Evangelical Pastor and Trump Fluffer Hank Kunneman Says That God is ‘Far Right’

For decades Republican candidates have pandered to evangelicals and pledged allegiance to their issues, but once in power they have done little more than offer rhetorical support.

But in the Trump era Republicans have made common cause with white evangelicals and they are now joined at the hip, to the extent that if Trump wins the election, he may very well pervert our democracy into a White Christian Nationalist regime.

Hank Kunneman, the pastor of Lord of Host Church in Omaha, Nebraska, is a prime example of an evangelical leader who thinks the GOP is the party of the Almighty. The self-proclaimed prophet and Trump fluffer said in a sermon that God is “far right” and that Democrats are “black dark evil.”

The Supreme Being isn’t an Attila the Hun monstrosity who orders St.  Peter not to let anyone inside the Pearly Gates if they aren’t card-carrying members of the Republican Party.

And the Democratic Party isn’t the party of Satan, and Democrats aren’t black dark evil.

The truth is that politics is a dirty business and that politicians of all stripes tend to be shady characters. But that’s not to say that there isn’t any difference between Republicans and Democrats.

The only institution more corrupt than politics is religion, and the MAGA Republican Party represents the worst of religion and politics. The leader of the GOP, Donald Trump, is a racist sociopath and wannabe dictator, who will split hell wide open.

Evangelical ‘Prophet’ Has ‘Vision’ God Will Use Ron DeSantis in a Powerful Way as President

Ron DeSantis

“Christian evangelical prophet Charlie Shamp claims he received a vision predicting Florida Governor Ron DeSantis will be used by God in a powerful way for the 2024 presidential election, Rolling Stone reports.

As a recent guest on televangelist Jim Bakker’s show, Shamp asserted, ‘There’s something about Ron DeSantis that we need to begin to pray for. Because his ultimate future is to have a position in the United States as the president.’”


The evangelical world is a hellscape where self-proclaimed prophets can prophesy all sorts of nonsense in the name of God, and their vain imaginations will be accepted as Gospel by most of their evangelical brethren.

Charlie should change his name to Ezekiel or Jeremiah, just saying, because I would be agnostic about a prophecy uttered by a prophet with such a banal name.

Anyway, Charlie claims he received a vision predicting Florida Governor Ron DeSantis will be used by God in a powerful way for the 2004 presidential election.

We should keep in mind that this is the same religious charlatan who prophesied during Donald Trump’s 2020 campaign, that he would be elected to a second term.

“Shamp shared a ‘vision’ he’d received of two palm trees — one planted in California, the other in Florida. He’d asked, ‘Lord, who are these two palm trees?’ And God responded: ‘This palm tree from California is Ronald Reagan. This palm tree that is in Florida is Ron DeSantis.”

Rolling Stone

Only a ignorant as fuck evangelical would believe that the Almighty would take time out from managing the entropy of the universe to have a conversation with some prophet named Charlie.

Wake up idiots! Charlie doesn’t arrive at his prophecies by reading tea leaves or by speaking to God, more than likely he examined the logs in his toilet bowl and said to himself: Gee, that piece of crap looks like Reagan and that one looks like DeSantis, I think God is telling me that DeSantis will be an even greater president than Reagan.

Prophet Johnny Enlow Says ‘Vision’ of Donald Trump With ‘Golden Scepter’ Proves He’s President

On April 29, 2021 85 evangelical leaders issued a statement urging prophets who had publicly prophesied that Donald Trump would be president by a specific date that has now passed to apologize.

Evangelical ministers, especially self-styled prophets, think they have a direct line to the Almighty and they are loath to apologize when they utter a false prophecy. These charlatans are put up on a pedestal by their followers, and they are more likely to admit an addiction to pornography than confess that their false prophecy had all the substance of a fart.

Self-described Christian prophet Johnny Enlow predicted that Donald Trump would be reelected, and more than six months after Joe Biden won in an electoral college and popular vote landslide, he’s yet to apologize.

In response from the statement from his brethren calling upon him to apologize, Enlow posted on Facebook a vision he had of Trump seated on a throne holding a golden scepter with a golden crown on his head.

Enlow claimed the vision was Trump’s “PRESENT status from heaven’s perspective.” I’m not a prophet, and I don’t claim to have the gift of being able to see things from heaven’s perspective, but from my earthly perspective Enlow is full of shit, Trump isn’t president and anyone who supports Trump or Enlow is an asshole.

Rev. Maurice Watson Denounces Trump’s Racist Comments with Red-faced Mike Pence in Pews

“A Maryland pastor on Sunday denounced President Trumps s—hole countries comment before God, his congregation and Vice President Pence.

Worshipers at the Metropolitan Baptist Church in Largo, Md., said the vice president grew visibly red-faced as the Rev. Maurice Watson called Trump out for his vulgar comments last week about Haiti and several African nations.

`I stand today as your pastor to vehemently denounce and reject any such characterizations of the nations of Africa and of our brothers and sisters in Haiti,` Watson told his congregation as Pence looked on.

`And I further say: Whoever made such a statement, whoever used such a visceral, disrespectful, dehumanizing adjective to characterize the nations of Africa, whoever said it, is wrong. And they ought to be held accountable.`”

New York Daily News

Sometimes a Christian pastor is required to minister to the least among us with the compassion and humility of Jesus Christ, and sometimes he`s called upon to speak truth to power with the vehemence and thunder of an Old Testament prophet.

If Vice President wanted to bask in the praise of like-minded evangelicals in the aftermath of Donald Trump`s blatantly racist shithole comment, he should have visited a white evangelical church.

White evangelical churches have a long history of not just tolerating racism, but practicing racism, and a racist charlatan like Trump is as welcome as a snake oil televangelist.

Mike Pence made the mistake of attending a black evangelical church shortly after his boss uttered his toxic comments, and the pastor was duty-bound to vehemently denounce the president`s racist rhetoric.

Pence`s huge Bible was no shield for the minister`s words of condemnation, and his face was red with fury and humiliation.

Sunday night Pence probably commensurated with Trump`s evangelical advisory council in a presidential circle jerk.

If only the Rev. Maurice Watson was granted an audience with Trump!

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