa even sounds like a drag queen moniker, and she could hit the gay club circuit as the ultimate drag queen, but there`s not enough money in that racket.

This short-form video made back in 2006 highlights Omarosa`s skill as a kitschy, campy starlet. You don`t have to be gay, well maybe a wee bit gay to enjoy this campy video. Just fire up your bong, and enjoy the tomfoolery!

Omarosa is Barbarella for the 21st century. With an infusion of cash and a multi-million marketing campaign, “Soul Sistah`s II” would be a smash hit.

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Female Cyclist Flips Donald Trump the Bird! God Bless Her!

“The president of the United States is used to being saluted, but a cyclist in Virginia put her own particular slant on the tradition on Saturday when she was overtaken by Donald Trumps motorcade.

The woman on her bike was photographed raising her middle finger when Trump`s cavalcade passed her on its way out from the Trump National Golf Club on the banks of the Potomac river, on the outskirts of Washington DC. She then repeated the gesture when she caught up with the motorcade.

The White House pool report noted drily: POTUS`s motorcade departed the Trump National Golf Club at 3.12pm, passing two pedestrians, one of whom gave a thumbs-down sign. Then it overtook a female cyclist, wearing a white top and cycling helmet, who responded by giving the middle finger.

The motorcade had to slow and the cyclist caught up, still offering the finger, before turning off in a different direction. Motorcade is now gathering speed and heading for DC.”

The Guardian

There are hundreds of statues of Paul Revere on his magnificent steed, immortalizing his midnight run warning the patriots that the British were coming.

I`m an optimist and I hope that one day there will be hundreds of statues of this woman on her bicycle with her middle finger extended warning patriots that our president is a national disgrace.

This heroic woman has yet to be identified, and maybe it`s better if she isn`t, because she represents all of us who are horrified and disgusted by the short-fingered vulgarian.

This patriot on her mighty bicycle saluted Trump as his cavalcade passed her on its way out from the Trump National Golf Club. Trump spends almost every weekend at one of his golf resorts, patriots should greet him whenever he enters or leaves one of his resorts with extended middle fingers.

Flipping Trump the bird is the perfect way of demonstrating our contempt, it`s speaking in a language that he will understand, and it`s a reminder that everybody, even children, have longer fingers.

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Rocket Man Vs The Dotard! Who Are You Rooting For?

Donald Trump has been called every name in the book, his willful ignorance, depraved profanity and epic narcissism is enough to make even a nun call him anything but a child of God.

When President Donald Trump gave an an address at the United Nations (The Mecca of diplomacy) on September 19, 2017 he referred to North Korea`s regime as a “band of criminals” and he called Kim Jong-un a “Rocket Man on a suicide mission.”

Trump`s speech at the United Nations is the equivalent of a sex worker giving a lecture at Notre Dame University where she blasts the school`s administration as “hypocritical and puritanical a**holes who need to get their heads out of the pope`s ass, realize it`s the 21st century, and allow escorts to ply their ancient trade in their university.”

Leave it to North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un (no stranger to fiery rhetoric), to come back with the perfect rejoinder:

I will surely and definitely tame the mentally deranged U.S. dotard with fire.

The Oxford Dictionary definition:

An old person, especially one who has become weak or senile.

The Urban Dictionary definition:

When you are in the midst of your dotage meaning that you are in the midst of your mental decline. i.e. you`re in the process of becoming a fuc*ing idiot.

I admit I didn`t know the definition of “dotard,” but it`s a perfect description of Trump. It`s similar to “retard,” but not as politically-incorrect.

Kim Jong-un is the Dear Leader of a communist hellhole, but most of us are hoping and praying that he will indeed tame the mentally deranged dotard with fire.

Maybe North Korea`s military technology is more advanced than we ever suspected, and they are capable of launching a tiny projectile, no longer than Trump`s penis, and target the freaking dotard.

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Who’s More Evil, Donald Trump the Racist Clown or Pennywise the Clown?

“Stephen King`s Twitter war with Donald Trump isn`t over yet.

After being blocked on Twitter by Trump in June, the famous horror writer got revenge on the President Thursday evening by declaring that he`d be returning the favor – by blocking Trump from seeing the upcoming film `IT` and television series `Mr. Mercedes,` both based on works by King.

`Donald Trump blocked me on Twitter. I am hereby blocking him from seeing IT or MR. MERCEDES. No clowns for you, Donald. Go float yourself,` King tweeted.”


