Pedophile-Lover Cardinal Bernard Law’s Funeral to be Held at St. Peter’s Basilica in Vatican City

White evangelicals are the most despised religious group in America, their demonization of gays for political expediency and their subjugation of women in the name of biblical orthodoxy is an affront to decent people of all faiths and no faith.

This year they sunk even lower in the cesspool of hypocrisy and religiosity in their embrace of the serial predator Donald Trump and the pedophile Judge Roy Moore.

The Roman Catholic Church is determined to prove that they love pedophiles as much as American white evangelicals.

The Catholic Church will be holding a full cardinals` funeral for Cardinal Bernard Law at St. Peter`s Basilica in Vatican City on Thursday.

Cardinal Law is the most infamous enabler and supporter of pedophile priests.

From Wikipedia:

He had knowledge of sexual abuse committed by dozens of Catholic priests within his archdiocese and had failed to remove them from the ministry. One priest alone was alleged to have raped or molested 130 children over decades, while Law and other local officials moved him among churches rather than going to the authorities.

Law doesn`t deserve a cardinal`s funeral in St. Peter`s Basilica in Vatican City, he deserves to be buried in a dunghill with a convicted pedophile presiding over his funeral.

Fuc* white evangelicals and Fuc* the Roman Catholic Church, they`ve made a mockery of the teachings of Jesus Christ.

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White Evangelicals’ Hatred of Gays and Acceptance of Pedophiles and Sexual Predators Will Forever Defile Their Movement

Judge Roy Moore, said in a 2005 interview that he believes homosexual conduct should be illegal. In the interview the hardline Christian conservative was asked by journalist Bill Press: Do you think that homosexual conduct should be illegal today? That`s a yes or no question. Such is Moore`s hatred of gays and lesbians that he didn`t give a typical politician`s ambiguous answer. He replied empathically: Homosexual conduct should be illegal, yes. In the same interview he also equated homosexuality with bestiality.

Moore`s hatred and fear of gays and lesbians is shared by the overwhelmingly evangelical Alabama electorate. That dear friends and neighbors is why a pedophile is expected to win the Senate seat in Alabama.

Evangelicals would cross the street to avoid an openly gay man, but they warmly embrace a pedophile who preys on underage girls.

In the evangelical ranking of sins homosexuality is the lowest of the low, the one transgression that will forever bar a soul from paradise.

Jesus Christ, who had plenty to say about the sins of pride, hypocrisy and jealousy, but not single word about homosexuality, would feel more at home with gays and lesbians than with the religious hypocrites who demonize them.

The white evangelicals in Alabama who are about to elect a pedophile to the Senate and the white evangelicals in America who elected a sexual predator to the White House have forever stained the white evangelical movement.

Anyone who still identifies as an evangelical is complicit in the moral depravity that resulted in a sexual predator reaching the highest office in the country. It`s incumbent upon those evangelicals who are outraged by their brethren`s embrace of Trump and Moore to reject the evangelical movement, and identify themselves simply as Christians.

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The Southern Poverty Law Center Should Classify the White Evangelical Movement as a Hate Group

“MSNBCs Morning Joe`on Tuesday, host Joe Scarborough delivered a sermon about President Trump.

The MSNBC host said he didn`t understand the `fever` which has gripped the Republican Party in the age of Donald Trump –and said the president represents `the antithesis of just about every single thing that Jesus Christ said on the Sermon on the Mount.`

`Some things cannot be debated: You look in Matthew and go through the Beatitudes, every single Beatitude, you go through Jesus` teaching, what he says he wants people to be,` Scarborough said. `Donald Trump is the antithesis of just about every single thing that Jesus Christ said on the Sermon of the Mount.`”

Real Clear Politics

Joe Scarborough has a patrician bearing, he`s a policy wonk who waxes eloquent when it comes to defining and describing Republican orthodoxy.

But on Tuesday of this week he was preaching like a tent show evangelist: His text the Sermon on the Mount, his point, that he drove home like a sledgehammer on a thumbtack, that Trump is the antithesis of all the virtues mentioned in that famous passage of Scripture.

