A wooden statue of the US president has been built in his wife’s home country of Slovenia, dividing opinion there.
The nearly 8m (26ft) tall statue was constructed on private land and depicts Donald Trump with a square head and jaw, raising his fist in the air.
Another artist carved out a sculpture of Melania out of a tree trunk, it was erected just outside of her hometown of Sevnica. The Melania statue is wearing a blue coat with a club-like hand gesturing to the sky. Critics of the controversial work of art say it makes her look more like a Smurf than a First Lady.
I think it’s prudent to deduce that not everybody in Slovenia is thrilled that Melania, who made an honest living as a model with a penchant for appearing in nude lesbian photo shoots, shamed her homeland by marrying a crooked real estate developer who is now the most corrupt and racist president in the history of the United States.
The stable genius is a blockhead; therefore, I take no exception with the creator, Tomaz Schlegl, depicting Trump with a square head, but the statue’s square jaw bears no resemblance to the real thing’s double chin.
When triggered, a mechanism opens a red-painted mouth and shark-like teeth appear. Again, I’m dissatisfied with the artist’s rendering of the short-fingered vulgarian, the statue’s normal-looking mouth bears no resemblance to his sphincter-like piehole. And as far as I know there aren’t any dentures that look like shark’s teeth.
The statue has a temporary permit and must be removed by Halloween, Oct. 31. Hopefully it will be moved to Washington, D.C, where it will scare the citizens, but not as much as the monstrosity sitting in the Oval Office.