Save Our Democracy: Don’t Vote for Senile Politicians Like Joe Biden, Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell

“The latest cover of The New Yorker magazine depicts some of America’s most powerful political leaders in a footrace, but not exactly in the top athletic form they’d probably be hoping for. President Joe Biden, Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY), and former President Donald Trump are all racing for the finish line — with the assistance of walkers.”


Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Mitch McConnell and Donald Trump represent a gerontocracy that is killing our democracy. These old crows still imagine they’re spring chickens and they don’t have the decency, common sense and humility to step aside for a younger generation.

President Joe Biden, 80, is prone to losing his balance, and he really needs a walker and a nurse to point him in the right direction. Biden is physical fragile, cognitively-challenged, and it’s an egregious case of elder abuse that his staff and family haven’t forced him to face reality and resign or at least promise not to run for reelection.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, 81, has a history of suffering freezing spells, and he could also use a walker to prevent him from falling again. McConnell has been in the Senate since 1985 and he has served as Senate Majority Leader since 2021, it’s time that he passed on the baton to a member of a younger generation. He should resign from the Senate or at least step down as Majority Leader.

Former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi is 83, and she recently announced she’s running for reelection. Pelosi has a remarkable career that culminated in her being elected as House Speaker, she doesn’t have anything left to prove and she should humbly and gracefully declare that she’s changed her mind and isn’t running for reelection.

Former President Donald Trump, 77 shouldn’t run for president because of his advanced age, and there’s also the issue that a fascist racist who tried to steal an election doesn’t deserve to return to power.

We think of Baby Boomers as being older than dirt, but it’s important to realize that the aforementioned fossils belong to an even older generation.

Members of this geriatric generation are mostly white and mostly male and for them white privilege means that they can stay in power for as long as they want even though old age has rendered them mentally feeble and physically frail.

These physically decrepit and cognately impaired politicians aren’t going to gracefully retire, it’s incumbent upon voters of both parties to vote them out of office.

Elizabeth Warren is an Abomination

The 2020 presidential race is already underway, and Sen. Elizabeth Warren is tweeting and grandstanding as if it were only months away, not years. Warren will stoop as low as necessary to dominate every news cycle.

Donald Trump has been in office less than a month, and already I am sick and tired of Trump`s incompetence and Warren`s intransigence.

The ultimate glass ceiling will be shattered one day, but it won`t be the likes of a Hillary Clinton or an Elizabeth Warren.Is is too much to ask for a female presidential candidate who doesn`t ooze venom and disdain for the 99%?

Warren is even more tiresome than Hillary Clinton, and she`s been in the public spotlight a few years, not decades.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell was right to invoke Rule 19 against Warren for her vitriolic attack against her “friend and colleague” Senator Jeff Sessions. What a pretentious, bloviating phony, I`m glad McConnell bitch-slapped her into silence.

Trump`s administration got all kinds of blowback for putting Iran “on notice,” but not a peep from the press when Warren put Sessions on notice:

“If Jeff Sessions makes even the tiniest attempt to bring his racism, sexism & bigotry into @TheJusticeDept, he`ll hear from all of us.”

We`ve heard enough from you already, shut the hell up.

Why do I despise Warren so much? As a minority I will never forgive her for falsely claiming that she was part Native American in order to advance her academic career.

The “Never Trump” movement failed abysmally, hopefully the “Never Warren” movement will succeed in permanently silencing her.

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