I kept looking at the TV screen for the toll-free phone number where I could send in a donation to the Rev. Scarborough.

Amen brother Joe! Amen.

Trump isn`t just an antithesis of a pious Christian, he`s the antithesis of a human being. He`s a disgusting reptilian creature who escaped from the bowels of hell.

You`d think most Christians would share Scarborough`s disgust at Trump`s immoral and vulgar policies and behavior, but this abomination is revered as a political Messiah by white evangelicals.

The short-fingered vulgarian has been embraced by most white evangelical leaders and most of their followers.

The Southern Poverty Law Center should classify the white evangelical movement as a hate group.

From this point forward the white evangelical movement is anathema to me.

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True Christians Should be Horrified by the Evangelical Movement’s Embrace of Trump

“At the annual Values Voter Summit (VVS) in Washington this weekend, former congresswoman Michele Bachmann, who serves on Donald Trump`s evangelical advisory board, said in an interview with me on SiriusXM Progress that Donald Trump is now a `committed believer` of Jesus Christ and a `man of faith` who has `asked God for help and wisdom.`”

Huffington Post

At the annual Values Voter Summit where evangelicals congregated to celebrate the ascension of the short-fingered vulgarian to the presidency, Trump bathed in their adoration and showered them with enough red meat to make them writhe in ecstasy.

Michelle Bachmann declared that the man who on a daily basis craps on the Constitution and the teachings of Jesus is now a “committed believer of Jesus Christ” and a “man of faith” who has “asked God for help and wisdom.”

Bachmann`s utterance is enough to make any genuine Christian vomit, Trump has never publicly declared that he`s a committed believer of Jesus Christ or a man of faith. If Trump communes with the Almighty at all, it`s to berate Him for failing to smite his myriad enemies.

Bachmann went on to explain that Trump isn`t acting under his own authority, but under the authority of God. What was left unsaid is that if we complain about the president`s racist and misogynist comments and policies we are fighting against God.

The mainstream evangelical movement has thoroughly aligned itself with the alt-right and Donald Trump, and any evangelical who is a true believer in Jesus, should disavow the evangelical movement.

To paraphrase the words of Jesus, “You can`t serve God and Trump,” the evangelical movement can save itself only if it decides that following Jesus is more important than their political agenda.

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CBN: ‘There’s a Spiritual Awakening Underway in the White House’! Bullcrap!

“A spiritual awakening is underway at the White House.

Some of the most powerful people in America have been gathering weekly to learn more about God`s Word, and this Trump Cabinet Bible study is making history.

They`ve been called the most evangelical Cabinet in history – men and women who don`t mince words when it comes to where they stand on God and the Bible.

Ralph Drollinger of Capitol Ministries told CBN News, `These are godly individuals that God has risen to a position of prominence in our culture.
Health Secretary Tom Price, Energy Secretary Rick Perry, Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, Agriculture Secretary Sunny Perdue, and CIA Director Mike Pompeo are just a few of the regulars.


It should be noted that CBN is an evangelical television network and production company founded by televangelist con man, Pat Robertson. It would be the epitome of ignorance to rely on CBN to provide an objective opinion on the spiritual state of the Trump administration.

You don`t have to be a political science major or a theologian to deduce that the White House is in political and spiritual chaos. All of the political divisiveness and spiritual turmoil emanates from the president, Trump`s petty, narcissistic and vindictive behavior sets the tone for the White House staff.

Consider the example of the newly appointed White House Communications Director, Anthony Scaramucci, if the boss swears like a sailor and publicly belittles his cabinet members, he will do him one better. Scaramucci`s obscene on-the-record rant against Chief of Staff Reince Priebus and Special Counselor to the President Steve Bannon made even sailors blush.

If the Trump administration`s anti-Muslim, anti-people of color and anti-poor policies and its hateful tone can be attributed to the Cabinet Bible Study, then I hope they ditch the Bible and seek spiritual guidance from the Satanic Bible.

