The coronavirus pandemic has exposed the cluelessness and fecklessness of Donald Trump. The American public doesn’t expect our president to be a rocket scientist or a brain surgeon, but they do expect him to have the humility and modicum of intelligence to defer to physicians and scientists during a pandemic. The president should serve as the comforter-in-charge by making frequent press conferences to demonstrate that he’s on top of the crisis, and the public doesn’t have to worry because he’s following the advice of his medical team.
Trump has utterly failed in his role as comforter-in chief and most Americans are scared to death with a racist buffoon in charge during a pandemic. Only his evangelical base is comforted by the contradictory statements and tweets emanating from the White House.
A con artist learns to speak the lexicon that appeals to his marks, and Trump is an expert speaking the language of evangelicals. During the beginning of the pandemic Trump insisted that the disease was contained and that it was not a threat. “It’s going to disappear”, he told the American public on February 28th. “One day it’s like a miracle, it will disappear.” These ignorant words were received gratefully by evangelicals who value faith over science and empirical facts.
Rational Americans know that the virus isn’t eradicated or slowed down by thoughts, prayers and miracles. Without practical measures to slow it down, covid-19 will continue to spread exponentially for months. The spread can be slowed down if we practice good hygiene, avoid public spaces and generally limit our movement.
This pandemic may last for many more months, it’s imperative that we kick the racist buffoon out of office in November. Joe Biden isn’t perfect by any means, but he isn’t a megalomaniac narcissist, and he can see us through this pandemic.