“After walking to the podium in the black face covering, Biden took it off and said, ‘Starting today, if you’re fully vaccinated and you’re outdoors, you need — and not in a big crowd — you no longer need to wear a mask.’
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) unveiled updated guidelines on Tuesday detailing activities that vaccinated people can safely resume, including attending small outdoor gatherings without the need to wear a mask.”
CBS News
Moments after the CDC announced the updated guidelines relaxing rules for wearing masks for fully vaccinated people, President Joe Biden wore a face mask to a sparsely attended, outdoor press event at the White House, although he removed the mask when he reached the podium.
The president’s photo-op was designed to trumpet the eased mask restrictions for people, such as himself, who are fully vaccinated.
The small gathering on the North Lawn was precisely the type of event where, according to the CDC, vaccinated people no longer need to wear a mask.
Talk about sending conflicting signals, the modeler-in-chief should have removed his damn mask before exiting the White House. By wearing the mask just for show, Biden undermined the guidance of the CDC and made a mockery of common sense.
For over a year I have practiced social distancing, avoided crowds and donned a mask whenever I entered a public building, but now that I’m fully vaccinated, I don’t wear a mask outdoors, and I wear one when I enter a public building only because it’s mandated in the state of Virginia, where I live.
About a third of adults in America are fully vaccinated and all the trends are pointing in the right direction, and we should no longer pretend like we are in the midst of a raging pandemic.
We need to incentivize the vaccine hesitant to get vaccinated by pointing out all the benefits of being vaccinated, and Biden’s theatrics of wearing a mask to a sparsely attended outdoor event isn’t helping one damn bit.