Trump Prompts Evangelical Congregation to Shout ‘Bullshit’

“Cries of “Bullshit!” “Bullshit” rang out at a packed Phoenix megachurch June 6 as Donald Trump held his first campaign rally since his conviction on 34 felonies in New York.

As for Biden’s recent executive order limiting immigration? Trump told the crowd at Phoenix Dream Center, an Assemblies of God congregation, that it was ‘bullshit.’

‘They come up with this order,’ he said. ‘I won’t say it, because I don’t like using the word ‘bullshit’ in front of these people.’”

Baptist News Global

Evangelical congregations, especially Assemblies of God churches, aren’t shy about shouting “Amen” and “Hallelujah” as a means of encouraging their pastors to continue preaching Biblical truths and holy living. It was considered anathema for a parishioner to whisper even a mild swear word like “damn” in a temple.

Pentecostal churches place an emphasis on what they consider holy behavior, which certainly rules out shouting obscenities in a house of worship. At least that was the way things were pre-Trump.

But when evangelicals embrace a pathological liar, serial sexual predator, indicted criminal, and twice-impeached sociopath as their messiah, anything goes. It is par for the course to shout “bullshit” in a church when you worship a steaming pile of shit like Donald Trump.

I am not surprised at all that when Trump incited crowd at a crowed evangelical megachurch to utter a swear word, cries of “bullshit” rang out in the sanctuary.

Trump’s cult of evangelical sycophants should be showered with shouts of “bullshit” whenever they leave their tabernacles of evil and try to blend in with normal folks.