In the midst of any presidential campaign truth flies out the window, and the candidates exaggerate their opponent’s weaknesses and inflate their own virtues. As election day draws nearer the candidates look like Pinocchio on steroids, and the commercials contain more lies and fantasies and less truth and facts.
Donald Trump is a pathological liar and he has spent the entirety of his presidency spouting outrageous lies and spreading wild conspiracy theories. Normal Americans are disgusted and horrified by his egregious lies and dangerous conspiracy theories, but his loyal base is inspired and energized by every lie and conspiracy theory that emanates from the sphincter-shaped mouth of their false messiah.
With the election less than two months away and Trump behind in the polls, he’s become even more unhinged and he’s relying even more on lies to energize his base and demonize his opponent. In recent days the stable genius has repeatedly warned about commercial flights to Washington filled with black-clad thugs intent on rioting, looting and shooting cops. In the last few weeks, the president has claimed Biden is controlled by “people that are in the shadows”, and that he’s fine with children being slaughtered. In an interview to be broadcast Saturday on Fox New he claims that the Democratic nominee is using performance-enhancing drugs to improve his mental acuity.
Trump’s base will have no problem believing that Biden is controlled by shadow people and that he takes steroids to improve his debating skills, after all these are the same lunatics who believe there’s a global cabal of Satan-worshipping pedophiles, including most of the Democratic leaders and most entertainers, who are determined to destroy his presidency.
These conspiracy theorists are not the majority of the electorate and Trump is destined to go down in flames on Nov 3, 2020. On Election Day Biden isn’t going to be surrounded by shadowy people and downing steroids, he’s going to be surrounded by his friends and family, drinking champagne and smiling beatifically.