Joe Biden is a warmonger in the mold of a Dick Cheney or a Lindsey Graham. How else can you interpret last month’s announcement of the Australia, U.K and U.S military alliance in Asia? This coordinated military buildup in East Asia is unmistakably aimed at China.
China is inexorably on a march to becoming the world’s preeminent economic power, and Biden seeks to save face by trying to prevent them from also gaining military superiority.
Towards that end American troops are now stationed in Taiwan and training with the Taiwanese military. This is an inexcusable provocation, and Biden is risking war with a nuclear nation. China considers Taiwan its province, and won’t let this affront go unanswered. This American aggression will only ensure that the self-governing island will be reunited with the mainland, sooner rather than later.
I find it infuriating that our semi-senile 78-year-old president is leading us to a war where there will be no winners, only millions of losers. Why are progressives mute? Why don’t they speak out against Biden’s warmonger machinations?