This isn`t a blanket condemnation of evangelicals, there are sincere Christians who follow the example of Jesus Christ and preach the Gospel, feed the poor, and minister to prisoners.

Jesus Christ wouldn`t recognize the wealthy swine holding Bible studies in the White House while venerating the most evil person ever to sit in the Oval Office.

Only an evil fuc* believes that there`s a spiritual awakening underway in the White House

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Evangelical False Prophets Lay Hands on Donald Trump in Oval Office

“President Donald Trump, who has remained out of public view since returning from Europe late Saturday, welcomed evangelical leaders into the Oval Office on Monday for a prayer session.

Photos posted by some of the invitees show the group surrounding Trump and laying their hands on his shoulders as his head is bent in prayer.

The picture was posted by Johnnie Moore, a former senior vice president at Liberty University, a large evangelical university in Virginia. It also showed Vice President Mike Pence, with his eyes shut, participating in the Oval Office prayer session.

Moore, reached on Wednesday, said the meeting happened after a number of national faith leaders were invited to meet the President as they met with representatives from the Office of Public Liaison.”


President Donald Trump`s approval rating is stuck near 40 percent and he can`t afford to lose the support of his base, therefore he feels compelled to show respect to evangelical leaders, his most ardent backers.

You`d think evangelicals would only visit the Oval Office to lay hands on the most obscene and vulgar president in our history in an attempt to drive the demons out of the orange bastard. But evangelicals are smitten with the profane clown because he`s appointed a conservative Supreme Court Justice, and he`s attempting to repeal and replace Obamacare. American evangelicals are political animals, and they care more about advancing Republican orthodoxy than they care about preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

It was a regular three-ring circus in the Oval Office, and Vice President Mike Pence was in the mix, praying with his eyes shut. You don`t have to be a prophet to discern what Pence was praying: Dear Jesus please let Trump be impeached, or smite his tiny pecker with a deadly STD.

Witnessing these evangelical false prophets laying their hands on Trump as a way of expressing support of the evil buffoon makes me want to puke. I would love to lay hands on Trump, but I`d better not explain exactly what I mean by that, or I might get a friendly visit by the Secret Service.

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Evangelical Supporters of Donald Trump Would Deny Jesus Before They Would Forsake Trump

“Republican strategist and CNN commentator Ana Navarro slammed GOP leaders for acting like members `of the Donald Trump cult,` saying they must `step up and condemn` President Trump when circumstances demand it.

Navarro criticized House Speaker Paul Ryan for refusing to comment this week on the President`s tweet suggesting he had tapes of conversations with fired FBI Director James Comey — a statement many interpreted as a threat.

When asked about the tweet on Friday, Ryan told reporters that he was `focusing on what`s in my control, and that is what is Congress doing to solve people`s problems.`”


Kim Jong-un, the Dear Leader of North Korea, and Donald Trump the Leader of the Free World have a lot in common.

North Koreans are brainwashed since birth to believe that Kim Jong-un is a God-like, and if they fail to bestow upon him proper reverence they are killed or thrown into a concentration camp.

Trump supporters have brainwashed themselves into believing that the corrupt, vulgar, petty, and narcissistic Trump has been chosen by God to make America great again. If anyone speaks out against Trump`s inept and tyrannical rule, his supporters brand these patriots as ungodly traitors.

People who voted for Trump have made Trumpism into a religion, and they will defend their Messiah come hell or high water. I don`t know what would be more difficult, convincing an evangelical who voted for Trump to deny Jesus or to forsake Trump.

Republican senators and congressmen and congresswomen aren`t deluded by Trump, they know full well that he is ignorant, egotistical and dangerous. Ana Navarro is spot on, they should stop acting like they are members of the Donald Trump cult, and condemn his unconstitutional and un-American actions.

When Trump fired FBI Director James Comey, by his own admission because of the FBI`s Russia investigation, and then threatened him, they should have spoken out forcefully against the leader of their party.

It is incumbent upon Republican leaders to demonstrate to the American public that they are Americans before they are Republicans.

It`s a Watergate-style scandal and Republican leaders need to decide, right now, if they will be on the right side of history.

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