Whiskey, wine, and cast-iron skillets get better with age, but vegetables and the human brain and the human body do not. If Joe Biden, God forbid, is reelected by the end of his second term he will resemble a vegetable more than a sentient human being. A horror flick starring Joe Biden and Dianne Feinstein as brain-eating zombies is guaranteed to scare the BeJesus out of anyone.
Already the 80-year-old Biden shows signs of severe mental decline; I doubt he has the cognitive ability to tell the nuclear red button from the remote control.
During presidential visits at home and abroad Jill Biden has to guide him as if he was a child or an octogenarian in his second childhood.
When Biden delivers a speech, I bet his aides and handlers hold their collective breath, waiting for him to slur or stumble over his words.
Even in his prime, decades ago, Biden was a gaffe-machine, now that he’s a senior citizen it’s unbearable to witness him struggling to deliver a coherent speech.
When speaking Biden has two modes: screaming and whispering. When he screams, he sounds like a cranky old grandpa scolding the neighborhood kids to get off his damn grass. When he whispers, he sounds like an old pervert telling an innocent little girl that he will give her candy if she lets him sniff her hair.
I am sick and tired of watching senile Biden embarrass himself, the Democratic Party and the nation. I want to hear only one more speech from Biden, the one where he pledges not to seek a second term.