MAGA rallies are racist Trumpapalooza festivals that attracts white militias, white nationalists, KKK members, white evangelicals, hillbillies and mobile park rednecks, the common denominator being the color of their skin.
When the camera sweeps over the audience at a MAGA rally I always see a sea of white faces, but at almost every Trump rally “Blacks for Trump” are strategically placed right behind Trump.
The Blacks for Trump are Uncle Toms, or stated in a more politically correct way, useful idiots. Voting for Donald Trump while Black is a crime against your own race, and being a member of Blacks for Trump and allowing yourself to be used by him is an unforgiveable sin.
Blacks for Trump in 2022 is as incongruous as Negroes for George Wallace in 1968 when the notorious segregationist ran for president.
In the photo at the top of this page members of the racist “Proud Boys’ are posing with members of “Blacks for Trump” while flashing white power symbols. This picture captures the stupidity of Blacks for Trump.