Stephen King has created many horrifying characters, like Pennywise the Clown, that haunt us in our nightmares, but even the master of horror couldn`t conceive of an abomination like Donald Trump the President of the United States.

King has been fighting the evil clown on Twitter, it`s no surprise that Trump blocked the acclaimed writer on Twitter.

King is now returning the favor, by blocking the orange clown from seeing the upcoming film “IT” and the television series “MR. MERCEDES,” both based on novels by the famous novelist.

Of course King can`t really block the perverse clown from seeing the productions based on his works, but wouldn`t it be great if we could block any image or article about Trump from social media, newspapers, and TV and radio? Surely there`s an app for that!

Living in a Trump-free world would be as close to paradise as we can get this side of death, unfortunately we need to hear about Trump`s daily outrages and scandals. We need to be outraged, so that we will be compelled to fight the evil clown until he`s banished from our great country.

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German Magazine Portrays Donald Trump Giving Nazi Salute

“A German magazine has portrayed President Donald Trump giving a Nazi salute on its latest front page.

Stern magazine mocked up the image of Trump performing the gesture while draped in the American flag for the cover of its Aug. 24 issue.

The magazine`s cover is the latest in a line of provocative anti-Trump front pages to appear since the president failed to fully condemn this month`s violent white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia.”

Huffington Post

If anyone can recognize the dangers of Nazi philosophy taking root in a democracy it`s the Germans, and they are appalled at Donald Trump`s embrace of White Nationalism.

Americans are aware that Trump`s toxic racism is doing incalculable harm to our democracy, but I don`t think most of us realize how much harm he`s doing to America`s reputation and standing in the world.

Stern`s cover is spot on, Trump drapes himself in patriotism and American supremacy while winking at the violent antics of White Nationalists. Nazi ideology is the antithesis of democracy, and it`s incumbent on the president to denounce it in no uncertain terms.

If America is to survive as a democracy we must hate Nazism as much as the Germans, and that means impeaching our racist president.

Link to pic of cover of Stern:

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Who Was the ‘Blacks for Trump’ Guy Standing Behind Trump at his Phoenix Rally?

During Donald Trump`s unhinged rally in Phoenix on Tuesday night, two thoughts popped into my mind that kept my awake all night long.

Question 1: Why in the name of God is Trump still holding campaign rallies? Campaign rallies are by their very nature divisive and partisan events, a candidate attempts to solidify his base by attacking his opponent.

Somebody needs to remind Trump that he won the election and he`s no longer a presidential candidate, but the President of the United States. With every speech that he delivers, and every press conference that he holds, he should be seeking to unify the country.

Question 2: Who in the name of God was that black guy strategically placed behind the president, holding a sign proclaiming “BLACKS FOR TRUMP.” As a Latino I`d rather walk downtown buck naked wearing a cowboy hat and high heels, than stand behind Trump when he`s delivering a speech. Why would any self-respecting black man attend a Trump rally?

A black man would have to be stark raving mad in order to support our Nazi-sympathizing president. It shouldn`t come as any surprise that the black dude standing behind Trump is crazier than a shi*house rat. According to his website he believes that the “real KKK slave masters” are Cherokee Indians and that ISIS and Hillary Clinton are plotting a race war to kill all black and white women in America. Like I said, homeboy is nuttier than a fruitcake.

In the six months that Trump`s been in office he`s clearly demonstrated that he`s morally, intellectually and temperamentally unfit to be president. Anybody, not just religious and ethnic minorities, would have to be freaking nuts to support him.

Impeach the racist bastard!

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Donald Trump Tweets General Pershing Pig’s Blood Myth

On Thursday a radical Islamic terrorist plowed a rental van into a popular pedestrian area teeming with tourists in Barcelona, killing 14 people and injuring at least 100 more.

Trump claimed that he didn`t immediately condemn the white supremacist domestic terrorists who murdered a woman in Charlottesville last weekend, because all the facts weren`t in yet.

Within an hour of the Barcelona attack, our national embarrassment of a president, Donald Trump posted this inflammatory tweet:

Study what General Pershing of the United States did to terrorists when caught. There was no more Radical Islamic Terror for 35 years!

Trump was referring to the myth (fake news) that General John Pershing dipped bullets in pigs` blood before ordering his soldiers to execute Muslim insurgents following the Philippine-American War in order to deter the insurgency campaign.

