“A journalists’ union in South Sudan asserted Friday that six staffers with the national broadcaster are detained in connection with footage apparently showing the country’s president urinating on himself during an event.
The South Sudan Broadcasting Corporation footage aired in December and was widely shared online. It showed 71-year-old President Salva Kiir standing during the national anthem and then looking down at what appeared to be a spreading stain before the camera turned away.”
The Hill
The septuagenarian President Salva Kiir presides over a nation beset with rampant corruption, economic collapse and where the military routinely commits atrocities against journalists, foreign aid workers and anybody else who criticizes the government. It’s hardly surprising that journalists were arrested for broadcasting video of the president peeing on himself.
South Sudan is a third world hellhole, and nobody in the West bats an eye when journalists are arrested for having the temerity to do their job.
But how would American broadcasters be treated if they aired footage of 76-year-old Donald Trump or 80-year-old Joe Biden soiling themselves during a public event?
First let me say that I wouldn’t be surprised if Joe Biden who has a penchant for shaking hands with imaginary friends and who needs to be escorted off the stage after a speech urinated on himself in public.
And I wouldn’t be surprised if Donald Trump whose incoherent and inflammatory speeches can best be described as diarrhea of the mouth crapped or wet himself during one of his diatribes.
America is not a perfect country but free speech still prevails, and news outlets wouldn’t face any prosecution from the government for airing video of the president urinating on himself.
If Joe Biden wet himself during a public event, CNN, MSNBC and the rest of the mainstream media would demand that we make allowances for a senior citizen, and denounce as ageists anyone who dared mock him. Fox News, Newsmax and the rest of the conservative media would have a field day, mocking and ridiculing the octogenarian president and demanding that he immediately resign. Social media would be flooded with memes of Leaky Joe taking a whiz on Corn Pop.
If Donald Trump urinated on himself the mainstream media would marvel how such a tremendous flow of urine could emanate from such a tiny mushroom-shaped penis. Conservative media would claim that it was a conspiracy, that the godless liberals somehow managed to digitally alter video in real time to make it appear as though Trump lost control of his bladder. Social media would be flooded with memes of Trump pissing in public while shouting: I got your golden showers right here.
For the love of God let’s pray that 2024 won’t be a re-run of 2020, let’s avoid the likelihood of President Trump or President Biden pissing themselves in public.