Melania Trump, the most famous trophy wife in American political history, may no longer see any financial benefit to staying married to her epic failure of a businessman husband who has loans close to half a billion dollars due in the next couple of years. I’m betting that she will soon go from the White House to Mar-a-Lago to her own New York penthouse.
It’s noteworthy that Melania posted two Valentine’s Day messages over the weekend, but neither mentioned her orange valentine, disgraced President Donald Trump.
The former first lady used both Twitter posts to highlight past visits to children in hospitals, including the Children’s Inn, “a place for seriously ill children, young adults, and their families seeking their last best hope for a cure.” A noble sentiment, but Valentine’s isn’t about sick children, world peace or finding a cure for cancer, it’s all about gushing over how much you love your significant partner.
Witness President Joe Biden’s mushy tweet to his beloved wife, Jill: a photo of the couple embracing with the cation: The love of my life and the life of my love. Happy Valentine’s Day, Jilly. Dr. Biden for her part erected giant hearts on the White House lawn expressing her love for her Valentine.
The electorate kicked Trump to the curb, he lost the popular vote by seven million votes, and the electoral college vote to Biden 306 to 232. Soon he will lose his gold-digger wife; I wouldn’t be surprised if Melania sent a mushy Valentine’s Day card to a bachelor billionaire.