“In his biweekly email to evangelical Christian pastors, David Lane, a political operative based in Texas and leader of the American Renewal Project, described former President Donald Trump as out of touch, driven by personal grievances and self-importance.
‘Unfortunately, the former president’s penchant for settling political scores and his compulsion to keep the spotlight upon himself have both become threadbare and trite,’ Lane’s email said.”
In is email to some 70,000 evangelicals, Lane praised Trump’s accomplishments to high heaven before describing the former president as out of touch, driven by personal grievances and self-importance. Lane also decried Trump’s “compulsion to keep the spotlight upon himself.”
Gee, Lane you think so?
Why Lane’s sudden epiphany that Trump is an egomaniacal monster rather than a messiah who will make America great again? Why are some evangelicals suddenly wondering how to quit Trump?
Is it because they finally read the Bible and realized that Trump’s policies, behavior and rhetoric are antithetical to the teachings of Jesus Christ? Is it because it finally dawned on them that Trump is a petty and vindictive sociopath that will destroy the GOP?
No! A few evangelicals have second thoughts about Trump only because the red wave failed to materialize and most of Trump’s hand-pick election deniers went down to a bitter defeat. It’s pragmatism not a realization that Trump is an evil Fuck that’s made them consider other options than Trump.
Most evangelicals will stick with Trump to the bitter end, only when Trump is defeated once again in 2024 will we see the end of Trump and Trumpism.