At the now infamous North Carolina rally Donald Trump’s supporters echoed their messiah’s racist tweet by chanting “send her back” when he attacked Rep. Ilhan Omar. The lawmaker makes the perfect foil for Trump, she’s a progressive female Muslim woman of color.
Needless to say Trump didn’t channel John McCain by trying to silence the unpatriotic and racist chant. Instead he remained silent for 13 seconds, basking in the racism of his followers, before he continued speaking.
The controversial “send her back” crowd chant garnered all the headlines, but something else happened at the campaign event that’s been overlooked. As usual Trump sprinkled his speech with obscenities, now that’s not breaking news for we all know that a skunk is going to stink, a pig is going to wallow in mud and Trump is going to swear like a sailor on crack.
The hypocritical white evangelicals in the audience weren’t bothered by Trump’s swear words, they regard the vulgarities as part of his endearing charm. But this time Trump took the Lord’s name in vain, not once, but twice. Trump said “goddamn” twice, once when he quoted himself telling a businessman that he was going to be so goddam poor, if he didn’t support him, and the second time in reference to how hard America’s military was going to strike Iran, should their conflict escalate to a war.
Evangelicals go ballistic whenever a heathen takes the Lord’s name in vain, they see it as overwhelming evidence that they are in the presence of a demon-possessed individual. If a Trump supporter tried to win me over to his side, I could stop him dead in his tracks if I blurted: I will never support your Goddamn racist president. He would make the sign of the cross, and make a quick escape.
Trump’s sycophants don’t have any problems with his racism, vulgarity, greed, intolerance and vanity, and apparently they don’t have any issues with his taking the name of the Lord in vain either.
In fact, if Trump took a dump on the Bible in the middle of 5th Avenue he wouldn’t lose more than a handful of his white evangelical supporters. His base thinks he’s above the law, and therefore unimpeachable, and a Messiah, and therefore any obscenity he utters is a fragrant scent to Almighty God.
What a bunch of goddam reprobates!
July 2019 Archives Page Two