The last time Vice President Mike Pence spoke at Liberty University, he used the backdrop of one of the world’s largest Christian schools to vouch for candidate Donald Trump’s faith credentials during the 2016 campaign.
When Pence returned to the school Saturday to deliver the commencement address, his remarks were more personal.
Pence, who has been facing criticisms of his own religious views recently, warned graduates that they have to stay strong against the challenges they’ll get from Hollywood, the media and the secular left.
‘Throughout most of American history, it’s been pretty easy to call yourself Christian,’ Pence said. ‘It didn’t even occur to people that you might be shunned or ridiculed for defending the teachings of the Bible. But things are different now.’
USA Today
Jerry Falwell Jr., the president of Liberty University, was the first prominent evangelical to endorse the presidential candidacy of Donald Trump.
Ever since Trump and his lackeys have maintained a close relationship with Falwell and his university, so it wasn’t surprising that Vice President Mike Pence made a pilgrimage to the Mecca of White Evangelicalism to deliver the commencement address.
Pence warned the graduating class that they might be ridiculed for defending the teachings of the Bible. Jerry Falwell Jr. and his acolytes have been mocked and castigated by Hollywood, the media, the secular left and true Christians not for defending the teachings of the Bible, but for making a mockery of the teachings of Jesus Christ by supporting and enabling a morally degenerate president.
Pence, who was dubbed, a cheerleader for a porn president, by Mayor Pete is the last person on Earth who should be dispensing spiritual advice to graduates.
WWJD if He was the commencement speaker at Liberty University? He would rail against the university in the same way that he railed against the Pharisees. He would condemn them for turning their backs against poor folks, immigrants, prisoners and other social outcasts. He would condemn them for embracing the spirit of anti-Christ in the person of Donald Trump.
I beseech my readers to be like Jesus and condemn the anti-Christian spirit of Trump, Pence and other reprobated white evangelicals.