In his daily coronavirus briefings, Donald Trump lumbers to the podium like a whale beaching itself. A dying whale’s stench may permeate a couple of miles, but Trump’s odorous rhetoric repels a nation hungry for a few words of concern, compassion and care from their commander-in-chief.
Even Trump’s critics tune into his daily briefings in hopes of learning how they can cope with the pandemic that has turned their lives upside down, but his briefings quickly degenerate into the ranting and ravings of a sick man who has a virus more virulent than COVID-19.
Trump’s sickness has shriveled his heart and withered his soul and he is incapable of offering words of healing and hope to a devastated nation. Instead of seeing a country of 330 million souls living in fear of the deadly virus, he sees only himself and he drones on and on how the press fails to praise him for his excellent job handling the crisis.
Trump’s paranoia, spiritual poverty, vanity and narcissism serves only to heighten our anxiety. Trump would be well-advised to let Mike Pence and the team of physicians and scientists take control of the daily briefings, but he is too self-centered and arrogant to yield his daily moment in the spotlight. So, on top of the affliction the virus has wreaked on our nation, we must endure Trump’s daily shit show.
God have mercy on our nation.