“I give you my word as a Biden: If you make under $400,000 a year, I’ll never raise your taxes one cent.
But, I’m going to make those at the top start to pay their share in taxes.
It’s only fair.”
Joe Biden September 26, 2021 Tweet
This tweet is patently false, the world’s largest bureaucracy, aka the federal government, can’t survive without ever increasing taxes and inevitably every president feels compelled to raise taxes.
According to the nonpartisan Joint Committee on Taxation, every taxpayer in every income bracket will see a tax increase by 2023.
But today’s essay isn’t about Biden’s tax policies; I take issue with the first words of his tweet: I give you my word as a Biden.
I take every president’s words with a grain of salt, just like you can count on taxes going up every year, you can count on a politician lying as a matter of course.
I’m not comparing Joe Biden to Donald Trump, the short-fingered vulgarian took lying to an extreme level, unusual even in the realm of politics.
No president should preface his remarks with the words, “I give you my word,” that expression just serves as a warning that bullshit is about to ensue.
Biden would be well-advised never to utter the words, “I give you my word as a Biden”, It’s not as if the surname “Biden” is renowned for truth telling.
The only president who could attach his surname to a promise to be truthful was Honest Abe, every other politician is hardly Lincolnesque when it comes to telling the truth.
Biden is a hundredfold improvement over the lying peace of excrement Trump, but please Joe never preface a bold lie with the words, “I give you my word”.