The better Americans know evangelical Christians, the less they like them, according to a recent study from the Pew Research Center. In the era of Trump white evangelicals have gravitated to the toxic gospel of their orange messiah, and we have become familiar with their racism, homophobia and misogyny. Indeed, they are the most hated religious sect in America.
In our diverse secular democracy, their brand of white Christian nationalism is anathema. Under Trump they long to make America great again, they’re on a mission from God to return our nation to the 1950’s when everyone knew their place: women in the kitchen and bedroom, Hispanics toiling in the fields, gays and lesbians in the closet and blacks slaving away in menial jobs.
In a technological scientific world, their world view gleaned from scripture written thousands of years ago is untenable. Climate change and evolution denying evangelicals are incompatible with a society where artificial intelligence, social media and post modernism rule the day.
In a religiously diverse society, their tribal faith that regards anyone who doesn’t subscribe to their Neanderthal beliefs as heretics and hell-bound sinners is toxic and divisive.
There is nothing wrong with admitting that you hate evangelicals, just as there is nothing wrong with admitting you hate Nazis and Muslim radicals. In fact if you love democracy, it’s only natural that you hate the group that is the biggest existential threat to our way of life.