Former President Barack Obama’s dog Bo died Saturday after a battle with cancer. Obama and his wife Michelle shared the sad news on Instagram, where both expressed sorrow at the passing of the pooch the former president memorialized as a true friend and loyal companion.
I can empathize with the Obama’s grief; about three years ago my dog Mandy died from cancer shortly after I was diagnosed with cancer. But life goes on, I’m now in remission and I have adopted another pup from the animal shelter.
Everyone needs the companionship and loyalty of a true friend, whether it’s the president of the United States or yours truly, a humble blogger. Friends, family members and even your spouse will disappoint, judge and even betray you at your most vulnerable moment, but a doggie will always look at you as if you are the most important person in the world.
My thoughts and prayers are with the Obamas in their season of sorrow, but when their tears dry, I hope they will visit their local animal shelter where they are guaranteed to find a puppy in need of a forever home.