“This decrepit old grifter works maybe five hours a day. We traded in a work horse, for someone that belonged out to pasture or sent to a glue factory a long time ago. Nothing says we threw in the towel better than this nauseating image, ‘the commander-in-chief’ can’t even stay awake.”
This is a description of an image that purports to be President Joe Biden asleep at his desk in the Oval Office, it was posted on Facebook and other social media platforms.
Here is a link to the doctored image:
The photoshopped image was flagged as part of Facebook’s efforts to combat false news and misinformation on its News Feed. This image illustrates just how much work Facebook still needs to do to cleanse its platform from fake news, fake photos, and fake conspiracy theories.
Joe Biden has been working tirelessly since he assumed power to clean up the horseshit left behind by his lazy predecessor, and it would be understandable if he did take a nap in the Oval Office.
The description that accompanies the digitally manipulated image perfectly describes not Joe Biden, but Donald Trump. The disgraced president is a decrepit old grifter who worked maybe five hours a day on his scams when he wasn’t enjoying his executive time.
Joe Biden is the work horse and Trump is a one-trick pony who excels only in grifting. Biden’s work schedule is available online, and it chronicles how Biden is working day and night for the American people:
Speaking of nauseating images there are hundreds of nauseating photos of the morbidly obese Trump golfing when he should have been in the Oval Office managing the coronavirus pandemic and dealing with the economic collapse.
Let me end my essay by once again reminding my readers not to rely on social media for news and current events. Stick to reliable and legitimate news sources like CNN, the New York Times, and the Wall Street Journal.