President Donald Trump’s has a snowball’s chance in hell of winning reelection. A televangelist has a better chance of making Trump’s tiny presidential pecker grow a couple of inches by placing his hands on it. A magician has a better chance of pulling an orange rabbit out of his fat ass. A hair stylist has a better chance turning Trump’s combover from hell into a normal looking hairdo. Jenny Craig has a better chance of convincing Trump to lose weight by exercising and eating healthy and balanced meals. A communications expert has a better chance of turning the functional illiterate into an orator. Pinocchio has a better chance of persuading the pathological liar that honesty matters. In other words, I would stake my life savings, indeed my life on my strong conviction that not only will Trump lose, but he will lose in a landslide.
With just five days to go, Trump is still down about nine points nationally, and more significantly he’s behind in almost all the swing states. Trump squandered his campaign war chest, and Biden is outspending him by a huge margin in the battleground states. The election is a referendum on Trump, and more specifically how he has handled the coronavirus. As the election quickly approaches the coronavirus is spiking throughout the nation, making any chances of Trump winning slim to none, and slim just left town. Almost 80 million people have already voted; Trump’s defeat is baked in the cake.