Snoop Dogg Calls Kayne West an Uncle Tom

It`s de rigueur for rappers to have a nickname: Drake goes by Drizzy, Lil` Wayne answers to Weezy, Eminem is often called Em, and Kanye West is also known as Yeezy.

Kanye West, perhaps to commemorate his transformation from a black man speaking truth to power to an Uncle Tom, now wants to be called “Ye.”

A rose by any other name would smell as sweet, and Kanye by any other name would still stink to high heaven.

Snoop Dogg is not one to mince words, and the Doggfather flat-out called Kanye an Uncle Tom in wake of his Trump-loving coonery.

When a beloved rapper who is true to his craft bestows upon himself a moniker it sticks, Lil` Wayne will forever be called “Weezy” by his fans and Beyoncé will always be referred to as “Bey” by her devotees.

But a trick ass hoe who has betrayed his community has lost the right to christen himself with a nickname.

Kanye West get used to being called an Uncle Tom and worse.

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