This myth has been debunked by historians, Snopes.Com and military leaders outraged at this lie that tarnishes the reputation of Gen. Pershing.

But let`s say it`s true, Trump is condoning a grievous war crime. To summarily execute war prisoners is an outrage, and keep in mind that the Muslim soldiers fighting Pershing weren`t terrorists, they were freedom fighters battling a colonial power that had invaded their nation.

Trump`s intemperate and false tweet is going to inflame tensions throughout the Muslim world, putting American tourists, diplomats and military personnel in danger.

Once again Trump has demonstrated that he doesn`t have the wisdom and moral authority to be President of the United States. Impeach the bastard!

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CBN: ‘There’s a Spiritual Awakening Underway in the White House’! Bullcrap!

“A spiritual awakening is underway at the White House.

Some of the most powerful people in America have been gathering weekly to learn more about God`s Word, and this Trump Cabinet Bible study is making history.

They`ve been called the most evangelical Cabinet in history – men and women who don`t mince words when it comes to where they stand on God and the Bible.

Ralph Drollinger of Capitol Ministries told CBN News, `These are godly individuals that God has risen to a position of prominence in our culture.
Health Secretary Tom Price, Energy Secretary Rick Perry, Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, Agriculture Secretary Sunny Perdue, and CIA Director Mike Pompeo are just a few of the regulars.


It should be noted that CBN is an evangelical television network and production company founded by televangelist con man, Pat Robertson. It would be the epitome of ignorance to rely on CBN to provide an objective opinion on the spiritual state of the Trump administration.

You don`t have to be a political science major or a theologian to deduce that the White House is in political and spiritual chaos. All of the political divisiveness and spiritual turmoil emanates from the president, Trump`s petty, narcissistic and vindictive behavior sets the tone for the White House staff.

Consider the example of the newly appointed White House Communications Director, Anthony Scaramucci, if the boss swears like a sailor and publicly belittles his cabinet members, he will do him one better. Scaramucci`s obscene on-the-record rant against Chief of Staff Reince Priebus and Special Counselor to the President Steve Bannon made even sailors blush.

If the Trump administration`s anti-Muslim, anti-people of color and anti-poor policies and its hateful tone can be attributed to the Cabinet Bible Study, then I hope they ditch the Bible and seek spiritual guidance from the Satanic Bible.

This isn`t a blanket condemnation of evangelicals, there are sincere Christians who follow the example of Jesus Christ and preach the Gospel, feed the poor, and minister to prisoners.

Jesus Christ wouldn`t recognize the wealthy swine holding Bible studies in the White House while venerating the most evil person ever to sit in the Oval Office.

Only an evil fuc* believes that there`s a spiritual awakening underway in the White House

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Dump Trump! Impeach the Abomination!

When against all odds Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton and assumed the presidency, Republicans were ecstatic, they assumed they would enact legislation on tax reform, immigration, and repealing and replacing Obamacare.

Republicans weren`t naïve, they realized that Trump wasn`t a real Republican, but an opportunist who saw his best chance of winning running as a Republican. Nevertheless they had high hopes that after eight years of Obama they would finally pass conservation legislation, after all they controlled the White House and both chambers of Congress.

This week marks the six month point of Trump`s chaotic and turbulent presidency, repealing and replacing Obamacare is a pipe dream, the Wall is a mirage, the infrastructure plan is crumbling and tax reform isn`t going anywhere.

Trump`s only clear victory is the Senate confirmation of Judge Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court.

Why is the Trump administration such an unmitigated disaster even though the GOP controls all levers of power in Washington?

According to the polls, even the conservative-friendly Rasmussen poll, Trump is the most unpopular White House incumbent of the modern political era.

The Russian scandal has completely consumed the Trump administration, and instead of tamping down the controversy and focusing on policy, Trump has fed the fires with his obsessive compulsion to tweet about Russia.

Time has run out on the Trump administration, and even the most adroit politician wouldn`t be able to turn things around. Certainly an incontinent toddler with the diplomatic skills of a WWE wrestler isn`t going to right the ship of state.

A Monmouth University poll released this week showed that more Americans want to see Trump impeached today than was the case for then-incumbent Richard Nixon at the start of the Watergate scandal.

Republicans are blind if they can`t see that the faux-Republican buffoon isn`t going to lead their party to the Promised Land. They don`t have the luxury of waiting a year or longer until the Special Counsel completes his investigation, they would be well-advised to immediately take steps to get rid of the bastard.

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