Donald Trump aka Cadet Bone Spurs likes to portray himself as a tough guy; in rallies he frequently poses with his tiny fists clenched as if he was a prizefighter ready to take on all comers.
Anyone who hasn’t binged on Kool-Aid knows that he is a sniveling coward who’s subservient to real tough guy dictators like Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong-un. But his tough guy act works with his evangelical base who sees him as Jesus Christ the action hero.
Trump refuses to consistently wear a mask in public, even though as a morbidly obese septuagenarian with heart problems he is particularly susceptible to COVID. He thinks he’s being macho by not wearing a mask in a pandemic, and he mocks politicians and reporters who do so.
At a campaign rally crowd in Pennsylvania Trump mocked Joe Biden for wearing a mask:
“But did you ever see a man that likes a mask as much as him? He makes a speech, and he always has it – not always, but a lot of times, he has it hanging down. Because you know what, it gives him a feeling of security.”
Mocking Biden for wearing a mask makes as much sense as mocking him for driving his Camaro without wearing a seat belt. Wearing a mask is an excellent defense against the coronavirus that has killed more than 190,000 Americans, just as wearing a seat belt is an excellent defense from dying in traffic accidents that kill hundreds of thousands each year.
Biden isn’t an idiot and that’s why he wears a mask in public and wears a seat belt when cruising around in his Camaro.
Trump is going to be clenching his tiny fists in rage on November 3 when Americans tired of his macho posturing and idiotic behavior kick him to the curb.