“In an exclusive interview with CBS This Morning, Massachusetts Rep. Ayanna Pressley and three Congresswomen dubbed ‘the Squad’ reacted to President Trump’s controversial tweets telling them to ‘go back’ to their countries of origin — even though three of them were born in the U.S. and all are American citizens.
‘We can talk about and spin out on hate, about hateful words, which are a predictable prompt by the occupant of this White House. And I call him that not because I don’t have respect for the Oval Office,’ Pressley said.
King asked Pressley if she believes calling Trump ‘the occupant’ shows disrespect for the Oval Office.
‘No, because he is only occupying the space. He does not embody the principles, the responsibility, the grace, the integrity of a true president and so for that reason, I’m not dishonoring the office. He does every day,’ she said. “
CBS Boston
Donald Trump has been called many things including Racist-in-Chief, short-fingered vulgarian, fucking moron and Cadet Bone Spurs, but the Occupant of the White House is perhaps the most fitting term.
Trump has no more intrinsic value than a potted plant in the Oval Office, he just takes up place. He’s an oxygen thief who sucks up all the oxygen in a room and replaces it with toxic gas emanating from his sphincter-like mouth.
The buffoon is as out of place in the White House as a prostitute in a convent or a skid row drunkard at a wine tasting at a vineyard.
Trump doesn’t embody or represent the gravitas, grace and governance of the White House, he’s merely the occupant.
I have never received anything of importance in a letter that was addressed to “occupant”, certainly not a check or a letter from a friend. Letters labeled “occupant” go directly to the waste can without being opened.
The occupant of the White House should be evicted hopefully via impeachment. But if the interloper is still around in 2020, we should vote him out of office.