“For the first time ever, President Donald Trump tied with his predecessor, Barack Obama, as the most admired man in America this year, according to the annual poll from Gallup. 2019 marks Obama’s 12th year at the top of the list, tying him with former president Dwight Eisenhower.
Trump has never before topped the list, which is compiled by asking Americans to name which living man and woman they admire most. The question is open-ended.”
Yahoo News
Donald Trump tied with Barack Obama as the most admired man in America.
This isn’t a headline from the satirical publication “The Onion” and the poll wasn’t conducted by the Trump-friendly “Rasmussen Reports” but by the highly respected “Gallup” company.
What can we glean from this headline other than the hoofbeats of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are deafening?
The incumbent U.S. president is usually the choice for America’s most admired living man, even if he is a racist, ignorant and blithering idiot like Trump. Out of 72 prior polls, the incumbent president has placed first 58 times.
Hopefully, Americans will come to their senses in 2020 and Trump won’t be reelected and he will completely disappear from this poll.
The results of this poll speak of the intellectual laziness of Americans, by default they name the current occupant of the White House as the man they admire the most without contemplating if he’s had a positive or negative impact on society.
This poll also reflects the undying loyalty of Trump supporters, they would vote for the short-fingered vulgarian as the most admired living man even if Jesus Christ returned and lived in Idaho.
You’d think that an amoral buffoon like Trump would be thrilled that he’s tied with Obama as the most admired man in America, but I’m sure he’s furious that he can’t overcome the legacy of his predecessor.