In 1984 the Gillette Company launched a new series of TV commercials for Dry Idea antiperspirants that introduced one of the most famous ad slogans of all time:
“Never let them see you sweat”
The ad campaign featured celebrities explaining that success in their profession meant never letting them see you sweat. Fashion designer Donna Karan, actress Lauren Hutton and football coach Dan Reeves were some of the celebs that starred in these commercials.
Real estate developer Donald Trump never appeared in these ads, he was never the cool and suave type even when he was decades younger and many pounds lighter.
Trump is now the President of the United States, and a septuagenarian horizontally-challenged buffoon who sweats like a pig, and he could use a crate of Dry Idea antiperspirants.
The stable genius may be a climate change denier, but he doesn’t hold up very well under the effects of global warming. It’s been a blistering summer in D.C. and every time Trump appears outside, he’s sweating like a pig.
Actually, pigs have very few sweat glands, and they cool down by wallowing in the mud. Either way Trump is just like a pig: He sweats like a pig and wallows in the mud like a pig.
I know I’m not the only who prays that the fucking moron will suffer a stroke or a heart attack when I see him sweating profusely. Trump’s sycophants claim that his shit doesn’t stink and that he sweats holy water.
Please don’t click on link if you are about to eat a meal!
Pics of Trump sweating like a pig: https://deadspin.com/the-big-president-is-now-wet-1837101881