“In an interview with the Sunday Times, where he was in conversation with “Pointless” presenter Richard Osman, King said: “I happen to think that Trump was a horrible president and is a horrible person. I think he actually engaged in criminal behavior and, certainly, I felt that he was a sociopath who tried to overturn the American democracy not out of any political wish of his own but because he could not admit that he had lost.”
There are some evil men in history Like Adolph Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Vlad the Impaler and Pol Pot who didn’t possess any virtues to mitigate their unbridled evil. Their names are synonymous with evil, and only ignorant or disturbed individuals attempt to justify, condone, rationalize or make allowances for them.
We can now add Donald Trump to the Hall of Fame of Evil. When he was soundly rejected by the electorate after a tenure marked by racism, pettiness, incompetence, treachery, authoritarianism and all-around fuckery he attempted a coup to remain in power. He destroyed the GOP, and almost overthrew our democracy, and if he regains power America is doomed.
Stephen King is spot-on. Donald Trump was a horrible president and is a horrible person. He is a sociopath, an insurrectionist, and a tyrant, and God damn to hell anyone who tries to make excuses for his egregious behavior.
The only stance that is acceptable in relation to Trump is to be a Never Trumper, everyone else can rot in hell.