President Joe Biden finally started his presidential campaign with a big gun-control speech in Connecticut. Uncharacteristically, the gaffe prone octogenarian delivered his oration without uttering any embarrassing gaffe, until the very end when he gave a shoutout to the dead British monarch: “God save the queen, man.”
There is nothing unique or unusual about an 80-year-old man uttering a nonsensical statement, if a senile grandfather makes a short speech at the wedding of his granddaughter and congratulates her for getting hitched to an ambassador from Mars, nobody bats an eye.
But when a president who clearly has cognitive issues ends an important speech with the words “God save the queen, man”, it should terrify Americans and people around the world.
After all this isn’t a senile old man who is president of the Bingo club at his nursing home, Joe Biden is the president of the United States and the Leader of the Free World. This is the scatterbrained idiot with his finger on the nuclear button.
In 1986 when two assailants attacked Dan Rather, while repeating “Kenneth, what is the frequency”, it was fun to wonder why they referenced an R.E.M song while beating the hell out of a famous journalist.
But in 2023 nobody is jokingly wondering what Biden meant with his crazy town comment. Even diehard Democrats are wondering why this man who is suffering from dementia is running for reelection.