“Joe Biden dug two big holes on Super Tuesday and each of them came with a name attached. Bernie Sanders and President Donald Trump are both staring into their political graves.”
Our racially, ethnically and religiously diverse democracy now is forced with choosing from three white old men as the next president. It could be argued that this trio of septuagenarians is staring into their graves in a literal sense, and the winner may not survive his term.
In this reality TV era when a racist and ignorant con man who in a normal world wouldn’t be elected dogcatcher is elected president of the United States it may seem like conventional political wisdom no longer applies.
But the 2020 presidential Democratic primary proved that some political realities are as immutable as the laws of physics, and the basic law of Democratic politics is that a presidential candidate can’t win without the enthusiastic support of African Americans.
The lack of support from black Democrats doomed the candidacies of Mayor Pete, Senator Amy Klobuchar, Senator Elizabeth Warren and even the campaigns of black Senators Cory Booker and Kamala Harris. You don’t have to be a political analyst or a soothsayer to predict that Sanders’ campaign is doomed because he’s been unable to make inroads in the black community.
On Super Tuesday Joe Biden, with the help of an army of black people, dug a hole big enough to contain the bloated corpse of Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders.
Trump feared Biden so much that he risked his presidency and ended up getting impeached over his campaign to bribe the president of Ukraine to investigate Joe Biden and his son Hunter.
Trump’s foolish gambit failed and it’s going to be Biden vs Trump in the general election, and I’m betting that normalcy and decency will prevail.