Donald Trump has always yearned to be the alpha dog, but it`s difficult to be the top dog when he`s been neutered by his cowardice.
He`s like a lap dog who barks ferociously when he`s safely ensconced in the lap of his owner, but cowers at the slightest sound when he`s by himself.
Trump earned worldwide fame as the head honcho in “The Apprentice,” in the make-believe world of reality TV he dispatched contestants with his trademark phrase: You`re Fired!
But in the real world the presidential poodle doesn`t have the gonads to fire anyone in person, he always delegates that unpleasant task to one of his subordinates.
In the presence of dictators with balls of steel like Russian President Vladimir Putin, Cadet Bone Spurs becomes obsequious and servile.
It took our fearless leader almost two years to summon up the courage to visit soldiers in a war zone, and he probably wouldn`t have made the trip to Iraq without his wife by his side holding his tiny hand.
Out commander-in-chief has frequently boasted that he was ready to serve during the Vietnam War, but he obtained a medical deferment to keep him from being drafted.
The New York Times recently reported that Trump was diagnosed with bone spurs by a podiatrist as a favor to Trump`s dad, who was his landlord.
Trump is such a sniveling coward that I`m betting that once the Mueller Report is released, and it shows there`s overwhelming evidence that he`s guilty of several felonies, including conspiring with Russia, he won`t have the stomach to fight impeachment and he will resign.